MFP Runner's Club



  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    kelynn, this is what I am REALLY afraid of. I don't know whether to go ahead and get it checked out or rest and ice and see if it improves. when I walk, the pain almost feels like it is in the arch of my foot too. i am feeling really, really depressed today because of it. i have been so excited about the marathon training and the long runs and it has been going so well, I pray this isn't anything major.

    i'm also typically of the "better safe than sorry" mindset, but keep in mind you had a pretty brutal weekend. maybe that's not the right word, but 14m on 2 hrs sleep could have taken more out of you than you realized. not sure what your schedule looks like this week, but taking a day -- or even two -- completely off may not be a bad idea. let the foot really rest for a couple days, and then see what happens when you try to get back into it.
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Welcome new runners/posters. Happy running everyone. :flowerforyou:

    No run for me today. Did some exercises with friends in the park this morning. Although a little running was involved. Doing yoga later tonight.

    I am running tomorrow and plan on running with my group. It's gonna be 3 miles. Wish me luck. :ohwell:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    kelynn, this is what I am REALLY afraid of. I don't know whether to go ahead and get it checked out or rest and ice and see if it improves. when I walk, the pain almost feels like it is in the arch of my foot too. i am feeling really, really depressed today because of it. i have been so excited about the marathon training and the long runs and it has been going so well, I pray this isn't anything major.

    I guess I'm the motherly type, but I say go get it checked out- you have nothing to loose, and then it will put your mind at ease one way or another- either it's nothing :bigsmile: or you know what it is, and where to go from there. My boyfriend rested and iced it, and it got better kind of off and on. It never got much better permanently. So, finally, after all my nagging :blushing: he went to the doctor and he just gave him a prescription for an anti-inflammatory to reduce the swelling. It seems like *maybe* it's getting a little better, but it's SUCH a slow process :ohwell:

    To make matters worse, he broke the tibula and fibula in the other foot just over a year ago- full cast, couldn't drive or work for almost 6 months :grumble: I drove through rush hour traffic 4 days a week, 50 minutes each way to take him to physical therapy after I got out of school (I was teaching at the time), so I sat at the PT office and graded math homework, then drove him home, did his laundry, cleaned his house, cooked, etc. (we didn't live together at the time). Anyhow, needless to say, when this first happened I had HORRIBLE flashbacks to all of that, and just say *oh please don't let it be broken!* and thanks goodness it's not. It still stinks, but life goes on.

    Anyhow, Willywonka, I'll get off my soapbox now :laugh: . I hope you're feeling better- give yourself tons of rest and keep us updated. I'm thinking of ya! :flowerforyou:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hey Kechie -- or anyone who's run a 1/2 marathon...

    I'm in training week 9 of 13 (woohoo a rest week) -- but was looking ahead to the long run one week before the race and it;s a 13 mile run! Are they crazy -- or will I be seeing some tremendous improvement in the next few weeks. After my long run it takes a couple days to be back on track 100%. Just curious!

    Hi Julie - I took a look at my training log from last year. I trained using a 16 week program. Keep in mind, my goal was just to finish... I ran 8 miles for my last long run the week before the race. However, 3 weeks before the race I ran the course, 13.1 miles. I highly recommend running or driving the course before the race.

    Here is how my long runs looked over 16 weeks:
    8 5 8 10 10 5 10 10 11 5 12 10 10 13 12 8 Race 13
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Well, I felt really good after running the 14 miles on Saturday. Yesterday morning a friend asked me to do a recovery run with her so I did 6 miles (shouldn't have done that many I know!) and now my ankle/heel is hurting something fierce. A pain almost shoots through my calf muscle at times, other times just feels a little numb? PLEASE don't let this be anything major. I am terrified of hurting myself, I'm trying to train reasonably and I iced it last night. Does anyone have any suggestions? It does not appear swollen, just really uncomfortable even when walking.

    I just cross trained on the elliptical this morning and even that was somewhat painful. :grumble:

    Keep us posted:flowerforyou:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    My first post to this thread. I'm trying to become a real runner. Right now, I'm doing Couch to 5k, and am about half way through. I can do the two 10-min at 5mph so far. But finding it a bit hard to move beyond this.

    Welcome "real" runner:flowerforyou:

    Fyi, I did couch to 5k a couple of years ago. It took me 4 months to finish the 2 month program. I am currently training for my second half marathon. If I can do it, you can do it!
  • RecliningFigure
    RecliningFigure Posts: 214 Member
    4 months huh? Thanks, that does make me feel better. So two years to get to a half marathon. Sounds good to me.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    4 months huh? Thanks, that does make me feel better. So two years to get to a half marathon. Sounds good to me.

    18 months... I started couch to 5k in April 2007 and ran the half marathon the first time in November 2008. That is just me though. Running is so mental for me. Once I stuck with it and built up my confidence, I surprised myself over time. Hang in there.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Welcome to all the new runners...glad you found us and decided to join in!

    After a few days off, thanks to life happening while I tried to make plans, I had an awesome 2+ miles today. I usually run at the park, but didn't feel like driving over so I ran a hilly loop in our neighborhood. We live up on the top of the hill, so I started there and followed the road around and down for the first 1.5 or so then came back up for the last mile. This was the third time I have tried this since April...and for the first time, I was able to run the entire time and made it all the way back to the top of the hill! So proud of myself. :bigsmile: It was tough, but a lot easier than it was the first time. Think I am going to start running that for all of my easy days until it is actually easy!

    Happy Running! :flowerforyou:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hey Kechie -- or anyone who's run a 1/2 marathon...

    I'm in training week 9 of 13 (woohoo a rest week) -- but was looking ahead to the long run one week before the race and it;s a 13 mile run! Are they crazy -- or will I be seeing some tremendous improvement in the next few weeks. After my long run it takes a couple days to be back on track 100%. Just curious!
    13 miles the weekend before the race seems like a lot to me if you don't regularly run that distance. I usually limit my long run the weekend before the race to 9-10 miles. (But then I usually have done 15 miles two or three times the weekends prior to my 'taper'). You already know you can do the distance. I'd concentrate on a good quality shorter run and rest for your race.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    kelynn, this is what I am REALLY afraid of. I don't know whether to go ahead and get it checked out or rest and ice and see if it improves. when I walk, the pain almost feels like it is in the arch of my foot too. i am feeling really, really depressed today because of it. i have been so excited about the marathon training and the long runs and it has been going so well, I pray this isn't anything major.

    Ouch! I agree with everyone else...getting it looked at never hurts, but definitely take a few days off. Hope it feels better soon and isn't anything serious!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Did 3 miles today at race pace--took a minute of my 5K time I did in June. Mentally I want to be going so much faster but not really doing any work to get faster:ohwell:

    Julie-If you know that it will hurt you to run the 13 miles-dont do it. You already know that you can run the distance. Let yourself be rested and then kick *kitten* at the race! For Team in Training they have it as 12 miles 2 weeks before the race and then 8 miles the weekend before the race. Could you do that? Thats more feasible! Good luck!!

    Congrats on your improved time!

    And, yes...we should so run a marathon! I am assuming that you are in south central or eastern PA if you're doing the Philly Half...I am just south of Baltimore. There has to be something in between. :wink:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Welcome aolson, we have several marathoners here to help. Yes, it is tiring but it is SOOO worth it. Hang in there. Is it a fun one you are doing? Just curious.

    Jenny, what's up? More pain in more places, that really stinks. So sorry to hear that. IF you see a doc, make sure you ask for a major EXTENDED WARRANTY to ensure everything works until after the marathon..... wouldn't that be great :wink: :wink: I would not wait too long before getting it checked out. I'll add you to the prayer list again.

    And to all the newbies, Kechie is the real deal and a great role model to follow. I am totally impressed with her commitment, compassion, and consistency. She's the best!!
  • Emmyleww
    Emmyleww Posts: 278
    And to all the newbies, Kechie is the real deal and a great role model to follow. I am totally impressed with her commitment, compassion, and consistency. She's the best!!

    I haven't been part of this long but I believe it! She's so helpful and knowledgable and encouraging. Thanks, Kechie!

    I will be running my usual 3 miles today after work. My running partner is on vacation for the next 2 weeks so it will be a challenge to get my butt out there. I want to do it. Unfortunately I'm pretty good about making any excuse to avoid it even though I feel great afterwards. I have to do it plus it's also a good time for me to try some of those tempo runs while she's gone. I should have a few under my belt before she gets back and I'll look like I know what I'm talking about when I try to convince her to do them with me.:wink:
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    Sadly I did not run last night but instead I got my bike out and went for a nice ride in my new neighborhood after doing my shred video. Hopefully I can get a run in tonight. Might be a lil late though so hopefully I can drag someone along with me. :smile:

    Happy Running!!!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello runners!!! Got in a good 5 mile run this morning! Started raining as soon as I got home, just in time! :bigsmile: It was very humid too!

    Then did some of Plyo Cardio circuit from the Insanity series. These are awesome workouts... I am feeling the power from the jumping and can see how it will make me faster. :bigsmile:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    Brutal 5 mile speed workout for me this morning, 95% humidity. I have made peace with poopy times for the rest of the month. My goal is to just get my workouts done.:drinker:

    Today's goal:
    1 slow mile to warm up
    Run 800 meters(0.5 miles) in 4:05 (4:34:ohwell: ,5:23:frown: ,4:29:ohwell: ,4:48:grumble: )
    w/ 400 meter jogs between
    Repeat 4 times
    1 slow mile to cool down

    Enjoy the day

    Oh by the way, Jenny let us know how you're feeling today:flowerforyou:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    And to all the newbies, Kechie is the real deal and a great role model to follow. I am totally impressed with her commitment, compassion, and consistency. She's the best!!

    :smooched: Right back at you Rainman! It is always a pleasure to see you here.
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Tuesday to you all!

    got in 6 easy miles today.

    Thanks for all the replies regarding my long run before the race. I'm in week 9 of 13 -- and this weeks is an easy week (6 mile long run) -- then it's 12, 13, 13 -- then the race. I think I will shorten the last long run. I have been doing longer than the training suggests. Just LOVE the long run. So I'll probably do 6, 15, 15, 10 -- then the race. Just want to be really ready come race day!!!

    Emmyleww -- get out there! Get your speedwork in and your running partner will probably be asking you to slow down when she returns!!!

    Jenny -- hope your foot is feeling better.

    Sherry -- how did the 3 miles go???? Hopefully pain free!!!

    Have a great day!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Did 3 miles today at race pace--took a minute of my 5K time I did in June. Mentally I want to be going so much faster but not really doing any work to get faster:ohwell:

    Julie-If you know that it will hurt you to run the 13 miles-dont do it. You already know that you can run the distance. Let yourself be rested and then kick *kitten* at the race! For Team in Training they have it as 12 miles 2 weeks before the race and then 8 miles the weekend before the race. Could you do that? Thats more feasible! Good luck!!

    Congrats on your improved time!

    And, yes...we should so run a marathon! I am assuming that you are in south central or eastern PA if you're doing the Philly Half...I am just south of Baltimore. There has to be something in between. :wink:

    Let me know which one you choose! I'm in VA and would LOVE to run a full marathon. I'm thinking about the Outer Banks in November -- or the Shamrock in Va. Beach in March. (that one is sponsored by Yuengling beer! happy day!) Still trying to convince my running buddy to join me. I told her I would get 26.2 tattooed on my rear end if she did it and she said Okay -- now I need to decide if I'm really willing to do that:huh: