people who have had success by upping their calories!



  • Emmy248
    Emmy248 Posts: 18
    Can someone explain this process?
    I think I understand it but I want to clarify.
    This is what I've figured: you up the number of your daily goal and eat less than that, right?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Can someone explain this process?
    I think I understand it but I want to clarify.
    This is what I've figured: you up the number of your daily goal and eat less than that, right?


    Read over page 9 in this topic. 2 different methods mentioned in posts there.

    Finding TDEE and eating at 80% of that. Reference is made to site to do that. TDEE includes exercise too.

    Or using and eating at level correct for goal weight, which means less than current maintenance automatically. Exercise included.

    Or if you are willing to do a bit of spreadsheet homework and want to maximize the loss -

    Or eat back your exercise calories, and set goal to rounded above BMR.
    MFP - Tools - BMR calc.
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
  • pammbroo
    pammbroo Posts: 550 Member
    The scale is NOT my friend and hasn't been for the better part of a year. I increased my calories recently, work out consistently and now am really focusing on the quality of the food I eat. Although other people seem to notice changes in me, the scale, tape measure and body fat monitor aren't cooperating yet. lol

    But I feel like I'm on the right track and will continue to "tweak" as needed. I'm confident that with continued patience and hard work, I will see some measurable progress soon.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I thought I replied to this. I am a convert! Dieted most of my life using WW, that sort of thing, very low calorie. I was stuck for months and months at a plateau and I upped my calories from 1250 to 1450 (plus exercise calories) 3 weeks ago. Since then, I've lost 5 pounds :D It works!!! I may up again if I keep seeing my weight drop this fast. It took me like 8 months to lose 9 pounds, and I've now lost 5 pounds in less than 2 months with increased calories.
  • Emmy248
    Emmy248 Posts: 18
    Can someone explain this process?
    I think I understand it but I want to clarify.
    This is what I've figured: you up the number of your daily goal and eat less than that, right?


    Read over page 9 in this topic. 2 different methods mentioned in posts there.

    Finding TDEE and eating at 80% of that. Reference is made to site to do that. TDEE includes exercise too.

    Or using and eating at level correct for goal weight, which means less than current maintenance automatically. Exercise included.

    Or if you are willing to do a bit of spreadsheet homework and want to maximize the loss -

    Or eat back your exercise calories, and set goal to rounded above BMR.
    MFP - Tools - BMR calc.
    Okay, you're saying eat 80% of the TDE, right?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Finding TDEE and eating at 80% of that. Reference is made to site to do that. TDEE includes exercise too.

    Or using and eating at level correct for goal weight, which means less than current maintenance automatically. Exercise included.

    Or if you are willing to do a bit of spreadsheet homework and want to maximize the loss -

    Or eat back your exercise calories, and set goal to rounded above BMR.
    MFP - Tools - BMR calc.
    Okay, you're saying eat 80% of the TDE, right?

    That is indeed 1 of the 4 methods that will get you increased calories, and the results you hear everyone praising.

    About every 10lbs of loss, rerun the calc to get new daily figure to eat to. It will go down as you weigh less.

    If you don't see good results after at least a month, you may not have been honest about your activity level with exercise, and still pushing a suppressed BMR.
  • thecazstewart
    thecazstewart Posts: 131 Member
    I upped mine (from 1290 to 1400) a month ago, but looking back at the past 30 days, I have have been averaging 1000-1200.

    So I started afresh 2 days ago. For me, this is very scary.
  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    It is absolutely terrifying to get on the weighing scales once you've made the decision to increase, every fibre of your being is screaming at you for eating so much, it's hard to change your mindset.

    I've only managed to hit my calorie goal once in the last 6 days, but I'm trying hard to. My body is really happy for the extra food, so I know I'm doing the right thing.
  • Emmy248
    Emmy248 Posts: 18
    That is indeed 1 of the 4 methods that will get you increased calories, and the results you hear everyone praising.

    About every 10lbs of loss, rerun the calc to get new daily figure to eat to. It will go down as you weigh less.

    If you don't see good results after at least a month, you may not have been honest about your activity level with exercise, and still pushing a suppressed BMR.
    Hi, thanks so much, I'll try that. I'll eat that and exercise. Should that be what I have eaten after exercise or before (my tde)?
  • ImRadical4Jesus
    ImRadical4Jesus Posts: 144 Member
    ok lots of people are upping calorie intake to loose weight. I just started on the 20th and lost 5 pounds, now I'm stuck. I am loosing inches!

    My BMR is 1224 (which is 24 more that MFP started me at) , so my TDEE is 1468. (As figured on Fat2FitRadio using the Katch-McArdle Forumla (this one take in consideration of body mass and was recommended to use)
    Weight 185
    BF 53%
    BM 87#
    5' 4
    47 yr female
    want to loose 55 more pounds
    Job is sedentary, but I'm active and fidget a lot, so I figured Moderate activities.

    What should I shoot for to loose more weight? Or Am I doing the right thing for now, then when I loose more, up my calories?

    Just starting toning today (3/30/12) , weights(will start out with little weight, probably just the bar...don't you laugh... cause of my arm, it is messed up, then build up) MWF, and brisk walking or stationary bike T TH and the weekends. Along with WII and Xbox Dancing & bowling with the

    I know to eat back my earned calories, but not to go over my TDEE. I do not want to starve so I eat just above my BMR.

    I don't have time to read a lot so explain to me what I need to do if someone could if I do need to change.

    Thank you so much (c: ...Deb
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hi, thanks so much, I'll try that. I'll eat that and exercise. Should that be what I have eaten after exercise or before (my tde)?

    Well, TDEE by definition includes exercise, it's Total.

    So that daily eating goal includes your exercise avg over the week. That also means if you miss a normal workout, skip the snack associated with the workout that day. If you had chance to add one, you add a snack.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    ok lots of people are upping calorie intake to loose weight. I just started on the 20th and lost 5 pounds, now I'm stuck. I am loosing inches!

    My BMR is 1224 (which is 24 more that MFP started me at) , so my TDEE is 1468. (As figured on Fat2FitRadio using the Katch-McArdle Forumla (this one take in consideration of body mass and was recommended to use)
    Weight 185
    BF 53%
    BM 87#
    5' 4
    47 yr female
    want to loose 55 more pounds
    Job is sedentary, but I'm active and fidget a lot, so I figured Moderate activities.

    What should I shoot for to loose more weight? Or Am I doing the right thing for now, then when I loose more, up my calories?

    Just starting toning today (3/30/12) , weights(will start out with little weight, probably just the bar...don't you laugh... cause of my arm, it is messed up, then build up) MWF, and brisk walking or stationary bike T TH and the weekends. Along with WII and Xbox Dancing & bowling with the

    I know to eat back my earned calories, but not to go over my TDEE. I do not want to starve so I eat just above my BMR.

    I don't have time to read a lot so explain to me what I need to do if someone could if I do need to change.

    MFP BMR calc is about 5% more accurate than the BMR calc fat2fit uses, so that is why the difference in BMR figures, and using the Katch calc means you have more muscle than avg - always good to have!

    You should have at least read the 2 paragraphs on the fat2fit site above the calorie estimates. That was one paragraph very important to read.
    If you have time to workout to improve your health and lose weight - you have time to read to improve your health and lose weight.

    It explains you select the level that matches your TRUE daily activity, including exercise. So be honest, you can always adjust it later when the weekly routine changes.

    That level is what you eat at now, because that total is actually based on goal weight. That's why the bold section heading says "How Many Calories Do I Eat?"

    Good to know inches is still coming off, must be feeding your body better than you might think. This method will keep it simple and keep feeding your workouts as long as you are honest with activity level.
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
  • kaitlynnrogers
    kaitlynnrogers Posts: 142 Member
    It is absolutely terrifying to get on the weighing scales once you've made the decision to increase, every fibre of your being is screaming at you for eating so much, it's hard to change your mindset.

    I've only managed to hit my calorie goal once in the last 6 days, but I'm trying hard to. My body is really happy for the extra food, so I know I'm doing the right thing.

    just stick with it for a few weeks..a friend of mine on here took 3 weeks for it to work but lost 2 pounds..i know that doesnt sound like a lot but it is considering she was stuck and was eating more!!(: good luck to you!!
  • mrsneen
    mrsneen Posts: 17
    I've been doing this almost a week now, its terrifying! the scales have gone up almost 1lb this morning, my immediate reaction is wow i really need a good week of 1200 cals every day, i've been so bad, then i have to remind myself that i'm upping cals on purpose!

    very difficult to get my head round how this will work!

    sticking with it though!! :-)
  • ARGH!!! First day of upping my cals completed and ive gained half a pound (though if I'm honest, I've gained more on days I've eaten less!) I don't want to get discouraged, especially if this works! Roughly whats the longest its taken people to start getting losses? I really don't want to go back to Weight Watchers - It worked for a while, but to be honest it felt like i was starving myself!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    ARGH!!! First day of upping my cals completed and ive gained half a pound (though if I'm honest, I've gained more on days I've eaten less!) I don't want to get discouraged, especially if this works! Roughly whats the longest its taken people to start getting losses? I really don't want to go back to Weight Watchers - It worked for a while, but to be honest it felt like i was starving myself!

    How many weeks did it take to lower your metabolism and get little to no weight loss?

    It can take awhile to go back up too.
  • Emmy248
    Emmy248 Posts: 18
    I've been doing this almost a week now, its terrifying! the scales have gone up almost 1lb this morning, my immediate reaction is wow i really need a good week of 1200 cals every day, i've been so bad, then i have to remind myself that i'm upping cals on purpose!

    very difficult to get my head round how this will work!

    sticking with it though!! :-)
    I know, it's so hard. I'm trying to reach my calorie goal and it's just so hard. I'm sticking with it too and telling myself that I have to go and reach my goal. Good luck. :)
  • msamph
    msamph Posts: 2
    I am a perfect example of eating more and losing more. I joined another website that worked with my weight and metabolism type and with this info made me a diet plan of a certain amount proteins and carbs I should eat with each meal, 5 x's a day. My goal was 15 lbs and I'm down 11lbs in 3 months by eating more than I ever did, but very balanced. I'm eating right! My weight number was not the problem it was the fat I was gaining on my waist, back and upper thighs. This fat is mostly all gone. My cloths fit better. I walk straighter with my stomach strong and flat. I feel good.