People who weigh themselves daily



  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    I think the issue may be the weekly cheat meal. A cheat meal should be less frequent to spike the metabolism and honestly give you a break from the routine. Each week seems slightly excessive and it appears you are not doing what needs to be done on the weekends.

    I weigh daily as well and realize there will be fluctuations but don't let them affect me to point of becoming crazed. Its like the stock market. Ride it out for good results.
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    i weigh myself everyday, and often throughout the day. i like to see how the weight fluctuates, and it gives me incentives to eat right, and exercise if i'm 'up a pound or two' throughout the day...

    instead of taking it as a negative, i always look at it as a positive.

    especially after poops.... i love poops. <3
  • healthychx
    healthychx Posts: 8 Member
    I've had this happen so many times. When you are trying to lose all you want to see is the same weight or a loss. In any case, I do weigh myself everyday, generally right before going into the shower. It stays about the same at that time of day. I weigh every day because it keeps me honest with myself. For example, I wasn't surprised at my weight loss group meeting when I didn't lose anything this week.

    As for the 'cheat meal', I think that's a fiction. It's just a meal and the calories need to be counted. I am trying to use the zig zag method so that if I have two days with pretty real hunger pangs they'll be alleviated on the third day when I'm allowed to consume more calories. That feels like a 'cheat' day to me and I'm so grateful to be fed!
  • luv2scrapbook
    very true!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I weigh daily but record weekly on the same day. I keep track weekly in a spread sheet to view my fluctuation. I'm mostly doing this because I want to see if I have ever truly broken a plateau and when I get out of it.
  • luv2scrapbook
    I love the idea of "saving up calories" :happy:
  • VanessaMFaulkner
    I love the idea of "saving up calories" :happy:
    Kind of like rollover minutes ;) I guess different things work for different ppl. I don't save mine up...I say bye o
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Fluctuations are normal and they're nothing to worry about IF the general trend is down. But if I'm understanding the OP, that's not the case. Changing her weigh-in day would result in a steady loss of zero. Maybe I misunderstood? But it looks like she's saying she gains 5 pounds over the weekend, and that's all she loses during the week.

    I normally record my weight on Friday. Sometimes I will be down .2 of a pound but sometimes I am down 1.6 pounds come Friday morning and sometimes nothing at all ( No change today :grumble: ) I have lost 17 pounds in 90 days so far so I am seeing a change. And it is a cheat meal not a cheat weekend I just take the number on the scale to personal I guess. I do not make a note of my weight everyday though so I think I am going to try this and look back in a month ortwo and see if I notice a pattern. Thank you so much for all your input!

    If you've really lost 17 pounds in 3 months, then you're losing over 5 pounds per month. You have nothing AT ALL to complain about. That's fantastic! :flowerforyou:
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Okay, I was at the same point FOR A YEAR. Here's the 'magic' fix that finally let me conquer those 5lbs gained/lost and actually lose real weight and keep it off, even having fun on the weekends.

    1. Log. Everything. Be honest. If in doubt, over-estimate. This means weekends and extravagant meals on the weekends, too.

    2. Log everything you DRINK. Vodka, beer, sips of soda. Everything. It does add up.

    3. Create a deficit, or "padding" if you will. The way my week goes is very structured and it's easy for me to meet calorie goals, and even have leftovers most days, especially when I exercise. So if I save up some calories through the week, having my extra freedom on the weekend will not hurt as bad. The Android mobile app has a way of seeing your weekly calories on a chart... that's what you need to pay attention to.

    4. You can weigh every day, but make your official weigh-in day on Wednesday. Do not log your weight on Monday, as you will most likely be up. That gives you all day Monday and all day Tuesday to work off whatever extra you got from the weekend.

    5. Celebrate, because every week, as long as you're honest, you should lose weight.*

    *Unless you've compensated with muscle, in which case, check measurements.

    Once I bumped my head and finally figured this out, I lost 20lbs. My ticker only says 10, but I had gained weight by not giving A F over Christmas, only to turn around and lose it and then some.

    Hold yourself accountable, and you will see results. I did. I can fit into my skinny jeans now that I had been glaring at for over 9 months.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    I've found monthly works best. I always lose at least 7-10 LBS and I don't have to worry about a crappy week. (I travel a lot on business and often have a calorie surplus when I do).
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    I weigh daily. If I only weighed at intervals, I would have no idea where I was in the weight fluctuation cycles on the days when I weigh in. I weigh first thing in the morning. I record a new low here whenever I get one. I track the rest on a notepad and mark the highs in each cycle. The cycle in between the lows are varying numbers of days. I think there are a lot of factors affecting weight: water retention or not, how much you sweat, constipation or loose bowels, how much salt you consume, the weight of the food you eat, and who knows what all else. Over time, my lows keep slowly getting lower and my highs keep slowly getting lower too. As long as I can keep the trend going in the right direction, I'm happy.
  • christineandgeno
    I weight myself every day and only record it if it drops lower than my previous entry. I see another poster does this as well. I find that my weight goes up and down all the time. The day of ST.Patricks I went out and drank so I knew the next day my weight would go up. A few days later I noticed I actually lost a pound.
  • shine_
    shine_ Posts: 150 Member
    I weigh myself every day sometimes, especially if I want to see how a particular food/meal has affected my body. If I eat something I normally don't I'm curious sort of thing... I never end up weighing myself every single day of the week though, but I might do it like 4 days in a row here and there. I used to be really bad with handling the ups and downs but I'm getting better now because even though I'm up half a pound here and there in the week that half a pound and more drops off a few days later, and I keep having to buy smaller and smaller clothes, so I know I'm getting smaller.
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    So look for trends. Say if you graphed your weight everyday and then after a week drew a straight line that represented the "dots" on your graph the best. This will allow you to see the trend.
    Say you weigh 143 one day, 141 the next, 142 the next, 144 the next, and then back to 141. Most likely your weight is "about" 141 and the rest of the weights are fluctuations in water weight.
    Many people (myself included) can gain/lose 3 lbs a day of water weight. If you think about it..your weight is you without the water! If you held a balloon full of water you wouldn't "count" that, would you?
    So if you weigh yourself daily, log it on MFP they have a little graph program so you can spot week to week how you are "trending".
    Good luck and don't stress!
  • btanton27
    btanton27 Posts: 186 Member
    I weigh myself 2x weekly - I feel this makes me more accountable than just 1x week, but I don't obsess as much as if I was doing it daily.

    i do this too!
  • CharliSue
    CharliSue Posts: 81
    I weigh myself just about every day unless I know I ate something I shouldn't have & dont want to know if I have gone up. I will take a few days to get myself back on track.

    and I always weigh just a tad more the week before girl time.
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    I weigh myself at least once a day, sometimes even several times a day. However, I only log and compare the number every week or two, not everyday. I don't really really see it as an obsession, I'm just the curious type who likes to see trends and understand the many ways my body reacts to certain things, how much water weight can I "gain" in a day, what a difference a workout makes, etc...
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    I don't handle it. I can't tolerate the dissappointments from daily weigh-ins. If I've had a weight loss I like the buzz I get from weighing in once a week. If it drives you crazy, don't do it I say!
  • Ticktockman
    I'm a super nerd, so I put my daily weight measurement into a spreadsheet. Then I have a line chart showing my weight over time. What's good about this is that every day it will vary quite a bit from the previous day. But I can look at the trend over time and see that it's going down. It helps me focus on the big picture, and not each individual measurement.
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    i weigh in everyday, i have a chart on my fridge - well a graph and a plot an X as to the kg im at. i circle TOM and not if im weighing in super early say 4 30 because i have work twice a week at 6 and leave at 5 to get there. i then join up the lines and can see the rise and fall in weight. and because its visual the fluctuations are not actually as bad as it is in your head.