LOSE 10lbs for the month of April. Ready? Set? LOSE!



  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Posting again, weighed this morning at 159 :sad:
    But, as I said I would, I lost four pounds of (water) weight over night which is why I didn't want to put what I weighed down yesterday.

    SW 159
    GW 149

    By the end of april I will be 149
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 273 Member
    I'm in! cant' wait to say goodbye to the 190s for good!

    SW 199.8
    GW 189.8

    April 2: 199.8
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Yesterday was day 2 of keeping my sodium below 1500 and my cals close to goal, and I've lost almost 5 pounds of water weight (and hopefully a little fat). Sodium kills me! Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

    SW -- 293
    CW -- 288.4
    GW -- 283

    Lovin' this challenge. :)
  • I have recently decided to finally do something about my weight....this is a great way to start! I just started bootcamp as well!

    Let the weight loss begin! I'm IN

    CW: 175,2
    GW: 165
  • JillHoff
    JillHoff Posts: 30
    Okay I know I am set for this!! Okay here goes nothing... and hopefully everything ;)

    SW 260 03/01/2012
    CW 246 04/02/2012
    END OF MONTH 236 04/30/2012

    HERE WE GO!!!
  • Pgirl35
    Pgirl35 Posts: 4 Member
    I am on bord, I so need to lose these 10 pounds badly...lol :smile:
  • Balance79
    Balance79 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm in!!!
    CW: 138
    GW: 128
  • mgero212
    mgero212 Posts: 96
    I have hit my wall for two months and I am going to kick it down in the month of April with all of you.

    Current Weight: 04/03/2012= 137lbs
    Goal Weight: 04/30/2012= 127lbs

    Lets make it happen!
  • bepositive79
    bepositive79 Posts: 8 Member
    Count me in as well.

    From 207 to 197lbs.
  • isa69bela
    isa69bela Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in, need to loose 10lbs by april 30th!
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I'm so in on this...i need more challenges as I'm at the tail end of some of my other ones.

    SW 269
    GW 259


  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Count me in!

    CW: 257
    GW: 247

    recovering from a surgery but ill be up to walking again here very very soon!
  • I'm in....
    CW: 297
    GW for April's End: 287

    Good luck everyone!
  • Alex8291
    Alex8291 Posts: 7
    I'll try it too!

    CW: 162
    GW: 152
  • x98btg
    x98btg Posts: 8 Member
    I am in as well!

    SW: 194
    GW: 184
  • JB5349
    JB5349 Posts: 135 Member
    I am in!

    Start Weight 225
    Goal 215
  • csmarra
    csmarra Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in as well! (If its not too late :) )
    I've started off really well with my weightloss but then somehow got off track. April is the month to get back to where I was before my internship/school/stress got in the way :)

    CW: 214
  • turman89
    turman89 Posts: 1
    Count me in

    CW: 146
    GW: 136 (or so!!)
  • misslady
    misslady Posts: 1
    Count me in!!!!

    CW: 190
    GW: 180
  • nrov5974
    nrov5974 Posts: 11 Member
    i want in!! how do i join???

    CW: 176.6
    GW: 166.6