I miss the way I used to eat....And I feel worse now then I



  • Karalopolous
    I understand, bc I am an emotional eater as well. However, think of this (it might not help, but I'm taking a shot) do you ever just go out and buy things without checking if you can afford them or researching online for the best price? Also, do you make sure you have time to do things and make your schedule work around other things like work, sleep, etc? Those things are probably easier because you have been doing them longer. It can be stressful to have to log or check first but you do the same sort of thing in your everyday life in other areas. DOn't knw if that makes sense :/
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    It sounds like a bit of depression to me too. I struggle with it. I agree that the weight loss has probably uncovered deeper things, self medicating with alcohol, food, drugs...it's all the same. Once the medicine is gone the symptoms return. Adding junk back in won't help. Is it possible that you traded over-eating for under-eating? Over quit working, under has now quit working too. Go back to over and that will quit working again too. Do a little research on depression, if you think it's something that might be affecting you a trip to your doctor can help. If money is an issue check out online support groups, they're wonderful and full of people who understand and can help you find your center and path to becoming whole. I hope all the best for you.
  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    I'm not surprised. You've been stuck in "diet" mode and now that you are out of it (having reached your goal) you don't have the discipline to eat in moderation. The all or nothing mentality is what drags so many people down I think. It still drags me down, but that's one of the main things I'm trying to change this go around.

    You probably feel like crap partially b/c you've deprived yourself of a lot nutrients in the past 3 months.

    May I ask if you are eating at maintenance? For you it should (I think) be over 2000 calories, more like 2400
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    OP....Reading what you have posted on here, it seems you have some deeply rooted issues that go beyond what anyone on a forum can help you with. IMO you might want to seek professional help so maybe you can better understand why you have such negative issues towards your appearance.
  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    And I work out outrageously already. I wake up every morning and run for 30-40 minutes, do an an workout, then work on my arms. That's how I lost all this weight. I just...I'm stuck

    Yes you almost definitely need more food. I don't know for sure b/c I don't know what you eat. But you did say 4 oz of fish and a salad??????? I'd go crazy eating that and even I'm not eating as much as I probably should right now.
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    I just lost 59 pounds in three months and I get it.

    I am not craving anything yet, but I am sure I will be soon.

    My savior is still eating big meals. I love to overeat - lots and lots of food in one sitting.

    So now I will do something like a huge bag of spinach a cup of steamed lentils, a vinagarette dressing and dried cranberries. It's HUGE and like 400 calories.

    So try eating a big meal every few days but make it something that is really healthy. SOmetimes I think you just got to eat because it feels good to stuff yourself.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    Weight loss is not a cure for whats deeply rooted on the inside, but its a start. Just think you've accomplished a weight goal you can concor anything. I've been depressed before and I know first hand what its like. I suggest journaling, and talking a trusted friend or adult. Someone that will not seek to hurt, but tell you the truth out of love. And someone that will guide you in the right direction. You can friend or message me if you like to
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    I agree with everyone who is saying that you need - and deserve - more support than you can get in a forum like this. It's tough to work through Depression without help, especially when you've worked so hard to make such big changes and still feel empty. Give yourself the gift of seeing a professional who can walk you through what will make a real personal difference on the inside and then the outside will get into better balance too. You sound like a guy with a lot of determination that can work for you as you tackle the Depression. I'm cheering for you! :smile:
  • RazorTazor
    Thanks for all the feedback guys and girls. I think what I'm gonna do is take a week off of MFP and just try out something new. Eat what I want ONLY when I know I'm hungry and still excercise and see how much I gain. Sound like a good idea? Feel free to friend me if you wanna follow my story.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Sounds reasonable, and if you start putting on too much you can always pick back up again. Also try to think about healthier choices without anally-retentively tracking every calorie -- i.e. choose water over soda to go with your pizza sometimes, or if you do get soda have a can instead of chugging out of a 2-liter , etc. (the above are just examples)
  • katrinaloveslunar
    I lost 75 lbs in 3 months (many years ago). I was scared to eat my favourite foods because I knew I'd fall back into old habits. And when I did eat some, they didn't taste the same or give me the same "high" as they used to. However, I know for me, it's the increase in exercise that really helps my weight (not that a proper diet doesn't add to it as well).

    You seemed to have your self image confused with your size. You are you, no matter what weight you're at. It sounds to me like you're trying to be happy. You thought losing weight would make you happy, and it didn't. So maybe try something else. Happiness comes from the inside out, not the outside in. There's something good in you that makes you happy, but sometimes it's really hard to find. For some people, it's jogging. For others it's volunteering. For me, it's working with kids. It can be tough to find that happiness, but it is worth the arduous, sometimes painful, journey. Keep trying! (And the journey is always better when you're living a healthy lifestyle :o) You're worth all the hard work!
  • RazorTazor
    I completely cut out all sodas from my diet. I only drink water.
  • WinWinGo
    WinWinGo Posts: 99 Member
    Not sure what to tell you, OP. However, I do agree with everyone who said you might want to seek help for depression. That's up to you, if it seems like it would help.
    You said something about your body reacting poorly to junk food. Is that in any amount, or just if you binge on it? I don't know how much you're eating, but maybe you need to up your calorie intake. Also, if you cut a food group out of your diet (carbs, fat, etc.), that might be messing with you. I also agree with whoever said to try consuming more healthy fats. Your brain needs those.
    And this is going to sound crazy, but maybe you need some more sugar in your diet? I went off sugar once, for about a week. I was fine during, didn't really notice any changes, but afterwards it seems my body tried to get back at me for not consuming any. And I don't know about you, but trying to stick to mfp's calorie guidelines made me kinda batty. I had to make sure I exercised enough, just so I could have the calories to eat back. When I didn't get 500 extra to eat back, I was in THE worst mood. I've gone days without food,(but not without sugary drinks) and not been that pissed off.

    So... try to make sure you're eating enough. If you can manage some junk food, eat it. I'm serious. Just don't binge. If you do binge, don't beat yourself up about it. Just go for a loooooong walk. Not burn the food off, but to help it settle. Sitting still after a binge has always just made me feel indigested and gross for an extended period of time. And that made me feel fat, which made me feel guilty, etc.

    And good job on losing the weight!
  • RazorTazor
    I always go over my sugar limit as to what MFP tells me. So that in turn makes me feel as though I should stop eating for the day.
  • Imthempres
    Imthempres Posts: 24 Member
    You seem like a really nice guy. I want to say give yourself a break-you are so young and it can be a confusing time as it is, let alone dealing with a new image.
    I agree, calculating everything I eat seems to take the joy out of eating. However, our eating habits got off course and now we are using this as a tool to get back in balance. Journaling is another tool. Hopefully, we get to the point where we can eat sensibly and find other interests that make us happy. Happiness is not a constant. Find small things to be grateful for and build on that. For example, you are young and have so much to look forward to accomplishing. Volunteering might be an option or join a meetup group with a common interest like running, etc.
    I wish you the best.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback guys and girls. I think what I'm gonna do is take a week off of MFP and just try out something new. Eat what I want ONLY when I know I'm hungry and still excercise and see how much I gain. Sound like a good idea? Feel free to friend me if you wanna follow my story.

    Yes please try that. you won't gain on the amounts you'll probably eat since you're going to stick to healthy food. Fuel your body. Fuel your runs.
  • sazroy
    sazroy Posts: 262 Member
    I munged out on 600cals worth of chocolate last night.. I wont deny myself my chocolate.. but then I burnt 600cals on the exercise bike.

    Eat your lollies! Just if you down a whole packet, read the amount of calories were in that then work it off!

    **Added note
    You'll learn with time, with this method, the lollies/chocolate wasn't worth the amount of effort to work it off. If you induldge, but work it off everytime, you'll soon associate bad foods with hard work lol
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Razor - I've quickly scanned your profile and some of the comments.

    I agree as others have noticed that you have lost heaps of weight in a short period of time.

    I also notice how young you are - 19 years old!

    Seriously dude, you need to EAT. I am not talking junk food but healthy, nutritious, wholesome food.

    You are at the perfect age (if you are in good health otherwise) to start some serious strength training. Your goal is to grow some serious muscles and (by including other exercise) keep up your fitness too.

    At your age, you can easily become a lean, mean burning machine. Plenty of muscle requires plenty of fuel. That includes wholesome hamburgers, steak, chicken, eggs, anything you desire. If you have a look at a serious bodybuilder's diet (assuming they are not in a "cutting" phase) they even include plenty of carbs to fuel their workouts - I'm talking heaps and heaps of food to grow.

    So you should not really have to miss food at all.

    PS - Disclaimer - I'm a dude in the mid 40s who was lean in his 20s but through inactivity put on a great deal of weight in his 30s and early 40s, its only now that I am seriously getting back into it and have grown to absolutely love strength training (and exercise in general). I do understand what it means to MISS food but I reckon things are very different in your circumstances as a young 19 year old man.
  • jkdarby
    jkdarby Posts: 53 Member
    Three months is not much time to make a "lifestyle" change. Sure, it's a good start, but I'm sure it's not complete habit for you yet. Once you have started maintaining, you should get to the point where you don't have to "count" calories. You should know your limits, what you can eat each day and not gain weight. Now, if you start eating pizza, fried foods, and sweets every single day, you will not only deprive yourself of nutrition, but you will just pack it all back on.

    I have only lost 18 pounds so far. I have been doing this off and on for over a year (I fell off the wagon for about 7 months). When I first started, I would pre-log everything to make sure I would never go over my calories. I felt like I could not eat anything until I knew exactly how many calories were in that food. Now, I am starting to get to the point where I can log at the end of the day (even when eating new food) and still be within my goal.
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    If you're not happy with other areas of your life, focus on other areas of your life. Read a little about feng shui and intentions or try out a site like MindBloom.com where you grow a virtual tree by logging actions, each branch representing a different area of life--make that your daily obsession instead. You can still come back to MFP and meet all your goals, but recognizing that you're unhappy and you want to do something to change is responsible and remarkable and means you'll more likely be successful.