Females doing Heavy Weight Training

Hi everyone!

My name's Laura,
I'm currently 158lb and 5'7" my goal is to be in the 130's. At the moment my fat % is around 23.5%

I've come across quite a few success stories on here that claim it was heavy weight training that has given them their success. I've read a particular story that seemed to fit my situation very well, and I thought that maybe heavy weights is what I need to be doing to get rid of that extra layer of fat.

I've asked a few male friends what they do at the gym to get an idea and told them that I wanted to start lifting heavy... the amount of ignorance out there! You wouldn't believe it! "Why do you want to lift heavy?" "Just tone" "What! You want to be a body builder?" It was frustrating, so now I turn to you, MFP folk and hope for a more informed response :-)

I've started heavy weight training just last week, and I guess what confuses me, or what I'd like to know is:

1. What is your heavy weight routine?
2. Do you do cardio with training or only on off days or both or neither.
3. What kind of weight did you start off with and how often do you increase the weight?
4. Did you up your calories?
5. Did you use any protein supplements?
6. How long did it take you before you started seeing results?

I just want to know if I'm on the right track as I don't hear of many women doing heavy weights.

My routine is as follows:
1. Squats with 20kg (44lb) barbell 3 sets of 7
2. Machine leg press 100kg (220lb) 3 sets of 7
3. Lat pull downs 40kg (88lb) 3 sets of 6-7
4. Lunges with 7kg (15lb) dumbells 3 sets of 10
5. Military arm raises 20kg (44lb) 3 sets of 7
6. Bicep curls 10 kg (22lb) 3 sets 6
7. Abs (what ever I feel like doing on the day)
8. Bench press 10 kg (22lb)
9. Tricep kick backs 7kg (15lb) while in plank

Any feedback would be fantastic!!!


  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    to answer your Qs:

    1 New rules of lifting for women (book, v good)
    2 Not much cardio, some H.I.I.T following lifting or on inbetween days (max 25 mins)
    3 Totally individual, but in 6 weeks i went from 18kg squat to about 34kg. Everyone's different, it's all about what's heavy for YOU.
    4 YES- i soon ditched the 1200cal thing and went to 1660 plus about 200 more on lifting days. Haven't gained in 2.5 months, and measurements reduced.
    5 Yes, I have a protein shake most days as i'm pescatarian and don't get 120g protein otherwise
    6 a few weeks. I'm feeling the muscle before i see it

    Feel free to add me. It is annoying how real life people think women are nuts for lifting!

    Edit to add I am in maintenance, so was aiming keep keep my weight same! The book i mentioned has some good cal guidelines that seem to work with adjustments if you're trying to lose some.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Can us dangly part individuals answer too?

    1. What is your heavy weight routine?

    Powerlifting focused 3-week cycle that I repeat with lower reps each cycle. I've tried Stronglifts 5x5 and Starting Strength. Both great programs, but I didn't stick with it and my form was really bad. My trainer gave me the current programming.

    2. Do you do cardio with training or only on off days or both or neither.

    I've started doing a 12-week C25K program with a friend. Just finished Week 6. I also started using a Prowler (I think it would be considered Tabata style training) but so far only during my Bench Press day.

    3. What kind of weight did you start off with and how often do you increase the weight?

    My squat is still pretty much non-existent. It's hard for me to balance correctly and form is still an issue. My Bench Press started at about 85 lb. a while ago and now I'm at 140 and going for 150 this week. Deadlift up to 145lb. from 95lb. and going for more this week as well.

    4. Did you up your calories?

    Yup. I do WW right now, but I'm eating the activity points back now and not worrying as much about the scale as I am about losing body fat and getting stronger.

    5. Did you use any protein supplements?

    I'll occasionally use some whey. Optimum Nutrition is my favorite brand by far.

    6. How long did it take you before you started seeing results?

    A few weeks.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    I know so many people like NROL4W, but I would definitely give some thoughts to Stronglifts 5x5, Starting Strength, or Rippetoe's other program: Practical Programming. The workouts are so simple because there's only 3 main exercises per workout; a total of 5 core exercises. However, it's all about intensity and increasing your strength over time.

    Oh and don't listen to those guys. The big buff dudes can be just as ignorant as others. Heavy lifting will help you gain some muscle initially, and preserve it in the long run, increase your bone density (which is especially important for women because of osteoporosis being so prevalent in the gender), and make you over all more awesome. :)
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    Good questions! I think you summed up all the ones I have and I will eagerly await the answers!
  • savvy85
    savvy85 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks for the replies! Keep them coming!

    Hahaha, yes, dangly part individuals are welcome.

    I don't understand what you mean by strong lifts 5x5 ? Is a cycle similar to what I refer to as a set? Do you rotate your cycles every 3 weeks to change things up?
  • sara1923
    sara1923 Posts: 53
    1. What is your heavy weight routine?
    Friday- Back/Legs
    Sunday-Rest or some recreational activity

    My diaries are public but I sprained my knee a week ago so it is a complete 180 right now with me trying to figure out what I can do with such limited range of motion

    2. Do you do cardio with training or only on off days or both or neither.
    see above

    3. What kind of weight did you start off with and how often do you increase the weight?
    I pretty much just started off where I felt comfortable and increased it. For awhile my legs would not feel like I worked out at all after lifting heavy, I decided to do a low weight day and do more sets and did max reps and it made it a challenge. I lift according to what feels good that day. Somedays I may do bicep curls with 15lbs others may be 30lbs. I focus on form more than the amount of weight.

    4. Did you up your calories?
    No, I eat when hungry. I may be way under one day and way over the next but they usually balance out over the week.

    5. Did you use any protein supplements?
    Not consistently. I use Optimum nutrition and plant fusion when I use them.

    6. How long did it take you before you started seeing results?
    Started Late November and had lost 12 inches overall by the end of January and lost about 7 lbs.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Thanks for the replies! Keep them coming!

    Hahaha, yes, dangly part individuals are welcome.

    I don't understand what you mean by strong lifts 5x5 ? Is a cycle similar to what I refer to as a set? Do you rotate your cycles every 3 weeks to change things up?

    Stronglifts 5x5 as well as the other two things I mentioned are lifting programs. 5x5 means 5 sets of 5 reps. It's 5 main exercises, 3 each workout, and you do each for 5x5.

    Derp, the cycle question was referring to my routine. Well, I can copy paste what I do.

    Squat Day

    Main Lift
    Week 1: High Box Squat (using Safety Squat Bar)
    Week 2: Parallel Box Squat (using Safety Squat Bar)
    Week 3: Full Barbell Squat

    Bench Press Day
    Main Lift
    Week 1: Warm-up with Full Bench Press; Max Effort 3-Board Press
    Week 2: Warm-up with Full Bench Press; Max Effort 2-Board Press
    Week 3: Max Effort Full Bench Press

    Deadlift Day
    Main Lift
    Week 1: Rack Pulls off the 3-pin-hole in the power rack
    Week 2: Rack Pulls off the 2-pin-hole in the power rack
    Week 3: Deadlifts from the floor

    There's some accessory work in there as well, but it varies a lot.

    So the first 3-week cycle I did working sets of 5 reps. I basically decide how much weight I'll put on after each set based on my past performance and how my body's feeling.

    Each following 3-week cycle I decrease the rep per set by 1. I keep doing this until I get down to sets of 2 reps. Then he said to restart at sets of 4 reps and go to singles.

    I've only been doing this for 5 weeks now, so I don't know how legit the strength will be over time, but I did go from Rack Pulls of 145lb. 1x5 to 195lb. 1x4 in 3 weeks.

    I still have a fondness for Rippetoe's programs (Starting Strength and Practical Programming), but my trainer is a well-renowned powerlifter, and I paid him to train me and make a personalized routine, so I'm going with that for now.
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    1. What is your heavy weight routine?
    I too am working through the New Rules Of Lifting For Women book, It's my first foray into weights :)

    2. Do you do cardio with training or only on off days or both or neither.
    I cardio every second weights day (as prescribed in the books) and I do RPM, Body Attack and Fit Box (group training classes) on days I'm not doing weights :)

    3. What kind of weight did you start off with and how often do you increase the weight?
    I started with as heavy as I could to complete the set, without being able to complete it easily - once it felt easy I'd up the weights in one or two sets (ie: at the moment doing wide grip pull downs, last workout I did 3 sets, 30kg, 30kg, 35kg.. today I did 30, 35 35)

    4. Did you up your calories?
    Yup, from 1200 to 1750.

    5. Did you use any protein supplements?
    I have a shake after I get home from the gym :) vanilla whey with my own added coffee.. yum!

    6. How long did it take you before you started seeing results?
    I'm about 3 months in (? Maybe) and I'm really feeling and looking good ;) So I think!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Bumping this. My girlfriend is so stuck on 5lb dumbbells and three million reps being the answer to all life's problems...its not even funny!
  • imjessly
    imjessly Posts: 140 Member
    i'm 12 workouts into NROLFW :) Love it.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    My routine:

    1. What is your heavy weight routine? A lot of people recommend NROLRW or stonglifts but I am a bit stuck in my ways and do free weights 3x week - Arms/Chest, Legs, Back/Shoulders but I do incorporate compound lifts in those workouts.
    2. Do you do cardio with training or only on off days or both or neither. I rarely do cardio
    3. What kind of weight did you start off with and how often do you increase the weight? I lift so I pretty much fail on the last rep of the last set - 3 sets of 8. I up the weight when I can do 3 sets of 10 without failing.
    4. Did you up your calories? Not really as I have always lifted when I have been focusing on my eating.
    5. Did you use any protein supplements? Protein shake pre and post (but thats really because I lift early in the morning and cannot face actual food that early)
    6. How long did it take you before you started seeing results? You get stronger pretty quick - how long it takes to see results really depends on how much fat you have covering the muscle.
  • persilcolours
    persilcolours Posts: 92 Member
  • babareeba
    babareeba Posts: 74 Member
    bump for later
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    1. What is your heavy weight routine? - i'm currently doing NROL4W (second time through), I've also done strong lifts and i've done a good deal of heavy lifting for sports i played in high school and college, including power lifting.

    2. Do you do cardio with training or only on off days or both or neither. - i do 30 minutes of cardio of lifting days and 45-60 minutes of cardio on non-lifting days. of that cardio, 45 minutes total is anaerobic HIIT, 90 minutes is aerobic HIIT and the rest is steady state.

    3. What kind of weight did you start off with and how often do you increase the weight? i took about a year off from lifting, so when i started back again in february these were my 1 rep max
    deadlifts : 125
    Lat pulldown :112.5
    Bench :95
    BB row :95
    tricep pull down : 90
    bicep curl: 50
    overhead press : 25

    now 2 months later my 1 rep max
    deadlifts : 210
    Lat pulldown : 160
    Bench : 135
    BB row : 135
    tricep pull down: 130
    bicep curl : 70
    overhead press : 45

    i increase my weight every set of every workout if i can. i'm most excited about the overhead press because i have an issue with my right shoulder and now that's getting much better.

    4. Did you up your calories? no, in fact i decreased. even though i've been overweight for awhile this is the first time i've ever wanted to lose weight. since i know that eating at maintenance and a bit above while lifting heavy weights isnt going to result in weight loss for me, i decreased my calories by about 20% from maintenance.

    5. Did you use any protein supplements? nothing besides protein powder that i have in my smoothies

    6. How long did it take you before you started seeing results? strength results immediately. i still have way too much body fat to notice much else, but i do lose on average 2 inches and 3-4 pounds every 2 weeks
  • coquette87
    coquette87 Posts: 114
    1. What is your heavy weight routine?
    I'm also following New Rules of Lifting for Women, only in Phase 1 so far, about 2.5 weeks in or so.

    2. Do you do cardio with training or only on off days or both or neither.
    I'm doing C25k on my off days. I don't any extra cardio on my lifting days.

    3. What kind of weight did you start off with and how often do you increase the weight?
    I increase as soon as it gets too easy. If I can finish the set and still have more in the tank, I increase. My intial squat was 30lbs and my initial deadlift was 30lbs. I'm now up to squatting 60lbs and deadlifting 50lbs. (Those are my working weights, I don't know my 1 rep maxes).

    4. Did you up your calories?
    Yes! I'm currently eating between 1800 and 1900 calories a day.

    5. Did you use any protein supplements?
    I use Body Fortress from Walmart. I find it hard with my schedule to get enough protein from whole foods.

    6. How long did it take you before you started seeing results?
    Seeing them already. I look better at 122 then I did at 118 before I started weight training. :)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I lift 3x a week and do cardio 3x a week, 1 rest day. My schedule is as follows:

    Abs - Hanging leg raises, slant board crunches, planks
    cardio (zumba)
    Legs/glutes - squats, lunges, calf raises
    zardio (zumba)
    Upper body - pullups, lat pull downs, rows, bench presses, curls, lateral raises, kickbacks
    cardio (kickboxing)

    I use the heaviest weights I can manage and maintain good form, while achieving 3 sets of 6-7. I aim to have to struggle on the last couple of reps of the last set.

    I have only lost 8 pounds since Jan 1 but I've lost 12 1/2 inches and can actually see ab definition and other muscles. For me, it took about 2 1/2 months to see anything noticable.

    I eat between 1400-1600 per day including exercise calories. I just took a week to eat at maintenance, which I do every 3 months. Note that my lifestyle, excluding workouts, is extremely sedentary (2 desk jobs).

    I try to get 100g protein per day and only use protein supplements if I'm having trouble getting there with normal food. I do not eat fast food and cook most of my food from scratch.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Bump...I like to learn...

    Is there anyone out there who just uses weights at home?...20lbs & under? I would love to know about those routines as well since I can't get to the gym right now....
  • Brandie6004
    Brandie6004 Posts: 87 Member
    bumping for later
  • dieseljay74
    dieseljay74 Posts: 376
    When I first started trying to lose BF a year ago, I started with P90X. Got ok results from a full round of it. I lost about 8 lbs.
    After that, I went back to my roots of heavy weight training as I have been doing for 10 years.
    Once I got back to that, and stayed strict with my diet the fat just fell off.
    I lost another 40 lbs. in about 3 months. Zero cardio except ice hockey a couple nights a week.
    I think it should be the basis of every gym routine.