Question fo those who are PALEO!

Would you mind posting a rundown of your general daily eating plan? ex. average breakfasts/lunches/dinners? Or if you have an open diary while on the paleo plan? i'm trying to get a broad idea of how those on it eat everyday because i'm interested in adopting the diet.. thank you.


  • Lauraph
    Lauraph Posts: 79 Member
    My food diary is public... you are welcome to check it out.
  • katiejoycecross
    katiejoycecross Posts: 34 Member
    If you want really general, I eat lots of veggies and some meat with it.

    Breakfast I typically have a chicken sausage with cabbage and a red pepper sliced in it. Or scrambled eggs with turkey bacon and maybe sweet potato hash browns.

    For lunch today I had homemade crab cakes and roasted butternut squash with carrots.

    Dinner will probably be chicken stir fry or salmon with roasted radishes - tastes a lot like potatoes!

    For snacks I go to Larabars if I have enough carbs left, or sliced peppers and occasionally a handful of nuts (I overdid it on the nuts at first- no good.) My favorite is strawberries smeared with almond butter, or almond butter on celery. But mostly I get full from all the veggies/healthy meats that I don't have to snack a lot.

    Feel free to message me with any questions or add me as a friend. There's also a paleo group on here that would be great to answer questions or give input if you need any, or just want to browse.

    Good luck!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,943 Member
    Here's a collection of recipes from MDA and a damn good base to help you with your meal planning.
  • Haileyybrookee
    Haileyybrookee Posts: 14 Member
    thanks so much for the feedback!