Dear God, I have no patience for weight loss!



  • rorae
    rorae Posts: 34 Member
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    I have lost 26 lbs and barely into a lower size. And I mean barely, one pair fits, my other four or five don't. You didn't gain all your weight overnight you are not going to lose overnight. You are losing weight at a good rate now. You will have down times, I am in one now but I know that it will get better and my weight loss will kick up again especially when I kick my butt a little bit harder. Patience
  • cvpis4me
    cvpis4me Posts: 50
    I average .5 a week and that isn't every week just an average over the months I have been on here. Sometimes the scale doesn't shift for several weeks and then I bump down another pound or two. The point is it is going down, I have made a spreadsheet showing my progress and that visual aid really helps to see the downward trend. I am so pleased with my progress even if it is slow.

    Don't get discouraged, look at the people on here who have lost huge amounts of weight. They started just like you did and pound by pound they lost. They never gave up they just kept plugging away and that is what you have to do.

    Good luck with your journey :flowerforyou:

    I wish MFP had a visual chart like you described. I think that would really help in terms of putting things into perspective. Like I remember my starting weight but I don't remember what my starting measurements were. I know that I've lost an inch or two but I can't recall how much. It would be nice to visualize that over time
  • puggypatti
    Keep the faith...your loss is faster then mine, and I am a distance cyclist putting in over 90 miles alone on my road bike last week. I marvel at how the biggest losers can lose so much weight during a season. My only option is to continue no matter how slow or give up and watch my weight climb back up. I should be pencil thin for all I do but I am far from it. Like so many have is better then gaining the weight.:wink:
  • E1rlindsay
    E1rlindsay Posts: 32 Member
    I wish MFP had a visual chart like you described. I think that would really help in terms of putting things into perspective. Like I remember my starting weight but I don't remember what my starting measurements were. I know that I've lost an inch or two but I can't recall how much. It would be nice to visualize that over time

    If you go to "Tools" up at the top, you can look at these types of charts! You can look at weight, measurements and even nutrition!
    Also, i peeked at your diary, and i think you'd totally benefit from eating MORE food. I was also stalling out on dropping pounds when i was only getting 1200-1400 calories a day, so i upped it to 1600, or more, if it's a workout day...then the weight started coming off much much easier. I noticed that on a lot of days you eat a lot of higher-caloried processed foods in the morning, and then are somewhat punishing yourself by eating a very small meager meal in the evening. Try and spread those out a little, and bulk up your calories with some added fresh fruit and veggies :)
  • weathergirl320
    Keep the faith...your loss is faster then mine, and I am a distance cyclist putting in over 90 miles alone on my road bike last week. I marvel at how the biggest losers can lose so much weight during a season. My only option is to continue no matter how slow or give up and watch my weight climb back up. I should be pencil thin for all I do but I am far from it. Like so many have is better then gaining the weight.:wink:

    omg ur puppy is soooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to the op try switching up your diet. i love pugs!!!!!!!!!!1
  • E1rlindsay
    E1rlindsay Posts: 32 Member
    Oops, the reports are under "reports" not "tools, lol...
  • alt1268
    alt1268 Posts: 159 Member
    I have to agree with the sodium intake. Way to high. I also noted in your diary there is no vegatables. (at least the past 5 days) Try eating a green vegetable twice a day and if your going to eat bread limit it to once a day. (bread is a starch which turns to sugar). Definetley increase your protein. (lean meats, chicken, pork) Turkey should be limited also it slows the digestion process.

    These are all suggestions on a healthier way of living.
  • KJWanzek
    KJWanzek Posts: 13 Member
    It's frustrating .... but there are other positives about eating healthy... Just feeling better over all more energy ect. But I know I am ready to release the REAL me out of this fat so much and SHOP in sizes smaller. I am 16 / sometimes 18 pants but XL shirts. It;s like my top has melted and my *kitten* is growing... and it is already my largest part! Keep up I would be more than happy to motivate each other. SMILE K
  • NuttyNina1154
    NuttyNina1154 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm with you there, cannot seem to budge about ANY of it... :(
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    Most people who lack patience end up back where they started. So be patient. this is a lifestyle change and wt doesn't fly off over night...just be happy its going in the right direction and take your measurements they will keep you sane when the scale stands still. Also take pictures..lots of progress pictures so you can see the difference.
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    I'll admit to not reading the whole thread, but just shy of 1-1/2 lb per week seems to me to be pretty effing good.

    The trick is to NOT think of it as "being on a diet" or anything with a finite ending point. The trick is to change the way you approach food and exercise, to make a long-term, sustainable change in your life. Get to the point where you don't have to think about it so much, and you won't even notice how long it takes.

    Keep it up!
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    I'm pushing 400 days on MFP and have lost 37#. I feel like it has been really slow, but...I'm losing and I'm learning. i've had 3 really big set backs, the last being my 4th hip surgery in 5 years..last week. but, i've learned a lot, and I am keepin' on. Bread is a huge issue for me..if I eat too much of it...i gain, even tho I'm below my calorie goals. Everyone is different. Sodium is also a weight trigger for me.
    Have patience..learn things..sign in every day! It's worth it. I've made so many great friends here. Couldn't do it without them.
  • msmileyface
    msmileyface Posts: 76 Member
    Try to challenge yourself to eat more fruits and veggies. I do better when I am vigilant about that. If water bores ya, try brewing some flavored tea or green tea and have it as unsweetened iced tea.
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    I average .5 a week and that isn't every week just an average over the months I have been on here. Sometimes the scale doesn't shift for several weeks and then I bump down another pound or two. The point is it is going down, I have made a spreadsheet showing my progress and that visual aid really helps to see the downward trend. I am so pleased with my progress even if it is slow.

    Don't get discouraged, look at the people on here who have lost huge amounts of weight. They started just like you did and pound by pound they lost. They never gave up they just kept plugging away and that is what you have to do.

    Good luck with your journey :flowerforyou:

    I wish MFP had a visual chart like you described. I think that would really help in terms of putting things into perspective. Like I remember my starting weight but I don't remember what my starting measurements were. I know that I've lost an inch or two but I can't recall how much. It would be nice to visualize that over time

    I keep everything in an Excel spreadsheet, along with a graph of my daily weight and a graph of my 10-day average weight. I also log my measurements and when I see a loss I total up the inches. It really helps keep me motivated.
  • odinalove1
    odinalove1 Posts: 11 Member
    this is such an old post, but i have no patience too...i have decided to stick a 30 day calender on the wall and come back and measure after then. I literally cannot be patient to save my life
  • TiffieLand
    TiffieLand Posts: 159
    I have the same problem. I absolutely have no patience. I can't help wanting it to be over as quickly as possible because I have so much in plans for when I am skinny. LOL I'm doing better so far though. I'm on my longest streak EVER. I probably would have been done if I knew to it this way when I was at lower weight. I have a tip, I don't know if it helps but I say it anyway. Just think of it as a daily task as eating and go to work. Just do it as something that needed every time that you can not do. It's necessary and part of life. It is absolutely required. Habit is scary yet useful in this case. It will becomes something you do as a habit. I now log my foods everytime I eat and everyday the same workout time ( around an hour).
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    You are either eating too many calories to lose weight fast, or, you are at a very low weight in which case you cannot lose but so fast.
  • crystalblair2355
    crystalblair2355 Posts: 63 Member
    You should probably try to aim for some non-scale victories (NSV).

    ^^^^^ THIS!!

    SLOW loss is still loss!! BETTER for it to come off slowly than for it to come off too fast!! i know its hard and frustrating BUT we have to learn patience!! i find myself getting frustrated often too but then i look at my before/after photos and it gets my level again!!
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I disagree with people saying it comes off as fast as you put it on. Not if you were a dedicated eater it doesn't. Not even close.

    But I think the suggestion of some non-scale victories is a great idea. And breaking your scale goals into short-term chunks is good as well. When you have no patience, this really helps. And I know from experience.