Coke Zero



  • gillcourtney92
    gillcourtney92 Posts: 3 Member
    I find nothing wrong with drinking Diet Soda. I have one everyday and on the weekends, probably more. If it is your main drink you might notice it being a little harder to lose weight but seriously those "scientific tests" are showing results of people drinking soda as their main/only drink
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I don't think there is anything wrong with drinking diet coke. However a lot of other diet coke drinkers tell me that after they drink diet coke, they really start to crave sugar. I think a lot of it is mental.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    One thing I've heard consistently about diet sodas being "bad" for you: They fool the body somehow (I forget the exact wording used) and leave you wanting to drink more of them. However, if you are able to drink just one, then there's really no problem with it. Get your water in too and all is well.

    I have also heard that carbonated drinks in general are supposed to be bad for you. I've never gotten a clear answer why, though. Take it for what it's worth. I go with the usual "all things in moderation."
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    In terms of affects on your weight loss, it is not 'bad for you' . The artificial sweetener (I think aspartame in the case of coke zero) metabolises into negligible quantities of components that are found in much larger quantities in meats.

    If it helps you to avoid regular soft drink, it can be beneficial to your weight loss by helping you to stay under your calorie goal, and putting your calories to more nutritional use.

    However, it is acidic and therefore weakens the enamel on your teeth. Decay is usually caused by acid excreted by bacteria. Drinking soft drink washes your whole mouth with acid. I've recently racked up a $10 000 dental treatment schedule, so I am all over this stuff, heh. Drinking it through a straw helps.

    Cutting it out basically just saves your liver from a little bit of work.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    There have also been studies that show that it "trains" your body to crave sugar.
  • ForeverIrish
    ForeverIrish Posts: 232 Member
    We have an Executive Assistant at work (who was also a fitness instructor) who swears Splenda is from the devil. I was using it in coffee in the morning and she told me to switch to Truvia. She claimed that Splenda will keep weight on you and not help you lose it.

    Keep in mind these are her claims and not based in scientific fact.

    I have, however, lost weight since I quit using Splenda products.

    Aspartame has apparently been linked to migraines and God knows what else, and it supposed to make you crave carbs.

    Nobody gets out of this alive. Something out there will kill us all. I say have fun and do what you want in moderation.
  • dga226
    dga226 Posts: 224 Member
    try pepsi zero much better
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I am 116lbs down - and drink at least one coke zero every day - so from my experience - no negative effect on weightloss - and it keeps the 3pm sugar cravings and munchies at bay....
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Here's what the "studies" that link Diet Soda to weight gain actually found. Get ready, as this is some deep, deep stuff.

    People who weigh more tend to drink diet soda more often than people who weigh less.

    Mind blowing, isn't it? People that weigh more, that are probably trying to lose weight, switched to diet soda? The "studies" never once show people that are normal weight, and drinking diet soda, gaining weight and becoming overweight or obese. They show that overweight and obese people tend to drink diet soda, while normal weight people tend to drink regular soda. Of course some guy with an anti diet soda agenda twisted it around to say that diet soda makes you gain weight, which is of course, not at all what the "studies" say.

    And I put "studies" in quotes because these studies were epidemiological studies, which are fun to do, but absolutely useless for deriving any real scientific data that means anything. Actual controlled studies to test the theory have always shown absolutely no link between diet soda and weight gain.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Warning: Artifical sweeteners cause health issues in two groups.
    1) People with a specific sensitivity to artificial sweeteners
    2) People that believe everything they read on the internet
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    It has the same effect on insulin as sugar.

    I'd rather drink a regular coke than a diet one, in fact I'd rather die than consume artificial sweeteners! I don't even know where to begin on how bad they are for the body.

    If your tongue tastes sweetness, your body is expecting sugar. If you then DON'T give it sugar, it will crave it.

    They were a crutch for me when I started to lose weight but over time I binned them.

    Take baby steps!
  • jennsie
    jennsie Posts: 38
    I have heard from a personal trainer a few years ago that diet drinks make you crave carbs, which is how you put on weight. I agree with the poster who said to try to stop it altogether, but it's difficult as some places do not even serve bottled water (and tap water in some areas doesn't taste nice.) I went off it completely for a while and even hated the taste of it, then back on it on a trip to America due to "we don't serve water here" attitude, and after a couple times of having it but not liking the taste, I was addicted again :(

    Ditto being social at a pub and pacing drinks, or simply being off alcohol.
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    I'm working through this book:

    In it the author referes to studies which have shown that when you drink artificail sweetners (of any kind) your body expects to recieve the appropriate amount of calories from that level of sweetness. When it doesn't get it, it makes you hungrier as it wants that calorie deficit resolved.

    I used to drink a lot of Pepsi Max and diet drinks in general and I used to get so hungry I literally felt like my stomach was eating itself. i could attreibute this to diet drinks because as soon as I drank some, that's when it would start. I stopped injesting sweetners and I no longer get hunger pains like that. My hunger is much more controlled and gentle and I can stop at one can/bottle of drink now whereas I could easily down 2lts of the diet stuff.
  • lordbyron46
    lordbyron46 Posts: 12 Member
    Absolutely nothing! theres nothing in it apart from gas......drink away
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It has the same effect on insulin as sugar.

    I'd rather drink a regular coke than a diet one, in fact I'd rather die than consume artificial sweeteners! I don't even know where to begin on how bad they are for the body.

    If your tongue tastes sweetness, your body is expecting sugar. If you then DON'T give it sugar, it will crave it.

    They were a crutch for me when I started to lose weight but over time I binned them.

    Take baby steps!
    It does NOT have the same effect on insulin at all. No calorie, no sugar, no insulin.
  • McGruber03
    McGruber03 Posts: 113
    "There are none. Not scientifically, anyway. Unless of course, you have an allergy to aspartame, but if you aren't allergic, 60 years of real research has not been able to show any health detriments to consuming aspartame. There are a LOT of myths and misinformation out there about it, though.

    Bottom line, drink it if you want, don't drink it if you don't want. I see it like peanuts, millions of people are deathly allergic to peanuts, but I'm not, so they aren't bad for me. Aspartame is the same way."

    Great answer...I agree. I think the misinformation is coming from the NON credentialed Jillian Michaels telling everyone on Biggest Loser that diet coke is worse for you than regular coke. It is in NO way worse. It's not a health food by any vitamins, minerals, etc. But there are zero calories. And you have to be careful of the phrase "some studies show". What studies? Are they peer reviewed? Duplicated for accuracy? How long did the study last? How many people did the study...well, study? I mean, if a study of a week long diet on two 70 year old Scandinavians was never published or peer reviewed...can you really quote it as a study?
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Im am forever amazed at the crap people believe. I drink at least 2 coke zeros a day. The last time I craved anything sweet was month ago. Also many things people eat and drink are acidic...think orange juice, coke zero will only be a problem for your teeth if you dont take care of your teeth.
  • howekaren
    howekaren Posts: 159 Member
    It has the same effect on insulin as sugar.

    I'd rather drink a regular coke than a diet one, in fact I'd rather die than consume artificial sweeteners! I don't even know where to begin on how bad they are for the body.

    If your tongue tastes sweetness, your body is expecting sugar. If you then DON'T give it sugar, it will crave it.

    They were a crutch for me when I started to lose weight but over time I binned them.

    Take baby steps!

    Not even remotely true. Insulin is not affected by the taste of something. It is actually produced within the body in a constant proportion to remove excess glucose from the blood. As there is no glucose (sugar) in diet soda, no insulin is produced. Diet sweeteners are not bad for the body. There have been no serious side effects from diet sweeteners in the 60 years they have been produced. Just because "they" say something, doesn't mean it's true. Heck, for years "they" said smoking was good for you. Now science knows better.
  • paendrag
    paendrag Posts: 16 Member
    Accordng to a Nutritionalist at he Mayo Clinic:

    "Drinking a reasonable amount of diet soda a day, such as a can or two, isn't likely to hurt you. The artificial sweeteners and other chemicals currently used in diet soda are safe for most people, and there's no credible evidence that these ingredients cause cancer. Some types of diet soda are even fortified with vitamins and minerals. But diet soda isn't a health drink or a silver bullet for weight loss. Although switching from regular soda to diet soda may save you calories, some studies suggest that drinking more than one soda a day — regular or diet — increases your risk of obesity and related health problems such as type 2 diabetes.

    Healthier choices abound. Start your day with a small glass of 100 percent fruit juice. Drink skim milk with meals. Sip water throughout the day. For variety, try sparkling water or add a squirt of lemon or cranberry juice to your water. Save diet soda for an occasional treat."
  • howekaren
    howekaren Posts: 159 Member
    Im am forever amazed at the crap people believe. I drink at least 2 coke zeros a day. The last time I craved anything sweet was month ago. Also many things people eat and drink are acidic...think orange juice, coke zero will only be a problem for your teeth if you dont take care of your teeth.

    Amen to that!