For the 500,000 time EATING MORE WORKS



  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    how do I calculate the amount of calories I need having TDEE and BMR? - use the Military Bodyfat and then the BMR/Cal Calculators :)

    Congratulations OP :D


    I did this and it says some crazy number like 2000 cals for me, I would gain weight for sure on that many cals!
  • Hello :) I am new to the sight. I have in the past tried to eat less thinking Id lose more. After taking a class on how to boost your metabolism, and being told to eat more. (5-6 small meals a day) I am starting that plan today. My RMR is 1763. So they recommended 1809 kcal/day. No more, No less!
    I am encouraged to see it working for you!
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    So I think it is funny that I know to eat more cals and found out I wasn't. I pulled a food report and the more I looked at it the more I was like what is this? How come when I subtract my exercise from my in take I am under 1200 cals. I even set it to 1200 to make sure this did not happen. But for some reason it didn't click in my head that the consumed cals was not the number I should be looking at to make sure I ate at least 1200 it was the allotted cals which is higher.
    SO this past week I have been sick and not exercising too much and my net cals were higher than what I was normally eating. Well quess what no surprise I lost 2lbs. Which is what i have my goal set at. DUH!:huh:
  • lmd172
    lmd172 Posts: 172
    i'm in the "eat more" camp - now! i was stubborn and refused to listen...tried it a couple of weeks ago (eating more) and it is working for me!

    well done OP...
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    I lost 50 pounds last year eating 1200 and under. I did it in 4 months and it was nice to have success.. and also impossible to hold on to! I was so hungry and I could never deviate but for maybe once a month from the strictest diet or this wouldn't work.

    It is interesting now however, I am getting back on track with my diet and using 1450 calories instead. I was surprised to see I am losing here too. I suppose that after dieting on so little before I didn't really feel like I was dieting unless I was on the verge of hunger all the time. There was a weakness to my body that I thought I was supposed to have when losing weight but I have had no weakness now and I have lost 5 pounds in the past 5 days (water weight I know but it's still nice).

    This is my way to tell you I agree lol
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    ok, but I don't understand it, the reason most of us are here is because we ate high how is eating high calories supposed to make us lose? I am 5ft 51/2 and at my highest 174 now at 146 and want to be at 135.........I cannot seem to lose that last 10 lbs! I am at 1200 cal/day but I work out 4 days a week and burn anywhere from 400-800 each time. I am scared as all hell to increase cals, ive worked so hard to just get here ya know?

    it's not about eating higher than your maintenance, it's about eating higher than your BMR, but still under TDEE.

    For some people it's a matter of deducting 15-20% from their TDEE, others simply eat at the maintenence calories of their goal weight, so they won't have to alter their lifestyles when they reach goal.

    Lot's of good info in podcast form on this site -
  • maddiedog22
    maddiedog22 Posts: 116
    I gained 4 lbs in 3 weeks I went up to 1400 cal and it didn't work, although my lifestyle is sedentary and my bmr is only 1290 cuz of height and weight that is wat I'm goin to stick with.
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    ok, but I don't understand it, the reason most of us are here is because we ate high how is eating high calories supposed to make us lose? I am 5ft 51/2 and at my highest 174 now at 146 and want to be at 135.........I cannot seem to lose that last 10 lbs! I am at 1200 cal/day but I work out 4 days a week and burn anywhere from 400-800 each time. I am scared as all hell to increase cals, ive worked so hard to just get here ya know?

    I choose to think it's not about reducing the number of calories you eat. i.e., just eating less of the same things that led to being overweight, it's about changing your eating habits - making actual lifestyle changes. I personally have moved to a low sodium diet which has eliminated a lot of prepackage and preprocessed foods (because they're high in sodium). The foods I'm eating now tend by fresh, whole and natural - meaning the quality of the calories I'm eating is vastly improved. I'm receiving far more nutrients to nourish my body eating a mixed salad with grilled chicken and avocado slices then if I ate a big mac. Probably around the same calories, but a big, big difference in how it replenishes my body.
  • See how I wink at you ;)
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    how do I calculate the amount of calories I need having TDEE and BMR? - use the Military Bodyfat and then the BMR/Cal Calculators :)

    Congratulations OP :D


    I did this and it says some crazy number like 2000 cals for me, I would gain weight for sure on that many cals!

    2000 is not abnormal for TDEE once your fit and active as far as I understand. However, I believe the trick is to slowly increase your calories by 100-200 over a week or so and watch the scales... If your still losing, increase it a bit more until your weight is stable.

    I'm surw there are others who can either back me up here or correct me!
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    good job everyone :)
  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I gained 4 lbs in 3 weeks I went up to 1400 cal and it didn't work, although my lifestyle is sedentary and my bmr is only 1290 cuz of height and weight that is wat I'm goin to stick with.

    I'm not saying this works for everyone
    and it won't
    but I see a lot of "I lost 20lbs than nothing threads"
    and for a lot fo people in that situation which is the same as mine increasing calories worked so thats what I tried
    this isn't for everyone for sure
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    I never understood why people say they feel like they are starving on 1200 calories. I feel completely satisfied, eat every 2 hours, and always stay within my calorie range. PLUS, I've lost 68 pounds doing this for 5 months. I guess this just goes to show you that really everyone is different!
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I never understood why people say they feel like they are starving on 1200 calories. I feel completely satisfied, eat every 2 hours, and always stay within my calorie range. PLUS, I've lost 68 pounds doing this for 5 months. I guess this just goes to show you that really everyone is different!

    Everyone is different for sure!
    For you feeling full at 1200 cals means you can maintain that for the rest of your life
    for me it would mean being hungry and miserable for the rest fo mine lol
  • simplebeauty
    simplebeauty Posts: 22 Member
    For those that are "doubting" the eating's not HOW much you's WHAT you eat to reach those calorie goals!!

    It means add another cup or two of veggies, or increase your protein by 100 cals....NOT by adding MORE of a different item to what you are already eating.

    Think of your body as a car with a gas you are "driving" your metabolism gauge goes to "low gas" and needs to be refueled every 2 to 3 hrs (any longer then that will trigger poor food choices because your blood sugar levels will be off whack) ...good snack choices are low fat cheese slice with apple slices, almonds(12 to 15) and an orange, or the best are pistachios because you can have close to 50 of them I think., yogurt with real fruit (not the yogurt with the fruit in it...they tend to have additional sugar), veggies and a low cal dressing, sweet potato....the list goes on...

    If your car ran out of gas, you wouldn't choose the first liquid you see to put in it and expect it to run properly would you? head to the gas station because you know it's what makes it run properly....the same needs to go for our bodies

    Schedule your eating times so that they aren't when you are hungry...I have found that in doing that it prevents me from making poor eating I keep my snacks handy..apples and oranges are out on the counter in pretty almonds are pre-measured so I don't take too much...
    I obviously can go on and just drives me bonkers when I read on here that people can't hit the 1200 cal....I would love to see your food menus then!! I bet they have pizza slices, chips and crackers on about putting fish, salad, yogurt, almonds, fruit...on it instead...REAL FOOD HAS REAL CALORIES.
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    I have also noticed that those who lose all of their weight on 1200 typically have a lot of trouble adjusting to maintenance calories and not gaining weight back. Just a general observation.

    The slower you lose the weight, the longer you keep it off.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    how do I calculate the amount of calories I need having TDEE and BMR? - use the Military Bodyfat and then the BMR/Cal Calculators :)

    Congratulations OP :D


    I did this and it says some crazy number like 2000 cals for me, I would gain weight for sure on that many cals!

    Further down the page is what you should eat according to your activity level - if you think your 2000 is high, when I'm working out as I did to start with; 6 days a week, 2 or 3 times a day, I need in excess of 4000! Yes, most of the people here to lose weight are here because they ate too many calories, but the older you are the more time you've had to put on that weight slowly with a small surplus. For people like me, it was a case of eating the WRONG foods, not too much food - a lot of my light 'snacks' were very high calorie and I didn't realise it.
    I never understood why people say they feel like they are starving on 1200 calories. I feel completely satisfied, eat every 2 hours, and always stay within my calorie range. PLUS, I've lost 68 pounds doing this for 5 months. I guess this just goes to show you that really everyone is different!
    At your age, that is very low unless you are <5' and sedentary, as far as I can tell. Not feeling hunger AT ALL is a symptom of a suppressed metabolism.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    Ok I just don't buy it....everyone in this thread who had 'success' with upping their calories has less than a few pounds or weeks worth of proof. No long-term people (on this particular thread) are saying it worked for them...long term as in 20 pounds or over a few months. I have tried stuck after losing 40 pounds on 1200 calls a day for 4 tried 1450 for 2 whole months...lost 3 pounds in three days and not a half pound a month since then. I am actually back on here looking for motivation to kick back to the 1200 calls which worked for me....until a huge plateau. Which now I am wishing I had just worked through at the 1200. Ugh

    So nope...doesn't work for everyone...give it may work for way less people than you think.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    I never understood why people say they feel like they are starving on 1200 calories. I feel completely satisfied, eat every 2 hours, and always stay within my calorie range. PLUS, I've lost 68 pounds doing this for 5 months. I guess this just goes to show you that really everyone is different!

    I agree...

    It's the kinds of foods they eat....seriously on the days I am good and stick to veggies and fruits, I am too full to finish my 1200...on a day where I eat French fries or something sugary...I'm starving all day. Lol