For the 500,000 time EATING MORE WORKS



  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    WHY ....does everyone keep commenting that I'm trying to RAM MY WAYS down their throats??
    If you don't believe that eating more helps u lose weight then don't comment leave this thread and continue with your own diet.... I am in no way a nutritionist or a health professional in any way
    I was making a general thread stating MY succes in eating more calories if you are doing fine eating 1200 cals a day then that is totally ok keep doing it
    I am just trying to provide a little support for those people out there struggling to lose and maintain their weight at 1200 cals NOT the people who have already achieved success with a lower cals
    stop trying to make me seem like I'm an all-knowing high-horsed individual...cuz I'm not
  • cammm87
    cammm87 Posts: 6 Member
    If the TDEE include the fact that you are exercising for example 3-5 times/week, then the calories burned from exercise is already include in the TDEE.. For example my TDEE is 2300 and I want a 500 cal. deficit/day so I have to eat 1800 cal. But like I said if the TDEE include the calories burned from exercise I Should not eat back my calories burned from exercise..?
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    now im confused.... the website says my bmr is 1529 and for my activity level (sedentary) it recommends 1931 calories.

    but i just upped my calories on mfp to 1700 from 1420. so how many calories should I be eating?

    sorry for being repetitive I just dont understand which one to follow

    Your BMR is 1529 and your TDEE is 1931, so 1700 is what you should be eating. Don't eat below your BMR or above you TDEE and you should be fine.
  • Mskraizy
    Mskraizy Posts: 138 Member

    Your BMR is 1529 and your TDEE is 1931, so 1700 is what you should be eating. Don't eat below your BMR or above you TDEE and you should be fine.

    It wasn't directed towards me but I think I get it now. Thank you.
  • foxggren
    foxggren Posts: 33 Member
    This was my problem for so long. I wasn't eating enough.. Now I'm focusing on eating more and reaching my calorie goal and I already lost 2lbs.
  • marbly
    marbly Posts: 103

    Your BMR is 1529 and your TDEE is 1931, so 1700 is what you should be eating. Don't eat below your BMR or above you TDEE and you should be fine.

    It wasn't directed towards me but I think I get it now. Thank you.

    Actually, taking this as an example, F2F Radio already calculates the 20% deficit for you from your TDEE. This means that if you eat at 1931 (assuming that this is the number shown on the site itself and you did not change the number), you would still lose weight.
  • Devin182
    Devin182 Posts: 63 Member
    oh ok - thanks for clarifying it
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member

    Your BMR is 1529 and your TDEE is 1931, so 1700 is what you should be eating. Don't eat below your BMR or above you TDEE and you should be fine.

    It wasn't directed towards me but I think I get it now. Thank you.

    Ah! Should've double checked if 1931 was her TDEE or the deficit.:blushing:

    Actually, taking this as an example, F2F Radio already calculates the 20% deficit for you from your TDEE. This means that if you eat at 1931 (assuming that this is the number shown on the site itself and you did not change the number), you would still lose weight.
  • Mskraizy
    Mskraizy Posts: 138 Member

    Your BMR is 1529 and your TDEE is 1931, so 1700 is what you should be eating. Don't eat below your BMR or above you TDEE and you should be fine.

    It wasn't directed towards me but I think I get it now. Thank you.

    Actually, taking this as an example, F2F Radio already calculates the 20% deficit for you from your TDEE. This means that if you eat at 1931 (assuming that this is the number shown on the site itself and you did not change the number), you would still lose weight.

    It already calculates it? Okay, my mfp intake is 1630. My BMR rate said it was 1722. Soooo, am I already at a steady eating pace? Out of my intakes, I average about 1400 what I'm wondering is do I need to actually up mine to 1722. That's all I've been asking.
  • Devin182
    Devin182 Posts: 63 Member
    soo is 1700 ok? or is it to low?
  • Okay...I'm no where near the 1200 cals per day net as I still have a lot to lose, but I see a lot of confusion here about how much to eat, etc. I input my numbers into MFP for my goals and allowing for a one lb per week weight loss and then I follow what Mfp says in how many calories I have left to eat. If I don't exercise on a day then I eat my normal daily calories. If I do exercise, I will eat at least half of the calories back. This, I believe, is the right way to lose weight. Slow and steady...just my two cents. Good luck to everyone.
  • Mskraizy
    Mskraizy Posts: 138 Member
    soo is 1700 ok? or is it to low?

    From what I sorta understand, 1700 is good for you just don't eat under your BMR which I assum is the 1531 and don't eat over your TDEE which I will take is 1931.

    I'm still a bit fogged up about it. I don't know if I need to up my calories from what I'm seeing. I guess I'll just stick to my 1630 that MFP gave me since my BMR is 1722. I'm only 100 cals away from it. I just wanted to try it out since people are saying they're losing 2 and 3 lbs a week by doing so, whatever. I do lose a steady 1 lb a week so perhaps I won't need this anymore. I just need to abide by the quality of my calories and I should be able to remain full and still lose weight healthily. I was only wondering about this since I'm looking into strength training, but maybe I should just stay where I am...
  • Travelfixer
    Travelfixer Posts: 137 Member
    I did the same thing, increased my calories and in 3 days lost 1.5 lbs, my weigh in day is Monday so I'm hoping I lose a little more. I also did my numbers and I cant believe all these people still keep eating so little. They dont realize what they are doing to their bodies. It's very frustrating but I guess they can't understand or just want to lose weight and don't kno the are losing weight but not fat!
  • marbly
    marbly Posts: 103

    Your BMR is 1529 and your TDEE is 1931, so 1700 is what you should be eating. Don't eat below your BMR or above you TDEE and you should be fine.

    It wasn't directed towards me but I think I get it now. Thank you.

    Actually, taking this as an example, F2F Radio already calculates the 20% deficit for you from your TDEE. This means that if you eat at 1931 (assuming that this is the number shown on the site itself and you did not change the number), you would still lose weight.

    It already calculates it? Okay, my mfp intake is 1630. My BMR rate said it was 1722. Soooo, am I already at a steady eating pace? Out of my intakes, I average about 1400 what I'm wondering is do I need to actually up mine to 1722. That's all I've been asking.

    If I were you, I would up your NET cal intake to above your BMR, meaning that I would eat at a minimum 1730 (to round up) NET (ie, taking into account exercise calories).
  • marbly
    marbly Posts: 103
    soo is 1700 ok? or is it to low?

    From what I sorta understand, 1700 is good for you just don't eat under your BMR which I assum is the 1531 and don't eat over your TDEE which I will take is 1931.

    I'm still a bit fogged up about it. I don't know if I need to up my calories from what I'm seeing. I guess I'll just stick to my 1630 that MFP gave me since my BMR is 1722. I'm only 100 cals away from it. I just wanted to try it out since people are saying they're losing 2 and 3 lbs a week by doing so, whatever. I do lose a steady 1 lb a week so perhaps I won't need this anymore. I just need to abide by the quality of my calories and I should be able to remain full and still lose weight healthily. I was only wondering about this since I'm looking into strength training, but maybe I should just stay where I am...

    That's right. As long as you eat above your BMR in NET calorie intake, you should be fine.

    Bear in mind that all these numbers are just averages. YOUR own BMR may be higher or lower depending on your body composition and your internal processes, so you may find that you need to play around with the numbers a bit to get to your goal.

    The point about upping calories is (not only that it is not healthy to have a VLCD), you can hopefully increase your body's metabolism such that you have a higher BMR in the long term and have the ability to EAT MORE in the long term.

    Well, that's me anyway because I love eating, heh, heh!!
  • Mskraizy
    Mskraizy Posts: 138 Member

    Your BMR is 1529 and your TDEE is 1931, so 1700 is what you should be eating. Don't eat below your BMR or above you TDEE and you should be fine.

    It wasn't directed towards me but I think I get it now. Thank you.

    Actually, taking this as an example, F2F Radio already calculates the 20% deficit for you from your TDEE. This means that if you eat at 1931 (assuming that this is the number shown on the site itself and you did not change the number), you would still lose weight.

    It already calculates it? Okay, my mfp intake is 1630. My BMR rate said it was 1722. Soooo, am I already at a steady eating pace? Out of my intakes, I average about 1400 what I'm wondering is do I need to actually up mine to 1722. That's all I've been asking.

    If I were you, I would up your NET cal intake to above your BMR, meaning that I would eat at a minimum 1730 (to round up) NET (ie, taking into account exercise calories).

    THANK YOU!!!! Your help is much appreciated and now I know how I should be eating. I'll also be trying to enhance the quality of my calories as well because I know that is just as important! =D

    eta: I really do appreciate all of your insight Marbly!
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    For those who have success by increasing calories, do you notice any difference in your energy levels, physical activity, motivation to do activities, etc. or is the only thing that changes is additional weight loss?

    First a disclaimer about my profile pic so no one credits my opinion with the body displayed. Thats my inspiration pic I have it there to identify with every day. I am 43, 5 5" and 80 pounds over weight (started on MFP with 100 pounds to lose 70 days ago.)

    To the above quoted poster -

    Amount of energy has really increased and I feel fairly level and generally happy mood wise. I have spent the last two years gradually recovering from a chronic fatique episode and just doing the basics use to be hard. Now I get restless if I havent had enough activity in my day. (Student means alot of desk time).

    Reply in general to the thread -

    I started on 1200 because I wanted to lose the most weight possible and I only went up from that because I started getting gallbladder symptons.

    Increased to 1400 to try and ease my gallabladder attacks and that worked but my weight loss stalled. So I was stuck I couldn't go down and I thought well my weight loss stopped at 1400 so if I go up I may gain weight.

    I started to read up and discovered a few groups on MFP that believed you should lose weight on smaller deficits for sucessful healthy long term weightloss.

    So after reading all this on the forums and getting my hand held by numerous people here I upped my calories to 1600...and nothing happened. :(

    The same 1 kilo kept going up and down.

    I found some more courage and upped it to 1800 and I lost 3.3 pounds that week. I have moved it up to between 1900 -2100 and it took two and a half weeks of nothing happening and then another loss of about 3 pounds.

    Its early days yet but I cetainly havent gained, I have lost and once my appetite increased to match the calories I was eating my energy levels started to really rise. (I was one of those who wasn't hungry when eating 1200)

    Thats what everyone is talking about when they say eat more to weigh less. Don't have a really big calorie deficit over 1000 like many chose to do when they set 1200 as their goal. You are still eating less than your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) but you are ensuring that your long term health and metabolism doesnt suffer, by at the very least, ensuring that the calories that you eat each day cover your Basic metabolic rate (BMR).

    The below diagram is awesome and I am so stealing it! :)

    For those who aren't sure about what BMR and TDEE means and what yours would be I recommend taking the effort to find out its very important to know not just for your weight loss but after when you are trying to maintain your goal weight.

  • Travelfixer
    Travelfixer Posts: 137 Member
    I know there are a million and one topics out there about this
    But I feel there needs to be one more confirmation for those ppl struggling at 1200 calories and not losing
    Here is my story of how increasing calories worked

    I've been on this site 100 days and lost maybe 4 pounds in the first 40 days while struggling to only eat 1200 calories
    after that nothing.....for 60 days I just stayed the same
    1 week ago I took advice from another thread and found out my BMR and TDEE measurements and increased my calories to 1500
    and this week lost 1.5 pounds....

    So for those of you who "Can't stay under 1200 cals" it's really not necessary
    Just thought I would share my success
    Works for YOU. Congratulations on YOUR success. Not everyone is the same. You can jump off that high horse now :tongue:

    I don't think she's on her high horse! I think she's just stating facts! If people actually did research on the subject of losing weight and getting fit maybe they could learn something! Everyones body works the same way in the fact that we have to eat our BMR (thats what we need if we didn't do anything but just stayed in bed all day) to keep our body going and when we eat these low calories, yes were losing weight but it's from muscle and were not losing FAT.
  • mtcHavingItAll
    mtcHavingItAll Posts: 69 Member
    Bump. Great information!
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    BMR = 1228
    TDEE = 1474

    I'm currently on a 1200 cal plan. I only have about 5 more pounds to lose. And I still have that dang muffin top which I'm trying to exercise away. Progress is painfully slow.

    The link recommended states:

    "As you get closer to your goal weight, your weight loss will start to slow down. It is OK to eat a few hundred calories less per day (200-300) to speed up your weight loss at this point."

    That would put me right back to 1200 (or less) which is what I'm already doing.

    Any comments or suggestions?