i can't believe i'm writing this ... ppl w/ tattoos



  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    I have 3 stars on my shoulder, literally stand for/mean nothing, they're just aesthetically pleasing. I never get why people try to find some godly meaning in tattoos.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    I got three, a phoenix tattoo (when I lost 100 lbs) it has some meaning granted generic meaning, I have a black sun below that my first tattoo, I really just like the way it looked. I told my parents it was because I always felt like the blacksheep in the family, just to piss them off. I have my favorite baseball team logo on my other arm, no real meaning just I like the Redsox. I guess they kind of have meaning but not all of them. WHo cares is what I say if you like it, get it.

    J. i totally have a redsox tattoo on my hip.
  • I have three, I just thought they were cute.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Lmao @ the convo with the shoe guy. I have a quote on my back because i love it, but below it I have stars because...they are fun. So I guess I'm half & half.
  • Jade1964
    Jade1964 Posts: 111 Member
    One of mine has meaning...the other 2 just because I wanted tatoo's and they looked good at the time. No regrets. Love all 3
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I agree. I have 2 but plan on getting more. One means something bigtime, the other is just pretty and I plan on getting more "just pretty" ones :)
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I think the OP is right on. I get in this argument all the time. Most tats are too look cool, but for some reason all my friends have to try and justify them with some "Deep" philosophical meaning. Bull crap. I admire the honesty of this thread.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I have one on my belly. MY bf when I was 18 offer to pay for it so I did it so I have a constant reminder that I was young and dumb.

    So no, my doesn't mean something.
  • polrbear
    polrbear Posts: 31 Member
    I have 9 of them and one ended up with a meaning and 2 were on a "dare" but ended up meaning more to me because of who I got tattooed with at the time. The meaning is in the experience as well as the actual tattoo.
  • Amh32290
    Amh32290 Posts: 65
    First off, i love your response to the running shoe guy, and second i agree 100% i have 3 tattoos that have no meaning, i got them because i liked them and because i can. It drives me nuts when people comment on the fact that they have no meaning.
  • kathyc727
    kathyc727 Posts: 187 Member
    I also hate when people ask what my tattoos mean. I like stars & moons, have a few of them. They mean nothing, I just really liked them. It's great to adorn yourself with things that means something to you, but if I want a tattoo today, I'll get whatever catches my eye.
  • amrem83
    amrem83 Posts: 4
    A couple mean something and a few don't. My biggest ones are ones I thought were awesome and/or pretty. They sure do get comments at the gym though...
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    I have 7 tattoos and they all have some form of meaning, but not a deep meaning

    1. - got it off a wall because I was 18 and wanted a tattoo
    2. - got stars down my ribcage, a different colour for different members of my family
    3. - a stick figure angel and devil on the back of my neck to symbolise the devil and angel on your shoulders
    4. - shooting stars on the tops of my boobs, i had piercings there and when i took them out it look like a vampire bit me :angry:
    5. - a flower vine thingo i got on spur of the moment after a crappy wke away with my wanker ex
    6. a quote on my left ribs because I saw it and thought it was cool, so i got it a few days later

    I want to get 1t least 3 more and only one will have meaning.

    Not all tattoos need to have meaning, I got my first one because it was colourful and I really wanted a tattoo lol. I find its the people without tattoos that are all judgy. If I see someone with a great tattoo I will comment on it, but I wont be like "oh my gawd thats soo cool why did you get it?" because thats annoying.
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I got mine for a birthday present, a Norse Valkyrie on my right shoulder. I did research on what I wanted done, drew it out and took it to the artist to have it put on me. It meant something to me because I created it, and my family line comes from Norway.

    Slightly off subject: The artist knew I drew it and what I did it for but asked me if I would mind if he changed it, then looked shocked when I told him that I did mind.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    Maybe he was just making conversation? Sounds like you take offense to someone who doesn't say "omg I love your tats, they rock" lol

    heh. no. i didn't take offense at all. Well, to his comment. I was offended by his haircut.

    But really, i don't give a fu@k if someone doesn't like my tattoos. I have no idea why you would even say that. (rude people who feel like they need to discuss, ad nauseum, why they don't like tattoos piss me off, but i'm not offended. I just think they are *kitten*.)
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    i only have 1 so far .. i got it March 1st 2011

    its a butterfly .. yes it means something to me

    its not colored . . its about me coming out of my shell and becoming ther person i want to be
    Oct 2011 i got my ged
    Aug 2012 i will be in college for pharmacy tech and later going back for pharmacist
    i also am in the process of losing over 100 pounds

    for the past 12 +- years, i have mostly stayed home and not done much ( im very shy)
    but i decided its time to come out and live my life and do things that i want to ..
    April 2011 me and hubby went to disney world and i rode roller coasters (thought that would never happen .lol
    so yes this 1 means something to ME

    buuuuutttt there are more i want to get that are just cool
    like an alligator coming out of water and maybe a fleur de lis (sp?)

    *sorry for rambling*
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    i want a butterfly tattoo on my foot.. because i think it's pretty. no other reason!
  • I only have one tattoo and it has more significance now than when I got it. Originally I got it because I liked it and wanted it. A dragon with a baby dragon in its forepaws complete with purples and greens. Two years later (after being told for 13 years, I couldn't have children) my son was born. The tattoo took on a whole new meaning then. :-)
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I've got an "ankle bracelet" of a flowery vine on my right ankle. Has absolutely no meaning, but I think it's pretty damned awesome.

    And any grown man with a Bieber haircut needs to seriously reconsider self expression.
  • I have one or two tatts that have meaning. but the rest of them are just things that i thought were cool. i love my tatts an my wife has 2 half sleeves which are very sexy! More of her tatts have meaning and some are just beautiful and cool.