Exhausted, not losing



  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    If you are truly always exhausted, you may want to visit your physician. You may have a thyroid condition or something else... Being big girls that automatically sets us up for thyroid conditions, and if your thyroid is out of whack, your body doesn't function well period. Also... Big girls with thyroid issues have a really high incidence of insulin resistance. I have both of these and getting my thyroid under control was a huge help! I feel so much better and have tons of energy!!!
    This too! Another infamous culprit for big girls is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, it can mess with your periods, cause hair loss on your head, body hair growth, mood swings, difficulty losing weight, insulin resistance and causes people with it to have a 50% higher likelyhood of diabetes and heart disease.
  • SusanleeBee
    SusanleeBee Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks guys! I'm usually not really skippu g the meals, so much as recording them based on what time I eat. I'm a mortician-ini know it,s been less than a month, it just seems faster last time. , so my schedule is pretty schitzophrenic. Lol.

    As for the processed foods, I am working on cutting back. This past week was a bit of a fluke with all the fast food!

    I use MFP'S exercise calculator, but I know it runs high, so i don't typically eat back all of my exercise calories.

    I'll keep on track and give it more time.

    Your input has been really helpful!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I think everyone is a liar. More energy after a workout my *kitten*. When I'm done working out, I'm spent. I think people who say that don't workout hard like I do.

    So, I'm with you on that point.
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    I think first thing you need to do is change your food choices.

    I don't see any lean meats, veggies, whole grains and healthy fats.

    I'm in agreement with the other posters about possibly over training, and seeing a physician if you still are not able too lose any more weight.

    Good luck.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I think everyone is a liar. More energy after a workout my *kitten*. When I'm done working out, I'm spent. I think people who say that don't workout hard like I do.

    So, I'm with you on that point.

    ^^^^I'm with you^^^^totally spent after a workout
  • VanessaMFaulkner
    Take a B complex. One wasn't enough for me...I take 1 in morning & again after lunch...I feel sooo much better. Carbs aren't always the answer, IMO. Every person is different...some are highly sensitive to carbs & just a little can make a person gain or lose...same with sugar, starches & fats.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I think everyone is a liar. More energy after a workout my *kitten*. When I'm done working out, I'm spent. I think people who say that don't workout hard like I do.

    So, I'm with you on that point.

    ^^^I'm with you on this. I'm useless for hours after I work out^^^
  • rufus1973
    rufus1973 Posts: 13
    Bump - thanks for these tips - will help me too
  • l3long
    l3long Posts: 153 Member
    sugar makes me tired ... and it makes me crave more sugar ... which makes me more tired .... and on and on it goes :-P
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Maybe more balanced food choices would help. And definitely don't skip meals.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    I think everyone is a liar. More energy after a workout my *kitten*. When I'm done working out, I'm spent. I think people who say that don't workout hard like I do.

    So, I'm with you on that point.

    ^^^I'm with you on this. I'm useless for hours after I work out^^^

    I'm glad to hear this... I'm always tired after working out, and I thought it was age...
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I think everyone is a liar. More energy after a workout my *kitten*. When I'm done working out, I'm spent. I think people who say that don't workout hard like I do.

    So, I'm with you on that point.

    Haha, I agree with this...to a point...of course right after my workouts I feel like I am drained of all energy, but now, more than a year into my weight loss I can honestly say I have more energy and can actually go for days at a time without really feeling exhausted.
  • SusanleeBee
    SusanleeBee Posts: 144 Member
    I think everyone is a liar. More energy after a workout my *kitten*. When I'm done working out, I'm spent. I think people who say that don't workout hard like I do.

    So, I'm with you on that point.

    ^^^I'm with you on this. I'm useless for hours after I work out^^^

    I actually feel energetic and satisfied (also sweaty and tired) right after I workout, it's a few hours later that I usually crash.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    I think everyone is a liar. More energy after a workout my *kitten*. When I'm done working out, I'm spent. I think people who say that don't workout hard like I do.

    So, I'm with you on that point.

    ^^^I'm with you on this. I'm useless for hours after I work out^^^

    Me three. Or is it four? Bah, math is hard for girls.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I enjoy your profile pic, it's fun.

    On that note, a quick fix is to go to the doctor and tell him you're feeling more tired then usual. Usually it's a B, D or iron deficiency. You shouldn't overdose on these things either. It can cause a lot of the same symptoms. But if you know what's in the foods you eat you can probably take a good guess on what your diet is missing.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    It's isn't just the quantity of the fuel (food) you put in your body... it is the quality.

    You are demanding more from your body... it needs the proper nutrients to do it.

    Have you heard of eating clean? You might give it a try.