? for Runners that don't believe in wearing shirt b4 earned



  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    but you better believe I'm saving my first half-marathon & marathon shirts for the second I cross the line.

    That was me. I wouldn't even try the shirt for my half on because I was worried about jinxing myself, but once I was done, I went to the bathroom and put it on. Mostly because I wanted to get out of the sweaty shirt I was wearing as the breeze was making me cold. :laugh:
  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member
    Well I guess when I report back to the friends that asked me to post it I will say that many of the responses came from angry, negative people that have nothing to do but pick on a stranger asking a simple question instead of just moving on to a different topic, and majority of those saying those things probably didn't spent hours and hours a day for month after grueling month training for a race to understand what "earning the shirt" actually even meant. I'm not saying everyone because some people have and don't care about the shirt which I clearly was only asking the question to a specific group of people "runners that believe in wearing a shirt after earned".
    Its like the "insanity" tshirt from the program, you can't buy it but you have to earn it. I did the program and after going through a few months of the program, passing out and throwing up along the way you have a new-found respect for "earning" things and what it takes physically and mentally. It definitely doesn't take judging others that's for sure.
    Thanks for those that gave good input and maybe I will give it to the shelter as I know that I am not running 100+ miles in 3 days like the people competing are. I already have many police memorial shirts so I already show my support since it's close to home. And to those that were just mean, maybe you need more exercise because that usually makes people happier and if you exercise a lot maybe you need a punching bag because being mean to someone who posts a question isn't a good way to get out whatever frustration you have in your own life. Cheer up, smile a little, go for a run maybe.

    I think maybe you need a good run too. You seem very tense.

    You asked for feedback and got it. I didn't read anything that was outright rude; people were simply stating their opinions. Maybe just take it with a grain of salt and move on? Or if you can't, don't post in forums like this. These responses are normal, if not tame, compared to some I've seen elsewhere. Go for your run and smile :flowerforyou:

    Hear hear. Just because someone doesn't share your perspective, they are angry and rude? Nonsense.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    I get it.. I wouldn't wear it until I did it! seemed silly otherwise. but we did a quick resort refresher course... made a couple of dives that week and then i bought the shirt!!!!! Oh... and I am SOOOO not this weight any more.. hehehehe.
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    I race quite often. I have a tradition where I wear my shirt from my Saturday race every Monday. I'm a teacher at a local high school and the kids get a kick out of talking to me about my race!

    I also, don't think it matters if you ran the race or not. It's just a shirt!
  • kellyq4u
    kellyq4u Posts: 4
    love seeing everyones measuring sticks! like to see the big "lost 97lbs" and the 5lbser!! keeps the motivation alive! ...wait is this about a tshirt???lol
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    My sister, a friend and I run races together and our tradition is to wear the race shirt immediately after the race. We finish the race, clean up and change into that dry, clean shirt to proudly show off our accomplishment. I have to admit I'm with the others who've said that it's just a shirt, though. I have a couple of race shirts my sister gave me that she won't wear for whatever reason and I have no trouble wearing them for training runs.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I think it depends on how you view the shirt - as a badge of honor? As a way to join as a group and all dress alike in unison (like wearing pink to the CURE walk)? As a souvenir? As a memory? As a talking point for people who see you wearing it? As support for the organization or others running the race? Something to keep you from being naked on laundry day?

    I think they're all legitimate and it just matters what that particular runner feels about why they get a shirt. Me, I tend not to get them because I'm cheap and don't need any more shirts. (Not that I'm a runner, but I had a few from back in college.)
  • buckystars
    buckystars Posts: 129 Member
    Seriously, no one is trying to be rude here. I think you need to relax and go for a run.
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    I had no idea this was even a thing. I always assumed they gave you the shirts BEFORE the race so that you could wear them IN THE RACE. If you shouldn't wear them until you've completed the race, they shouldn't hand them out until you cross the finish line... like when they give you your finishers medal. (as you can see in my profile pic, I was wearing my half-marathon shirt for my race last weekend... and my finishers medal since the pic was taken after the race)
  • Laurarunnergirl
    Laurarunnergirl Posts: 36 Member
    Yeah, I'm one of those who doesn't wear the shirt until I've crossed the finish line. Partially because I'm superstitious, partly because I want to feel like I've earned it, especially if it is a marathon, but mostly because I need to race in something I know will be comfortable. "Nothing new on race day" as the old saying goes.

    That being said, I've seen plenty of folks wearing the race shirt during the race. To some folks, that screams "newbie", but hey, at least they're out there and doing something good for themselves. Whatever works for ya! Gotta say, though, if you do wear it during the race, and it's a tech shirt, wash it first, especially if you sweat a lot. That sizing stuff they put on the shirts can cause some mondo chafing issues.

    I had a race shirt from a marathon that I couldn't run because I was sick on race day. I used it as incentive to train for the following year's race. I bought some of those stick on letters, and put "training for" on the front of the shirt and a new date, and stuck it on my wall by where I stash my race stuff.
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    haha yes I agree with that too! The whole "earning" thing is one thing that I abide by but I'm also superstitious (which goes with the earning aspect somewhat as well since when i say earn I mean ME earning)... I envision a pothole and falling in it around mile 3 if I wear it before the race and the chafing from it being new since not wearing before. I know that's silly, trust me, I'm aware haha! But "bad juju" as my friend says with the race shirts is not welcome! I always put the shirts on right after the race. I guess should wash them if I wear to run right away, never thought of that! And I think anyone running or doing anything is a good thing. I didn't wake up and run 13 miles, I woke up and struggled to run a quarter mile with an asthma attack while walking the rest while thinking "i'll never run a mile, EVER". Nothing happens overnight and just getting up and doing something is most important whether walking, workout video, bicycling, etc.
    I guess the solution to my question I posted is just to give the shirt to someone at a shelter, I didn't run the race, I have police memorial shirts galore, and someone else should benefit.
    My friend was disappointed that a lot of people found my post dumb since he and a few others wanted opinions on it and figured it was a casual topic that could be posted and was meant to be a lighthearted, friendly chat about a topic that some runners have thoughts on. I'm glad that some good input was given though :-) Nothing wrong with a little silly topic, hey if people can post things like drop a word, add a word, a post about a tshirt seems completely reasonable. lol
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    I do, however, think it's tacky to wear the race shirt on raceday. Like wearing a concert tee at the concert you're seeing.

    Not sure why people think it's tacky. There's nothing wrong with being proud to be at an event. At the time I ran my first half, I wore the provided tee shirt because it was a tech shirt and I only had one other tech shirt and it was in the wash...and I was damn proud to just show up up to that race. Half the people there were wearing their tee shirts. I also wear concert tees at concerts, sometimes. No one has ever come up to me and said anything. Except for one time a band member walked by and high fived me for wearing his band's shirt AT THEIR SHOW...he thought it was awesome LOL.

    I should have clarified. I think it's tacky for ME. That's all. I don't care what other people wear. I like clothes and I like to wear something fun on race day. Also it makes it easier for Husband to spot me in a sea of raceday tees.

    I talked to my running buddy about this and she's superstitious and won't wear her race tee before raceday, but doesn't see anything wrong with it in general.