How do you stay Motivated!?!?!?



  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    For me I am motivated by the progress I have made so far. Plus this is a lifestyle change for me and I want to be healthier overall. Plus MFP certainly helps! :happy:
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    In years past I focused on teh total number of pounds I needed to lose, but this time ( and it is different) I am focused on 1 pound at a time. I celebrate each pound, and even when facing a personal hurdle I just visualize the next lost 1-5 pounds. When I work out I try to chart other changes too, like mood, and stress level. Every day it is just a little bit more crystal clear than it was before, that I am changing.

    My chiidren (all girls) are a huge factor as well, I am focused on setting an example for them, and working really hard to work really hard. I think it is good for them to see this.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Wearing smaller clothes
    My MFP pals
    Noticing changes to my body (recent ones include losing back fat and growing arm muscles)

    To be honest I don't need to be motivated to work out, I love it. Hate it when the gym is shut, love working out with my PT, and look forward to my Wednesday step class. I also like to work against myself and previous performances and also trying out new sports / exercises. Kind of strange when 9 months ago the only exercise I got was the occassional walk.
  • kendra0224
    I was going to the gym almost everyday for about 2 months, and it takes a toll on you. Once it warmed up I started to replace some days with a long walk with my kids, and I started working out at home using the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels. It helped me a lot to switch it up and do something different, instead of just going and doing the same ol thing at the gym. Also, it can help your weightloss because eventually your body becomes so used to doing the same thing it can slow your progress down. Good luck! :)
  • FlabulessFam
    I read something health related on a daily basis. Educating myself on nutrition and exercise really help me to WANT to do this for myself. I have been overweight my whole life so this is really a whole new journey for me. My body cannot catch up with my mind fast enough though!! I am 3 months into this journey and I miss my walk/jog when i don't get to go. Keep at it and the rewards will be motivation in itself!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    There's no real answer. You just keep doing it. When it feels good it's awesome and you have no trouble going, but there're going to be weeks at a time (give or take) that you don't want to do anything and you have to keep going. That's not motivation - it's perseverance. You're the only one that can get you up and moving, you're the only one that makes choices about what goes in your mouth and you're the only one that can find what works for you.
  • Jessicapages1
    Jessicapages1 Posts: 114 Member
    I write my goals for the week/month/year and have them on my phone as my screen saver! I wake up for the gym at 4;50am and am st the gym at 5:15am,I have to tell myself that I have a goal and if I stay in bed I will never get to the goal!I am training to compete in a Bodybuilding Bikini division and I HAVE to make it to the Gym and I have to have NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!Set a goal and do what it takes to move twords that goal everyday! I also have 3 kids that need to seee that when I put my mind to something I get it done! I want to be the role model they look up to!
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    What a timely post. I was just thinking this morning how unmotivated I was feeling. I have been trying to get 40 minutes of elliptical in a day, and then 1/2 hour of running in every other day, and then doing strength training for different muscles every day. In truth, I am feeling a bit worn down and beat. I take a day off every week (never a set day, just "a day when I just cant do it"). I hit 136 last week, I was so excited, and then was back up today at 139.....So to be honest I am feeling PRETTY unmotivated. I know this feeling will pass, but man is it taking its time.

    In terms of how I stay motivated when I am not feeling so down, I usually try really hard not to think about it, just to do it. I think I do it your way, through sheer force of will. I would like a better way though if someone else has one.

    When I have days that the scale starts to creep back up, I go back & look at my nutritional & exercise logs to try & pinpoint where I slacked. Usually I can find it easily & adjust. I don't get frustrated, I get motivated.

    I agree with the music as a motivational tool. On days that I can't make it to the gym, I try to find other ways to burn some calories, like yardwork, flying kites with the kids or using the xbox kinect.

    I will never have a problem with motivation as long as I can lift my shirt & see a jelly roll.
  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
    coffee before working out!!!! keeps me energized!!
  • starryberry3
    Have you tried working out before going to work? That way you can do whatever you want to do after work, since you're done with exercising for the day.
  • Clarevmb
    Clarevmb Posts: 211 Member
    Set goals and write them down as this gives a greater chance of success. Like you I haven't filled my profile out yet but I have goals in my diary.
    Also my biggest motivation has been through joining a challenge thread (or there are plenty of groups to join) on MFP. I have been following a thread for 2 months now and just started a third month. You get used to seeing the same names after a while and if they can do it so can I, also you feel as if you're letting them down as well as yourself if you don't meet your target for the week. Overall I'm finding time to do almost twice the exercise mins/hours I was doing New Year.
  • ronitabur
    ronitabur Posts: 178 Member
    Most days are like that for everyone. You go by force. But ask yourself after your workout, "Am I glad that I came". It helps to tell yourself that you'll go for 10 minutes and if after 10 minutes you want to leave, then leave. I guarantee that you'll never leave unless you are truly not feeling well.

    And, make sure you eat a little snack before the gym - a banana or a serving of nuts does the trick for me.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Honestly, I don't think anyone is 100%, 100% of the time. You have up days and down days and days you just MAKE yourself go because you know you'll feel better if you do and other days when you give in and take a rest day. These fluctuations are normal.

    You wouldn't expect EVERY single minute of EVERY single day at work to be good either, right? That's just life. Fitness and health are the same as well.
  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    I log my work out here before I actually do it...I log a long walk, 30 day shred OR 20 mins on my mini-trampoline plus ten minutes of a youtube pilates or yoga dvd...

    I started doing this because I realised that when I pre-log my meals, I ALWAYS stick to my diary and only eat what I've logged.

    Same works for exercise, for me any way :smile:

    I do the exact same thing! I feel like it holds me accountable to do it this way and it is working. :smile:
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    I was feeling so unmotivated a few weeks ago and got some great ideas from MFPers.

    Here are a few things that I did to get back on track

    I found a new motivational picture of myself. It's me at my goal weight. It reminds me that I've done this before and can do it again.

    I revamped my workout schedule. I was doing too much and it was burning me out. Look for things that are more like fun activities than a strict routine.

    Then I set new, short term goals. I set out to run faster and further. I actually did both within the last few weeks and that has been the best motivation of all so far!!!

    Lastly, try on those clothes that have been hiding in the back of your closet...I bet some fit better than they did before you started!

    Good Luck!!!
  • tiggergrrl23
    tiggergrrl23 Posts: 98 Member
    I prefer to wake up in the morning and workout before work. It gives me so much energy for the rest of my day, I know that it's out of the way the entire day, and I don't have a million reasons to talk myself out of it at the end of the day, which is what would usually happen. When I wake up in the morning, which is early like 5:30-6 a.m., I repeat my favorite motivational work-out saying, "When you wake up tomorrow you can be sore or you can be sorry, YOU CHOOSE!" It really works to help me get out of bed and bang out my tough workout before leaving for work. :flowerforyou:
  • LeslieMDoyle
    LeslieMDoyle Posts: 162 Member
    I stay motiviated by always keeping my work out fresh. I take a zumba class twice a week (with 2 different instructors) they both are always changing up the routines / music to keep it fun and original. I do work out tapes on my lunch break with some girls from work and we will fall into a routine for a time, but when we start getting bored with one someone always brings in something new. A couple of the girls own a whole library of fun fitness dvds. I talked to the instructors at the gym (asked for fitness advice etc) I think when I'm aquainted with the instructors and they know me and look forward to seeing me in class it motivates me to go. The biggest thing for me about going to the gym after work is I CANNOT go home first. I keep a bag with clothes and shoes in my trunk while I work because if I need to go home first I simply won't go. Good luck and hang in there! It's a tough journey to lose weight but definitely worth it.

    this is SO ME! Mix it up! Know the folks that make you most accountable. And DON'T GO HOME FROM WORK FIRST.

    I also look in the mirror and remind myself that I look SO MUCH BETTER than I did just a month ago (or six months ago). I'm motivated by people who notice my weight-loss and ask me what I'm doing. But I'm also motivated by sleeping better and fitting into those clothes that I hate when they're tight. Little things...enjoy the little things.
  • zoeelizabeths
    zoeelizabeths Posts: 93 Member
    I don't go everyday for one, so I give my body some breaks. I generally go Monday - Friday and do weights and cardio. I'm pretty active on the weekend, and so I just nix the gym.

    But ways to keep me motivated.

    I have a couple of playlists of music that I love. That really helps to take my mind off of what I'm doing.
    I read for pleasure. As a student, the gym is like the only time I get to do this. My rule is no homework at the gym.
    I find that the more I go the more I miss not going when I skip a day.
    Make sure to find activities you actually enjoy - try the cardio machines until you find the ones you like., try aerobics, etc.
    Hang up clothes you want to fit in/look better in.
  • 2hmom
    2hmom Posts: 241 Member
    I keep thinkiing how good I feel when I'm done and knowing I sleep better. It is my, me time.
  • Leannamoe
    Each day used to be a struggle but since my man has joined me it has made it so much easier! He is amazing with his support and love. As others have mentioned, rest is important. I am training for a 5K run/walk....last yr I walked this year I want to run it! I only train 4 days a week and I feel great! That feeling alone keeps me going and the look of approval in my man's eyes; plus knowing that I am going to be a grandma in November! I want to be a good example for my daughter and new little one that will be here before I know it!