How did you become a morning person?



  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    Get a puppy. Puppies have no respect for our sleep patterns...or our carpets. Since adopting my two pups, I have been getting up between 5am-6am every day.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    Never did. Never will.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    When I stopped eating grains and flour all daytime sleepiness disappeared. I don't drag myself out of bed anymore. When I sit up I am wide awake.

    This is a first for me and I'm 41 years old.

    Plus I don't eat a lot during the day. When you're eating every few hours your body is spending the entire day digesting food. That will wear it down. My biggest meal is at night. If I eat a lot through out the day I have a harder time getting up the next morning. I don't know why.

    You can also look into how good your sleep is. Quality of sleep is very important.

    I'm still a night owl. I get between 6-7 hours a night and I feel great.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I had kids. There's nothing like a hungry baby to get you out of bed.
  • Kristy1214
    Kristy1214 Posts: 198
    Like Lady Gaga says "I was born this way"

    I have to giggle about the people who say have a baby, just cause you are up early for whatever reason, doesn't make you a morning person ;]
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    Never have, never will. Night owl for life.
  • strandedj
    strandedj Posts: 128
    I' ve always been a morning person, but then I'm sort of a nightowl as well. Makes for little sleep! I think its genetic!
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I was born a morning person. I couldn't imagine sleeping past 8 am.
  • mgero212
    mgero212 Posts: 96
    It takes time for your body to adjust to a new sleeping pattern and it will take time for you to get use to waking up early. I was never a morning person and made myself one over the summer when I started my job after graduating from college. I get up at 5am each morning to go to the gym before work so I don't have to worry about doing it afterwards. All I want to do after work is go home and relax. Also when your alarm goes off early in the morning turn on a light thats bright on a nightstand right away. I also set a timer on my tv to turn on at 5 am so it wakes me up more. I am still struggling some mornings but these methods have worked for me.
  • supermom2002
    supermom2002 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm not and never will be a morning person. Unless its for "fun" things...and then can go back to sleep.

    I've tried time and time again to drag my *kitten* out of bed at 6am to workout early--I just can't do it. I used to go to work at 5am and really don't know how i did it. Last year i was commuting an hour to work and many times i'd find myself falling asleep during the drive.

    The best thing is to just shut off the world. Turn off the phone-the laptop-the ipad. And go to bed.

    A guy i dated downloaded a sleep app for his ipad--i thought he was nuts. but it worked for him. just white noise type stuff that helped him sleep--as he was at work for 6am.
  • Squiggs67
    Squiggs67 Posts: 178
    I have always been a morning person, it runs in our family. I'm not sure if it's possible to change. I do know that it became alot easier to get up and I had alot more energy when I started exercising every morning.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I hate getting out of bed with every fiber of my being... and once I am up, I'm a horrid wretch for about an hour. UNLESS I get a good night's sleep - then I can jump out of bed like a ray of effing sunshine.

    I have chronic insomnia but I have finally found assistance in getting a good night's sleep almost every night - and surprisingly it's NOT a sleeping pill. If left to my own devices I would never fall asleep before 1a but now I am usually sleeping like a baby by 10:30p. It makes all the difference in the world!
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    When I made the commitment to exercise every morning before work, I HAD to get out of bed early! If I don't exercise before I go to work, it is next to impossible to work it in after work. The BIG thing that has helped me is having an email accountability group....when I am laying there trying to talk myself out of getting up, I remember that I have to email my group and report that I did not exercise that morning...accountability goes a long way in motivating me!!!
    good luck!
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    i had kids! :happy:
  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    Honestly I got tired of telling myself I would do it tomorrow. So I started getting up in the am to workout. It is the only way that I can garentee a workout. Now that I am use to it, sometimes it is harder for me to go other days. I love it.
  • gamommy
    gamommy Posts: 131 Member
    Well having kids has definitely made me get up earlier! I still don't like it. Sometimes my job requires me to wake up early (6:00ish, which is early for me since I'm usually up around 7:30 with the kids). I notice if I jump out of bed & go straight to the shower & get moving I feel so much better & have loads of energy. I don't crash in the afternoon either. If I'm lazy in the morning, it kind of sets the tone for the whole day for me.

    In other words, aside from having kids or getting puppies - get up & get moving first thing...whether it's working out or just getting in the shower & not letting yourself sit down until you have to get in the car - you might find yourself with some more energy.

    And no, I'm still not a morning person. I never will be. But I have no choice. And I make it work. :)
  • Escarda
    Escarda Posts: 131 Member
    Im exactly the same!
    If left naturally my sleep pattern will change so i wake up about 8pm and go to bed about 6am..
    Yes i sleep for like 14 hours at a time..

    And people always tell me to like turn on the light and stuff to wake up,
    but i just find during the day i can sleep really easily.
    The sun is like soothing through the certains, and its nice and warm, while being breezy and the birds singing n **** just send me straight to sleep.
    Whereas at night, when its cold, and all you can hear is that high-pitched buzz, which i imagine comes from the phone lines, (which you normally cant hear over the cars in the day), it just like gets me up.

    Besides i love going for walks at night, its just like soothing. Whereas during the day its kind of stressful..
    It just prefer to be up at night...

    and i find theres nothing i can do about it.
  • KristysLosing
    I never have... I have to get up between 5 and 5:30 for work... and I am regularly falling asleep on my hour drive to work every single day. I hate mornings. It doesn't matter when I get to bed, either.

    So it's not just me! No matter what time I go to bed at, it's tough to get up in the morning. And I love mornings, but my sleepy body says no...
  • alanalosesit
    Going to bed a bit earlier, drinking lots of water throughout the day and keeping my blind open a bit so I wake up with brightness. Always makes me happy!
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    For me it has been a combination of my Herbalife products and working out. I am still by far not a morning person that is for sure but with my early morning works starting at 5:45am 4 days a week and then the other 3 days are not as an early start but I feel better if I can work out in the morning it jump starts my day so where 9pm comes around or even earlier I am ready for bed time. Light mellow music helps as well my husband on the other hand uses a great big fan to cut the noise so he can sleep drives me nuts but I have got use to it. Hope you find the right routine for yourself.