Strange foods your pet likes



  • andy2486
    andy2486 Posts: 93 Member
    I swear my dog sees in orange. He will follow you if he sees that you are holding Nacho Cheese Doritos or Cheese-its. He also LOVES popcorn and Cherrios. He is so funny when you offer him one of his actual treats, he won't take it from your hand but if you throw it accross the room he will chase it and bark at it and play with it for about 5 mins before he eats it. Offer him people food, he will take it right from your hand, politely of course. :)
  • Inebriated
    Inebriated Posts: 271
    My tabby cat pretty much eats anything, whatever I'm eating seems to look good to him. If I'm eating it, he wants to eat it, lol. He loves toast with peanut butter (or just plain butter) and sometimes tea.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    we have 3 cats, and they all like something different.
    Jasper - the oldest, loves cheeseburger - just the meat patty with cheese on it, and fishwich - and LOVES lunchmeat, tuna, the regular kitty meat type stuff.

    Cookie- the middle kitty, loves houseplant- my Christmas cactus in particular is like a chew toy for her, she also likes chips- like Lay's or Pringles, cereal like rice chex or cornflakes, and has been known to run off with crackers- even triscuit crackers.

    Siddons- the youngest, but definitely the "queen" - likes french fries, pretty much any food at all, and likes to "chew" on cardboard.

    my mom's cats like plastic bags too- and have also figured out how to open a cupboard to try and get them. no plastic allowed in the house unless behind a locked door!
  • Serenity64
    My cats like sweet potatoes, avocado, oranges, cantaloupe, green smoothies, peanut butter, garbanzos, kale, and bird poop.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    My cat loves Vicks vapor rub. If I ever have some on me he is always trying to lick it off and once I put the jar down without the lid on and he was in there trying to lick it. food wise: White Castle french fries. No other french fries, just WC's.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    My cat is wierd. She won't eat most people food, but the other day there was some ranch dressing left on my plate and she licked that off. Not food but she also loves straws. You can't leave a drink sit around with one in it, she will steal it :)
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    My horse ate chicken scraps that I put out for some stray cats.
  • cwe1229a
    cwe1229a Posts: 34
    my dog goes nuts for blueberries, lol
  • Yolanda_85
    Yolanda_85 Posts: 143 Member
    The Doberman will eat anything from leftover roast to random fuzz on the floor, she's our hoover.

    The Boxer/lab will beg for ANYTHING, he likes cucumber peelings, but they give him gas like you wouldn't believe!! :sick: He loves Hint of Jalapeno chips with salsa!!

    Both dogs LOVE pancakes and will ignore full bowls of dog food until they get theirs, they go nuts for bananas and any leftover veggies from lunch or supper. Mac N Cheese, Rice a Roni, anything and everything really. Who needs to rinse dishes before washing them when you have a dog or two? :tongue:

    Or cats? I used to have a cat that would sit at my feet at the table and tap my leg until I gave her something off my plate. She'd also drink milk from my glass if I turned my back on it for a second too long!
  • CharlieRock71
    CharlieRock71 Posts: 14 Member
    My daughter's dog likes to eat other dog's ****
  • yherrman
    yherrman Posts: 19
    Our Dog Alex loves cucumbers and carrots and raw potatoes. She is also a goat.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    My cat is obese, so I don't let her eat any human food. :laugh: I'm about to start portioning her food out in hopes that she'll lose some weight. (Any ideas on how to get a lazy indoor cat to exercise?) She sniffs other peoples' food at most, but she knows not to even try me. Even better, she never begs. One time, though, she knocked a whole pound of beef I had thawing in the sink onto the floor in one swipe.
  • jsenecal12
    We make this fantastic spicy vegetable soup that my cat loves. She's also really into Italian food - she eats ravioli with us whenever we have it.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    My lab loves sauerkraut. She also loves beer. My goldens have much finer palates. One eats his own poop and the other loves goose poop. Oh and they all love bananas, apples, carrots and potatoes.
  • sherriaf
    sherriaf Posts: 8 Member
    my two babies (dogs) go NUTS for White Cheddar Popcorn & Cheese Balls/Puffs
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    My cat, Fang, loves garlic fingers. She's 9 and very scrawny. Runt of the litter. She also enjoys the bacon bits that fall off your pizza.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    My cat Fishy will dip his paw into green olive juice and suck it off, over and over, till its gone. Ginger will pull a chewy Jolly Rancher out of your mouth if you let her. She also will try and yank a beer bottle out of my husband's hand for a drink.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    Our cocker spaniel likes raw carrots. Won't eat them cooked....will literally follow you everywhere until you give him one.
  • violetness
    violetness Posts: 131 Member
    My dog eats CDs. Seriously. LOL!
  • nikki_starr
    nikki_starr Posts: 21 Member
    My cat Pumpkin loves bananas, and will only drink out of red cups. I found out she liked bananas about two weeks ago, she was caught chewing on a banana peel she found in the garbage! She also loves plastic!

    Oliver my sisters cat, he will not eat anything unless my sister takes a bite of it first, and he knows if she fakes it. Its like he wants to make sure its not poison lol.

    Holiday (Holly) our female min-pin, loves pickles.

    Bandit my dads min-pin, hates ketchup, he won't eat his fav food if it has the tinest bit of ketchup on it. But he also loves parrot food, the spicier the better. When my dad took him on the road with him, he bought himself two hotdogs and two for Bandit, he broke it up for him and he ate only the hotdogs and left the bread lol.

    Toby my moms snorky, loves everything.

    Paulie my moms Quaker parrot, loves chicken, and pizza! He will scream on top of his tiny lungs until he gets anything we are getting in the kitchen. But he is really loud when he sees pizza or chicken lol.