Gastric Lap Band

AprilShill Posts: 4
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Im new to My fitness pal. I just had the lap band done in December, but I am not having much luck with it and I seem to be lacking the motivation to exercize. My husband just cancelled my 24hr fitness membership, so I need to exercize the old fashoned way. The problem is that I have become so dependant on counting the callories I was loosing on the machines at the gym that I have no idea how to count the calories I loose just riding a bike or taking a walk or doing crunches. Any advise would be much appreciated. I really want to make this lap band worth all the trouble I went to to have it placed.


  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Get a Heart Rate Monitor! (The machines in the gym aren't very accurate anyway.)
  • krness
    krness Posts: 9 Member
    I didn't realize this site wasn't going to be helpful for people like us, who have had surgery to address weight loss. You might read this string to get a sense of where most people on this site are at.

    I wasn't sure how to direct you to the post string, so hope that link works. Best of luck to you. I don't really know how the lap band works but I would guess that increasing exercise and forced limiting of calories because of the lap band will result in weight loss. Be patient with yourself. Keep your goals realistic.
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member

    I think you're a bit mistaken.... you understandably got off to a rough start here, from what I read on your first thread that you linked here. However, there is a group in this community of MFP'ers who have had various weight-loss surgeries. I wouldn't jump to assume that this site isn't helpful for "people like you" (your words) just because of a rough start on your first thread, or response from people who strongly feel old-fashioned diet and exercise works for most people.

    Give it a little time.

    Even people who don't agree or don't choose weight-related surgeries can be supportive in amazing ways.... I'm sure you'll get some answers to your original question. :ohwell:

    In the meantime, welcome to MFP. :flowerforyou:



    MFP has a great system for getting some pretty decent averages/numbers for calories burned for doing "xyz" exercise - it's based on your weight (and probably height too? I don't know all the formulas). If you can't get a heart rate monitor, don't let that stop you. Look in the exercise database, or there are lots of other sites if you can't find your particular site (you can look them up elsewhere, and plug them into MFP to use whenever you want!). It has to be frustrating to not have your gym membership, but I don't have one either and I'm finding lots of ways to get some extra movement into my day!

    People here have even suggested exercise videos from the library - in my case, they are free (no charge for movie/cd/dvd rentals at our library... woohoo!)

    I had a friend who did the lap-band procedure, and had great results. (lost touch) It was a rocky start, but after she figured out her body and the lap band in combo, she was really happy with the procedure. Have you talked with your doctors?

    Hang in there! You'll find ways to get on the path you want to take, and MFP will be a great tool and support system for you along the way. Welcome to MFP! :flowerforyou:
  • April-lots of people on here can help you this is a very positive place for people w/ all different fitness backgrounds. I would really suggest a heart rate monitor if you are intersted in seeing what you are burning. You will be surprised! I have a polar F6 and it works great! its also very easy to use! Best of luck to you!
  • Get a Heart Rate Monitor! (The machines in the gym aren't very accurate anyway.)

    This. :bigsmile:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I don't use a heart rate monitor. As far as walking it is usually about 100 calories per mile. You could also look up the average for biking. This is assuming you are breathing heavy/really exerting yourself. I found when I started MFP using 75% of the exercise calories worked for me. You could play with the numbers to find out what percentage is right for you. :drinker:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Hi April, welcome to MFP. :smile:

    You can just go ahead and log your exercise under the exercise tab, and the site will automatically calculate how many calories you have burned (approximately).


    To address what was posted above, I don't think anyone here would hold your lap band surgery against you. For someone who had never had surgery, I might try to encourage them to give it one more go the old fashioned way with the help of this site (just because I know how awesome MFP is), but there are others here who have had weight loss surgery, and they're just part of the family. :smile:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I think you're a bit mistaken.... you understandably got off to a rough start here, from what I read on your first thread that you linked here. However, there is a group in this community of MFP'ers who have had various weight-loss surgeries. I wouldn't jump to assume that this site isn't helpful for "people like you" (your words) just because of a rough start on your first thread, or response from people who strongly feel old-fashioned diet and exercise works for most people.
    OTOH, I think she's not the least bit mistaken. This site is the ONLY place where I've been given flack for having surgery... where people have told others to discount what I'm saying about nutrition and exercise, just because I had surgery.

    The online tracking of food and exercise is great, but the community section can be like navigating a minefield for those of us who are surgically altered.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I think you're a bit mistaken.... you understandably got off to a rough start here, from what I read on your first thread that you linked here. However, there is a group in this community of MFP'ers who have had various weight-loss surgeries. I wouldn't jump to assume that this site isn't helpful for "people like you" (your words) just because of a rough start on your first thread, or response from people who strongly feel old-fashioned diet and exercise works for most people.
    OTOH, I think she's not the least bit mistaken. This site is the ONLY place where I've been given flack for having surgery... where people have told others to discount what I'm saying about nutrition and exercise, just because I had surgery.

    The online tracking of food and exercise is great, but the community section can be like navigating a minefield for those of us who are surgically altered.

    Yeah, there's always a few bad apples in a bushel... but in her particular case, the comments made did seem to be made with good intentions...

    Mac- I am totally shocked people have told others to disregard what you said because you had surgery. The surgeries - all the ones I can think of, anyway - cannot be successful without proper nutrition and a change in habits. That's what most people DON'T realize... it might make it even harder because you're limited by whatever the limits of the surgery is. I too know half a dozen people who've had different kinds of weight loss surgeries and been not successful at all, because they didn't adhere to the requirements. They are the reason I stayed away from the surgery personally... and then it turns out you had to have a strict diet program anyway, well, that's what most people dont' want to do (myself included!)
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I read your profile and it said that you keep put off getting it adjusted, can you explain that.

    One thing that will help you is to try and stop all processed foods.

    You will get support here. Everyone has their own opionions here but take what you want and leave the rest.

    Good luck with your weight loss
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Im new to My fitness pal. I just had the lap band done in December, but I am not having much luck with it and I seem to be lacking the motivation to exercize. My husband just cancelled my 24hr fitness membership, so I need to exercize the old fashoned way. The problem is that I have become so dependant on counting the callories I was loosing on the machines at the gym that I have no idea how to count the calories I loose just riding a bike or taking a walk or doing crunches. Any advise would be much appreciated. I really want to make this lap band worth all the trouble I went to to have it placed.

    The machines at the gym aren't that accurate, for larger people (for me when I started) the actual calories I burned was twice what the machine said. For smaller people, it can show twice what they've actually burned. That's where a decent (not necessarily expensive) HRM comes into play, so you can know what your body is doing.

    There are different online calculators to figure out how many calories you're burning based on what your daily calorie allotment is... I personally haven't checked those numbers against my HRM to see if they are accurate or not.

    One thing I noticed in my experience - (a) having a workout buddy at the gym kept me going even when I didn't feel like, so that might help, have someone work out with you, even if it's just a walk and (b) being accountable daily for your exercise goals and your eating goals helps tremendously rather than trying to do it on your own, and (c) after I started eating right, and exercising, I started feeling tons more energy and felt better once my body was detoxified from all that crap I'd been eating. I would walk the treadmill for 40 mins at a level 2 - which is all I could do at the time - and get that endorphin rush that would help me go back the next time.

    Also, eating a little every 2-3 hours while you're awake will also help you boost your metabolism and give you more energy.

    The only exercise you count for calories is stuff you don't do every day (so if you walk all day long at your job, that would be what your body is used to, so you wouldn't count those calories but selecting the appropriate activity level for your lifestyle/job should help) and cardio that keeps your heart rate up, so doing 10 crunches wouldn't count IMO, although some people might think so. There's toning, and there's fat burning cardio. Weight training is toning the muscles, more muscle means more fat being burned all the time, so it's good for you of course.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I think you're a bit mistaken.... you understandably got off to a rough start here, from what I read on your first thread that you linked here. However, there is a group in this community of MFP'ers who have had various weight-loss surgeries. I wouldn't jump to assume that this site isn't helpful for "people like you" (your words) just because of a rough start on your first thread, or response from people who strongly feel old-fashioned diet and exercise works for most people.
    OTOH, I think she's not the least bit mistaken. This site is the ONLY place where I've been given flack for having surgery... where people have told others to discount what I'm saying about nutrition and exercise, just because I had surgery.

    The online tracking of food and exercise is great, but the community section can be like navigating a minefield for those of us who are surgically altered.

    C'mon now, you know there are people like that EVERYwhere. Those who think it's their way or no way. Yah, there are a few of that type here, but the majority of MFP members are supportive of just about everyone from what I've seen.
  • krness
    krness Posts: 9 Member
    I think you're a bit mistaken.... you understandably got off to a rough start here, from what I read on your first thread that you linked here. However, there is a group in this community of MFP'ers who have had various weight-loss surgeries. I wouldn't jump to assume that this site isn't helpful for "people like you" (your words) just because of a rough start on your first thread, or response from people who strongly feel old-fashioned diet and exercise works for most people.
    OTOH, I think she's not the least bit mistaken. This site is the ONLY place where I've been given flack for having surgery... where people have told others to discount what I'm saying about nutrition and exercise, just because I had surgery.

    The online tracking of food and exercise is great, but the community section can be like navigating a minefield for those of us who are surgically altered.

    C'mon now, you know there are people like that EVERYwhere. Those who think it's their way or no way. Yah, there are a few of that type here, but the majority of MFP members are supportive of just about everyone from what I've seen.

    Thanks. I feel better and appreciate BrendaLee and Mac, in particular.
  • krness
    krness Posts: 9 Member
    I think you're a bit mistaken.... you understandably got off to a rough start here, from what I read on your first thread that you linked here. However, there is a group in this community of MFP'ers who have had various weight-loss surgeries. I wouldn't jump to assume that this site isn't helpful for "people like you" (your words) just because of a rough start on your first thread, or response from people who strongly feel old-fashioned diet and exercise works for most people.
    OTOH, I think she's not the least bit mistaken. This site is the ONLY place where I've been given flack for having surgery... where people have told others to discount what I'm saying about nutrition and exercise, just because I had surgery.

    The online tracking of food and exercise is great, but the community section can be like navigating a minefield for those of us who are surgically altered.

    Yeah, there's always a few bad apples in a bushel... but in her particular case, the comments made did seem to be made with good intentions...

    Mac- I am totally shocked people have told others to disregard what you said because you had surgery. The surgeries - all the ones I can think of, anyway - cannot be successful without proper nutrition and a change in habits. That's what most people DON'T realize... it might make it even harder because you're limited by whatever the limits of the surgery is. I too know half a dozen people who've had different kinds of weight loss surgeries and been not successful at all, because they didn't adhere to the requirements. They are the reason I stayed away from the surgery personally... and then it turns out you had to have a strict diet program anyway, well, that's what most people dont' want to do (myself included!)

    Intentions accomplish nothing ... was my point. Nice thoughts have no legs.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Nice thoughts have no legs.

    Neither does chocolate, but I wouldn't kick it outta my bed for eating crackers. Wow, that made no sense.
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Nice thoughts have no legs.

    Neither does chocolate, but I wouldn't kick it outta my bed for eating crackers. Wow, that made no sense.

    *giggling* doesn't matter if it made sense, it was silly and goofy and it had the word CHOCOLATE in it. :tongue:
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715

    Intentions accomplish nothing ... was my point. Nice thoughts have no legs.

    Well stated! When I came to MFP I really thought all I had to do was join, log and chat! It was nice thoughts! But that did not nor ever will work.

    I had to stop eating everything I wanted, stop eating tons of sugar and chocolate, get up get moving and use those legs! Every expert on the planet says diet and exercise! My own family of Surgery survivors with little or no results,(due to their own failures) proves to me, that even with surgery one must change!
    The Idea that My family members had was "If I just get this surgery I will lose weight!" They still won't exercise, they still ignore the restrictions of their special diets, and they still sit in wheel chairs wondering why it did not work for them! Change is hard, even for surgery patients. there is no magic pill, there is no magic surgery. At least for my family members! When they change their own self destructive eating habits and use their legs for exercise, maybe then things will change for them. Their magic surgery just complicated their lives with drugs, pain, scars and more feeling of failure, because it was supposed to work! They did not want to do the work it took. they thought some surgeons scalpel would short circuit their digestive system so they could eat without consequence! I am so grateful that I got to see first hand what happened to them so I never had to go down that road. I was shocked and horrified to hear my niece say "I have to gain 20 more pounds or they will not give me my surgery" like it was some rite of passage!

    Your case is very different than theirs, post surgical complications must be addressed so that your body will stop being inflicted with pain built up scar tissue etc. God speed in your steps to recovering from your much needed corrections. I pray nothing less than pain free living ,health and happiness for you!
  • back in the saddle again!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm a lap band failure why you ask, I'm a muncher and so never large meals but lots of grazing all day. I'm tired of being fluffy, so I'm doing water aerobics 3 times weekly, and just started "walk away the pounds". Hoping to find support and good advice in this community. Hoping to be one less, at least on the scale


    we can do this we just have to support each other
    i have trouble with adjustments too little no restriction
    too much night time reflux and possible aspiration
    so no more fills just better diet and exercise control
    don't get me wrong those are my problems I'm not
    encouraging anyone to skip MD visits or adjustments
    I'm just share my faults and announcing my solutions

  • nobleps
    nobleps Posts: 95
    Look at and read this fromNerveracker. Really good info. Remember that this is about you changing your life. You can't expect to change if YOU stay the same! :noway: Go girl go! We can do it! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :smooched:
  • In response to your question to not getting my lap band adjusted, I havn't done it because It was painful the last time I had it done cause the PA could not find the port to inject the saline. They told me over and over again that you might feel a pinch and they numb your stomach, but at the same time you feel incredible pressure. The PA wandered out of the numbed area and it hurt like hell. Not to mention that there is about a 6 week waiting list just to get in to have it done. But these are all excuses for the most part. I know what I need to do and I just need to suck it up and do it.
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