i can't believe i'm writing this ... ppl w/ tattoos



  • robyng1986
    robyng1986 Posts: 139 Member
    lol! love this thread because i have the same prob. i have 2 tats... 1 biggish 1 of a butterfly- i originally wanted a dragon fly because something happened with a dragonfly that reminded me of my deceased grandfather and since then i loved them but my then BF and the tattoo artist detested the idea so i went with the butterfly. sigh. and now i find it's too too big. ah well

    the next was simply because i wanted 1 and i thought it was pretty. now i think i should have put a little more thought into it. lol
  • puppy1002
    puppy1002 Posts: 162 Member
    I have 3 total and only 1 has real meaning, 1 is just pretty and I didn't have to pay the other I got because I wanted one.
  • HJCsDaddy
    HJCsDaddy Posts: 419 Member
    They all have meaning... I like them and can give two ****s about what others think, thats the only meaning, except for my daughter's name on my arm of course.
  • Bree5280
    Bree5280 Posts: 18
    I almost feel like I should have an epic story for my half sleve or my mustash on my finger but I don't I just think snow flakes are pretty and my friends and I had a brilliant idea and all for of us for finger tatoos
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Well if its on your body it kinda means something one way or the other. It could mean "I thought it was pretty." or "I lost a bet." or "It was a one night stand." or "I did it to piss off my parents." or "It was wicked awesome." or "I saw it I liked it...need I say more?"

    The meaning might not be meaningful, but it means what it means.
  • sunspotalli
    sunspotalli Posts: 46 Member
    I have one tat that i only recently got and i was just drawn to it i looked at tons of stuff and i kept coming back to it I thought it was pretty and it meant something to me doesn't mean it's what the artist had in mind when he came up with it but the meaning it has for me is for me and since it's on my body it's all good . I want a few more that will have a specific "meaning" I guess but I have at least one in mind already that means nothing other than it's cool lol my husband has one of his favorite band why b/c that's what he wanted. I say it is your body and get what makes you happy! Man they are addictive though i can't wait to get my next one.
  • princessdracos
    princessdracos Posts: 125 Member
    I have a dragon tattooed on my arm. It means "I like dragons." If that answer doesn't satisfy you, that's your problem, not mine.

    I'm going to change this a bit and steal it! I always get asked about the tattoo on my wrist. Chances are, if you're 80 then you haven't heard of A Perfect Circle, so my answer will mean nothing to you. Therefore, my new response to, "What does your tattoo mean?" will be, "It means I like tattoos," delivered in a perfect deadpan voice :laugh:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    yes, all my ink means something. I only have 3 and am about to get my 4th one...

    for ME, i want all my ink to "mean" something. i wouldn't get a tattoo just because.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Everyone has a different opinion....Personally I have not.....and will not get a tattoo for the following three reasons....

    #1 - It's not going to look very good when you are 60
    #2 - It's really hard to tell your kids not to get them when you have them
    #3 - Unless they are in very inconspicuous places they can definitely affect your professional career.

    That said I have a friend who completed a triathalon and got the triathalon symbol tattooed on himself.....because this was a major accomplishment in his life.....I thought this was awesome and completely get why he would do it.
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Everyone has a different opinion....Personally I have not.....and will not get a tattoo for the following three reasons....

    #1 - It's not going to look very good when you are 60
    #2 - It's really hard to tell your kids not to get them when you have them
    #3 - Unless they are in very inconspicuous places they can definitely affect your professional career.

    That said I have a friend who completed a triathalon and got the triathalon symbol tattooed on himself.....because this was a major accomplishment in his life.....I thought this was awesome and completely get why he would do it.
    Why would you tell your kids not to get them?
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Read # 1 and #3 again. Those are the reasons. Particularly #3.
    Everyone has a different opinion....Personally I have not.....and will not get a tattoo for the following three reasons....

    #1 - It's not going to look very good when you are 60
    #2 - It's really hard to tell your kids not to get them when you have them
    #3 - Unless they are in very inconspicuous places they can definitely affect your professional career.

    That said I have a friend who completed a triathalon and got the triathalon symbol tattooed on himself.....because this was a major accomplishment in his life.....I thought this was awesome and completely get why he would do it.
    Why would you tell your kids not to get them?
  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Some of mine do, some I just liked and wanted to be able to see them anytime I wanted.

    I love when people ask why :smile:
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    because it's permanent and you can't take it back.

    I LOVE ink. I decided I would only get a tat if I knew exactly what I wanted, and I knew I couldn't live without it. So far it's been nothing, but it could happen tomorrow.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    My first one was based on a nickname I acquired in collage, so light weigh meaning but nothing too deep.

    My second one is, in Kanji, the translation someone close who passed away .... much more meaning.

    I never ask some one with ink what it mean, that is a little rude and personnel. If they are really good or really bad I ask were they got it done, as a guide and warning for where to go and get my next one. (averaging about 1 a decade since the first one :laugh: )
  • Shannonbayer
    Shannonbayer Posts: 78 Member
    Mine do, but only because I know that I'm too fickle to just "like it" and have that be okay years from now.

    My first one was daisies because my mom carried daisies when she and my father got married. My second one was a combination of the symbols of the saints my sons were named after.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    My real question is ... those WITH tattoos - does all of your ink MEAN something?

    Yes, and they're cool too ;)

    I have designed several that I will get because I like the way they look. and yeah I can put meaning behind them. an example of this would be the raptor looking dragon on my arm. I drew it based on a fight between patients on the criminal ward at the mental hospital that I worked at. but after I put it on paper my first thought was "this would make a cool tattoo" (yeah I just quoted myself :p)

    so some are both cool and have meaning, but I am going to get some that are just cool and have no real meaning.
  • Bevigal
    Bevigal Posts: 66 Member
    Ink is a good artistic impression of who you are. Be proud of your tats!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Mine don't mean anything, I like them because they look pretty! :-)

    I have a pocket watch on my arm and people always ask if it's a certain time that's significant to me. I usually answer 'no, I just like pocket watches.' :-)

    No one asks about my owl in a teapot, it's pretty obvious that one's just for show! (I like owls and teapots, if you were wondering! ;-) )
  • offthedeependay
    offthedeependay Posts: 435 Member
    some of my ink has meaning but some also I just like,my sleeves are all done by one guy and done in one month there is a theme,ocean,water,fishing,because that is my life but my arms were done free hand and I told my artist basically what i wanted and he did his thing.my kids names on me mean something to me since i dont get to see them ,I can have them with me forever on my skin..