Rules on calories burned help

Hi Guys

Just wondering about the following:

I am 32 , 5f8 currently 86.3kg

I eat around 1700 - 1800 calories daily for weight loss

Now my workouts in the morning with my heart rate monitor on in 50 minutes I can burn 750-800 calories (I know there is debate on how accurate this is but lets go with it) At night I may go for a run burn 400 calories

So im burning 1150 calories from the gym & running now subtract that from 1800 is 650 calories im eating daily.

Do you think the 1700-1800 calories is what I should be eating without exercise for weight loss? or should I start eating some of the calories I burn back?



  • Sullerson
    Sullerson Posts: 21 Member
    I eat some of my exercise calories back if I know I'll be close to a 1000 cal deficit for the day. I wear a bodybugg device which has been pretty accurate. So if I have a day that I know i'll hit 3000 calories burned for the day (normal day without exercise is 2400), I'll bump up my normal 1800 daily calories to 2200-2300 calories. I had maintained a large deficit for so long and was not losing weight. After a few changes I find that if I keep it closer to 800-500 under for the day I get a bit more progress. I suggest if you're not getting the results you want, try it. Whats the worse that could happen :)