restarting and need friends!



  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Hey add me if you like :)
  • bellaxept
    bellaxept Posts: 5 Member
    I am also new to this fitness pal and need new friends also! Its always nice to be able to share and talk with other who have similar goals :) add me! I feel like i hace reached a plateau with my workouts :/ any advice would be appreciated!
  • I'm new too and could use all the support I can get! Feel free to add me as well.
  • _trickpie
    _trickpie Posts: 87
    Hey! I joined a long while ago, but have just restarted my profile and am ready to shed this weight. I'm 27 and would love to be at my goal weight before I reach 30.

    My name's Jen, I'm single, no kids and work full time at a technology company which means spending all day sitting on my rear. I'm here looking for inspiration and support to keep me accountable! I would love to meet new friends so feel free to add me!
    So much in common with me! I'm 28, single, no kids (though I count my cat as a dependant), full time desk job, wanting to get to goal before 30, and looking for similar MFP contacts to relate to and keep up with. :)
  • vadiane1
    vadiane1 Posts: 50
    Hi, I'm Di...I joined in January of this year. Every pound is a battle but a battle well worth the fight. I'm 46 (OUCH), but have a desk job during the day and almost an hour commute to get to and from work. I have started walking during my lunch break and am revisiting Jillian Michael's workout DVDs. I too, and always looking for new friends who can motivate me, as well as I can motivate them. Add me if you'd like!
  • addiva45
    addiva45 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all- I am Jennifer also! I started out really strong about a month ago, and then got a job offer. So, my excercise program of doing the 30 day shred with Jillian ichaels got put off- still walking 4-5 days a week for about an hour avg. But, have not logged in in about a week, I've lost 6-8 lbs, but am stuck now- I could use some friendly motivation as well!

    Just started taking CLA' Rasberry Ketone & White Kidney Bean extract- per Dr. Oz, about 2 weeks ago- I have noticed some inches- but not the weight, Will keep you posted...Friend me if you like!

  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    Feel free to add me too guys! :) Good luck to all!
  • mari6923
    mari6923 Posts: 21
    Hi Jen, resently restarted,add me if you'd like, and welcome!
  • are0721
    are0721 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey! Welcome back! I actually just came back here yesterday after a long time. I just had a baby who will be 3 months old on April 9th, so after I found out I was pregnant, I decided to take a time-out from mfp. I'm 25, married, with my baby (Ezra). Having friends is a great way to hold yourself accountable to your actions, so the more the merrier!! I hope you can find the motivation to continue! :)
  • Hi there, welcome back
    I am pretty new on here as well...... on the plus side I have managed to lose some of my weight already.
    Please feel free to add me to your friends list.

    Speak soon

  • Friend request sent.
  • Hi I'm Laura, only been here a couple of weeks and it's not going to well.
    I'm out of work at the mo and seem to spend a lot of time sitting down.
    I wanna get fit so I can ski again but at this rate it won't be this coming winter,

    My friends IRL on here don't seem to be checking in much so please do add me.

  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    You can add me if you wish. I am your age, and also work at a software company. I have lost 56lbs so far, but still have another 20ish to lose.
  • Cmcqueen16
    Cmcqueen16 Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me, my story is exactly the same...only add a kid LOL
  • I am glad to hear about all of these people getting back on track with their health and fitness. By the way, I am Bryan and I have always struggled with my weight off and on. I wont bore you with all of the details about why I now have over 130 pounds to lose,
    but suffice it to say that I cant lose this weight without help. I was introduced to this web site this past Saturday by my niece and ,boy does this site simplify figuring calories. But enough of that. I know about the struggles of being morbidly obese and if I can offer a word of encouragement to anybody, I would be glad to. Oh yeah, I am a 38 year old man with two great kids and a very supportive wife.
  • This is Bryan again. I am going to have to wait until one of my kids or my wife gets home to show me how to add you to my friends. I'm not too good on a computer.
  • Hi Jen, and everyone else! I'd be happy to add you, I'm restarting too. :)
  • tew741
    tew741 Posts: 2
    Hey there Jen, I'm Tracey. This is week one for me...have a long road to go myself. Glad to meet you.:bigsmile:
  • jvcheslock
    jvcheslock Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there this seems like a good start. I have just started today. Add me if you would like I could use some motivation as well to stay focused on my goals, the big and the small. Wishing everyone all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hi Jen,
    I just recently restarted too and am needing some friends too.
