MFP Runner's Club



  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey y'all!

    Today is Aug. 10 and summer finally came to Maryland. 97 degrees and who-knows-what % humidity. Since I didn't want to take chances on the asthma with a code red day, I sucked it up and took my 2 miles to the treadmill this evening. I hate it, but at least it's something. I really wish I could run before work in the mornings, but I just don't know about getting up even earlier and running in the dark. At least it's supposed to cool back down mid-week, and that's when I'm supposed to run again.

    Later kids! :flowerforyou:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good evening everyone!

    No running for me was too "juicy" out :happy: Hopefully I'll be able to get a good run in tomorrow.

    Take care everyone and Happy Running!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Hi's my first time to post here :) I am an aspiring runner, looking to enter a 5k in September. I tried to be a runner for so long, and now it's actually becoming a reality. I can run 2 miles now at 5.5 mph...just gotta make it up to that 3.1!

    I ran in the park today with my dog and it got really cloudy about midway windy...thought for sure it would pour all over me, but it waited until I got back home to start :happy: It was a good day in my running world!
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    If you want to be a weather geek, load Weatherbug on your pc. It is a cool, free application that shows all of the current weather stats in your area on your pc or other device. You can even look at an hourly forecast for your area. Or see how humid it is...:laugh: I got it at maybe 5 years ago. I LOVE it.

    Scheduled for a 6 mile tempo run tomorrow. Not sure if there will be any "tempo". Weatherbug is forecasting 79 degrees and 78% humidity bright and early.:brokenheart:

    Night everyone
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi's my first time to post here :) I am an aspiring runner, looking to enter a 5k in September. I tried to be a runner for so long, and now it's actually becoming a reality. I can run 2 miles now at 5.5 mph...just gotta make it up to that 3.1!

    I ran in the park today with my dog and it got really cloudy about midway windy...thought for sure it would pour all over me, but it waited until I got back home to start :happy: It was a good day in my running world!

    Welcome:flowerforyou: We're a friendly group. A great place for support to reach your goal. Congrats on your weight loss. You are doing great!:heart:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    6 mile tempo run this morning. To avoid killing myself in this heat and humidity, I did not check my pace during my run. I just warmed up for a mile, ran comfortably hard for 4 miles, and cooled down for a mile.

    Oh by the way, have any of you ever seen yourselves running? I saw myself in a building with reflective glass this morning.:laugh: I look nothing like I thought I looked running.:laugh:

    Enjoy the day
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    Have not been able to get myself out to run in such a long time. The humidity and heat is insane right now and my asthma can't do it. Can't afford a tredmill or membership right now so I'm stuck doing videos. They're fun don't get me wrong but I miss my running :cry:
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Did a hard 3 miles this morning. This humidity is a killer. My leg is acting up again so I am rethinking the 6 mile McGuire Mud Run. I may have my son take my place on the team to run for me. I wish this tendonitis would just go away! :grumble:

    Kechie, you are too funny. I have not seen myself run but I like to imagine I look very cool while doing it. :laugh:
  • jodi0117
    jodi0117 Posts: 57 Member
    Well, I give up. No running for me for a few days. I have been having some hip pain since last week. I took the weekend off and felt better on Monday morning so I ran--not a good idea! Anyway, I just keep reminding myself this is a lifestyle and it is okay if I take a few days off so that I don't end up taking a few months off!

    Becky, I feel your pain!! Really, I do!

    Kechie, I once ran in a hotel fitness room that had a mirror right in front of the treadmill. It was really kind of weird to just run and watch myself for an hour(no tv or other distractions). I believe my form improved that day!

    Enjoy the day!
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Speed intervals this morning, warm up / 4 x (4 minutes hard/ 3 minutes recovery) / cool down for 6.75 miles total. Supposed to do the speed intervals at race pace or faster but was about 10 seconds off the pace - too hot to maintain that pace
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Good morning -- and Happy Tuesday to you all!

    I just returned from Nags Head, NC -- and it was definitely *juicy*. Got up each morning -- was running by 6:30am -- and it was crazy hot and humid. Plus the vacation beverages probably didn't help! Still got in 6 miles each day. Looking into doing the OBX 1/2 in November.

    Sounds like everyone is dealing with the heat -- be safe and stay hydrated!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Well, I give up. No running for me for a few days. I have been having some hip pain since last week. I took the weekend off and felt better on Monday morning so I ran--not a good idea! Anyway, I just keep reminding myself this is a lifestyle and it is okay if I take a few days off so that I don't end up taking a few months off!

    Take your time, you only have one body.

    Basically I've slacked a little on the 10k program because of time. I'm running about 4 people through C25k and I don't have the time to set aside 2 hours to running... though I've been considering trying to get up earlier it just hasn't been working out.

    5K is in about a week and a half, and I have plantar fasciitis acting up in my right heel. Midway through our run yesterday I started getting a bad pain in my heel. I finished up the last 2 intervals and then tried to keep weight off of it. Still there this morning. I've been trying to roll golf-ball shaped items around the area because according to Runner's World it helps. Bleh.
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    . I've been trying to roll golf-ball shaped items around the area because according to Runner's World it helps. Bleh.

    Put the golf ball in the freezer and use after it has been in there for a few hours. This will help too.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Early 5 mile run for me, then Just Arms (Tony's One on One).

    Keep it up, runners! :bigsmile:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    2.75 for me this morning. My new goal is to run in the morning while the kids are getting ready for school, so far so good :laugh:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I'm sooo frustrated... I ran a half on saturday and I've been sick since then! I felt this same way after the marathon.. I don't get it... anyone else feel like this after races? I have like a flu with a fever and teerrrible headache. I really want to get training again but I can't right now!.. maybe its because I didn't run much at all before going out and doing the half, prolly not the best idea. Its just so frustrating :grumble: ...

    I hope everyone else is having good runs this week! :happy: ...

    ~Leash :heart:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Well, I give up. No running for me for a few days. I have been having some hip pain since last week. I took the weekend off and felt better on Monday morning so I ran--not a good idea! Anyway, I just keep reminding myself this is a lifestyle and it is okay if I take a few days off so that I don't end up taking a few months off!

    Becky, I feel your pain!! Really, I do!

    Kechie, I once ran in a hotel fitness room that had a mirror right in front of the treadmill. It was really kind of weird to just run and watch myself for an hour(no tv or other distractions). I believe my form improved that day!

    Enjoy the day!

    I ALWAYS pull the same muscle in my hip... do you cross train at all? This could really help. Now that I've been cycling I think its helped, I did re-injure it a little bit but I think that the biking will really make a difference to strengthen the opposing muscle groups. Good luck, don't get down :happy:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Woot! I just finished c25k week 4 (day 4 lol) without having to stop early on the 5 minute run. I'm going to give it another few days though, so I feel comfortable with it before moving on to week 5.

    I'm a bit concerned about what I may have done to my leg though, afterwards. I came home and showered (was SOOOOO necessary) then went back into town to drop off my son's forgotten drivers ed book. Then swung by the high school because we are going to be gone on our Disney cruise the days that the sophmores and freshman can get their school stuff. Evidently the kids will have to wait until the first day of school to get it now (why oh why can't they get it on the senior or junior day?). I also picked up an athletic pack for one of the boys. Looking at it as I left the school, I didn't notice the step, and came down hard on my left leg. Didn't fall, but since then, my shin area has been aching. Most of the time only an ache, but periodically when I'm walking I'll get a shooting pain. Have to go back into town for my son's viola lesson, but am thinking I will ice it when we get home.

    Tomorrow, I'll just go easy, and row at the Y during drivers ed...
  • jodi0117
    jodi0117 Posts: 57 Member
    I ALWAYS pull the same muscle in my hip... do you cross train at all? This could really help. Now that I've been cycling I think its helped, I did re-injure it a little bit but I think that the biking will really make a difference to strengthen the opposing muscle groups. Good luck, don't get down :happy:

    ~Leash :heart:

    My only cross training these days is hauling brush and loading cedar posts a couple of days a week. I don't imagine either of these is good for my problem either! Otherwise, I do some yoga once or twice a week and work my abs in addition. I guess I may need to pull out the bike again.

    I am not distraught (yet!), however, it is a pain having to watch my eating so close without all those extra running calories!

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Jodi and Sherry~ I'm so sorry you're joining me on the DL list! :frown:

    I am going to PT tomorrow for the hip and I'm going to mention my very mild and occasional shinsplints (at least mild and occasional this time)
    BUT, the back is better today! :bigsmile: I swear it felt like the chirporactor did one of those WWF pile drivers on me yesterday, but holy cow! It worked!

    I did run today...a VERY hot and juicy 9.3 miles. Quit sweating on the last mile....not good. The hip was moderately better, but I'm paying now. Spent the afternoon playing at the pool with all my workout buddies and their kids. So hard to believe summer is over. :sad: One of the ladies just finished summer school yesterday, the other goes back to teaching tomorrow so we only had 1 day to play together! :cry:

    The weather is supposed to be about 15 degrees cooler tomorrow! Going to wait and see what the PT says before running again.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
    (it's amazing the difference in my attitude after getting a run's like taking happy pills!)

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