Saggy boobs :(



  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I've had saggy boobs since they came in. No matter how much I lose I don't lose them and they still sag (no matter how much exercise I do either). My Hubby loves them so I'm good!!
  • smccarty23
    smccarty23 Posts: 9 Member
    That's been my goal, I have about 35 pounds I want to lose and my reward is going to be a boob lift. I'm going to be 37 in a few weeks, and I have 3 kids. I've had large saggy breasts since high school and have always wanted to get them done. I've been told many times to wait until I am at my goal weight. I've also heard that the boob skin isn't elastic and exercises don't really help with that area, so I'd be interested to read more on what I've seen on this board.
  • LilithBlackheart
    I wish I had boobs :frown: 32b I have currently and thats due to implants. I loved having it done. It didnt really hurt much but listen to the doctor and dont push it. Its so worth it :wink:
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    thanks everyone for replying...makes me feel a little better, except I haven't had kids and my boobs already look like they are going the "tennis ball in a sock" bf doesn't think I need the boob job, but he doesn't understand. I don't want anything crazy, just to have some fullness and perkiness again. What's worse is that my mom is 59 and hers looks better than mine. Sigh.

    I hear ya! I HAVE had a child, but years ago before he was born, i lost about 30lbs and my boobs went from a fantastic firm 38DD to DDD down to a 34D or so. They looked like "rocks in socks" as i called them! A good bra does help, but mine were still jiggly on top and not firm anymore.

    Since then, i had my son and was somewhere bigger than a G while nursing and i am now back to a 36DD, will likely get to a 34D or so by goal. Would love a lift/tuck and to end up with a firm C someday!

    Short of surgery, there really isnt much you can do to help, other than some chest exercises which can pull them up a bit, but not a huge difference. The loose skin remains the problem!
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    There might be a silver lining to saggy boobs.........

    1. I can play the "Can you tie them in a knot, Can you tie them in a bow..." Game....with my boobs

    2. When the hubby doesn't listen...........SMACK 'em with the boob upside the back of the head

    3. Soon I can play Jump Rope....without having to invest the $1.oo at the Dollar Tree for an actual jump rope

    4. If I attach dusters to boobie tassles, I can just simply walk around the house and dust the baseboards without the back pain of bending over

    5. They hide the saggy BELLY FAT :wink:

    LMAO.....Just kidding! Boobie Job it is! :laugh:

    ^^^^ THAT was funny! :laugh:
  • mrsmangomum
    I'm in this boat. I'm still breast feeding my son. I was a 36DD before I got pregnant. I'm a 38H now (that's DDDDD). Seriously.
  • chocciechip
    chocciechip Posts: 207 Member
    currently I'm a 34 F - last year was a 38FF so I understand totally what you girlys are saying! in the UK there are two really decent brands of underwear I ALWAYS buy, Freya and Fantasie. I only discovered them about 2 years ago but they're both BRILLIANT, they're full cup, but you get proper support and shape and they're up where they should be again!

    Course that's only well and good when you're wearing underwear ha :-\ I just got to the point where I've realised that the best thing I can do is just build up my pec muscles and shoulders to give myself as much natural support as possible there and rely on good underwear to sort the rest!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Great bra to hold keep them in one place while exercising, chest exercises, and there are also thermage laser which tightens the skin and dermaroller. i havnt tried either but i have looked into it all. these are also good for stretch marks.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member

    I do most of these exercises. They strengthen my muscles, yes. But they are not going to replace the lost elasticity in my skin from having my boobs swell up from hormones and breastmilk and then shrink when said things diminish...repeatedly. Plus losing fat from my stomach and thighs means that I am also losing fat from my breasts.

    But I am going to be the lone voice here and say that rather than putting myself through the pain and risks of surgery just to look as though my breasts haven't fed any babies or gotten any older, I'm going to believe that my breasts are still beautiful the way they are. I'm going to believe that the fact that they've caused five beautiful babies to grow healthy and strong make them even *more* beautiful. I'll do whatever I can to make them more esthetic--lingerie/bras/swimsuits that support and flatter them. But I am not going to have them mutilated to try to live up to some unrealstic and impossible standard of "beauty".
    Ladies, look at how many of us here are in the same boat. Our breasts are NORMAL. What is flaunted at us on tv and in magazines is not normal or realistic. Childbirth changes women's bodies. Women age. I just wish that enough of us would band together and bring back natural beauty. And get rid of the surgically-altered, photoshopped standard of "beauty". It hurts us, and it will hurt our daughters.
    OK, climbing off my soapbox now.
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    Well said Bushidomama!! I totally agree.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    Unfortunately, the boobs is about the first place you lose weight. I don't know what to tell you, but I can definitely sympathize. Please don't buy into people telling you to work your chest more. That does not work. I agree that surgery really is the only option. after losign the weight from my second child, all I had was empty skin. Luckily I just had to get implants and not a lift. They look soooooo much better now.
  • jilltaylor86
    jilltaylor86 Posts: 87 Member
    I get where you're coming from bushmama. But the thing is, I'm still fairy young and don't have kids!! My boobs are depressing me and I feel embarrassed during sex. I envy girls who have full chests and fill out cute clothes. What's wrong with wanting to boost my self esteem and enjoying how my body looks? Not to mention I had stomach surgery last fall and now have a stomach full of ugly scars and could definitely use the boost in confidence.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    I get where you're coming from bushmama. But the thing is, I'm still fairy young and don't have kids!! My boobs are depressing me and I feel embarrassed during sex. I envy girls who have full chests and fill out cute clothes. What's wrong with wanting to boost my self esteem and enjoying how my body looks? Not to mention I had stomach surgery last fall and now have a stomach full of ugly scars and could definitely use the boost in confidence.
    wait to get your boobs done until after you have kids (if you plan to have any). pregnancy could ruin them.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    Unfortunately, the boobs is about the first place you lose weight. I don't know what to tell you, but I can definitely sympathize. Please don't buy into people telling you to work your chest more. That does not work. I agree that surgery really is the only option. after losign the weight from my second child, all I had was empty skin. Luckily I just had to get implants and not a lift. They look soooooo much better now.
    I agree
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I get where you're coming from bushmama. But the thing is, I'm still fairy young and don't have kids!! My boobs are depressing me and I feel embarrassed during sex. I envy girls who have full chests and fill out cute clothes. What's wrong with wanting to boost my self esteem and enjoying how my body looks? Not to mention I had stomach surgery last fall and now have a stomach full of ugly scars and could definitely use the boost in confidence.
    I totally get where you are coming from, too. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to boost your self-esteem and enjoy how your body looks. :flowerforyou: It just makes me really that we so often compare our bodies to unrealistic standards and find ourselves lacking. It makes me sad that so many women resort to such extremes as surgery to feel good about ourselves. That's all.
    I suspect that your breasts and stomach are probably actually a lot prettier than you think they are.
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    my size has fluctuated greatly up until recently i was a tight 40G !!! now i am a half decently loose 38G. i would like to get back down to even a 36 D or DD. but as soon as i lose all this weight i will try and get a lift. mine have always been heavy and NEVER perky. can't wait to be small enough and light enough that i don't have to hike up the girls, even once!
    exercise will only tighten the muscles surrounding them which might help pull them up a bit but that's not quite what i want . they may get lifted but they will still be saggy
  • KristyJoy123
    KristyJoy123 Posts: 84 Member
    Unfortunately, the boobs is about the first place you lose weight. I don't know what to tell you, but I can definitely sympathize. Please don't buy into people telling you to work your chest more. That does not work. I agree that surgery really is the only option. after losign the weight from my second child, all I had was empty skin. Luckily I just had to get implants and not a lift. They look soooooo much better now.

    It DID work for me, though. When I first lost a bunch of weight and was only doing cardio and light weights, my boobs were sagging a lot. Now that I'm lifting heavier and focusing on my chest, I've got QUITE a lift. I'm not lying -- I don't know what I would gain from that. Surgery is NOT the only option. I think that it's different if you've had a child, especially if you have breastfed.
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 75 Member
    Ok, so I'm almost 26 years old, have never had kids and need to lose about 20 pounds of body fat. A few years ago I went on a very successful diet, dropping about 40 lbs, going from a 38DD to a 34C. Unfortunatley I gained some back, going up to a 36C. Most of the weight I gained is in my butt and stomach. I have a strong chest because I lift weights frequently, so I don't think that's going to help. I'm just freaked out that if I lose any more weight, it will come from what boobs I have left, and they DON'T look good now. I plan on getting a boob job when I can afford it one day, but in the meantime, I don't know what to do.

    Boobs sag from lack of attention. I'm willing to come over for a few hours a day to help you keep them perky.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I'm with ya...I'm only 21 [no kids] and my boobs just suck now. *glares at boobs*
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Ok, so I'm almost 26 years old, have never had kids and need to lose about 20 pounds of body fat. A few years ago I went on a very successful diet, dropping about 40 lbs, going from a 38DD to a 34C. Unfortunatley I gained some back, going up to a 36C. Most of the weight I gained is in my butt and stomach. I have a strong chest because I lift weights frequently, so I don't think that's going to help. I'm just freaked out that if I lose any more weight, it will come from what boobs I have left, and they DON'T look good now. I plan on getting a boob job when I can afford it one day, but in the meantime, I don't know what to do.

    Boobs sag from lack of attention. I'm willing to come over for a few hours a day to help you keep them perky.

    Ew. You, sir, are a Grade A creeper.