Wisdom teeth removal...intravenous sedation...FREAKING OUT..



  • darrell62
    darrell62 Posts: 40
    I hate going to the dentist, even for a simple cleaning. I am such a chicken i sprout feathers just driving by his office.
    I had 4 wisdom teeth out with sedation and didn't feel or remember a thing, you'll be fins so just relax.
  • saralynn594
    saralynn594 Posts: 321
    Mine are still healing,had all 4 out and I couldnt get knocked out because I am Breastfeeding,so I just had the numbing crap and the laughing gas,so..That part sucked,I couldn't feel a whole lot..They did have to numb me more in the middle of it. You should be fine with that part,the first day you don't feel alot of pain,and the rest (about a week) it feels like a mild toothache.I didn't eat anything other than icecream and mac and cheese for about 4 days.DONT SPIT
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I had mine out when I was 17, and all 4 of mine were impacted, as well. The intravenous drip was fantastic! I fell asleep, and the next thing I knew, I woke up with giant tampons in my mouth.

    It wasn't until a few days later that things got nasty. I had a bad reaction to my pain meds; made me insanely sick. Got terrible dry sockets. And then I had one hole that never closed properly until a piece of bone or tooth finally worked itself out about 4 months later.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    When I had my impacted wisdom teeth out, they didn't sedate me. I was given 3-4 shots of noavcain per side, 4 on the side that I could STILL feel the pain anyway, and gas and they just cracked them out.

    I had them out on Weds or Thurs and Friday night I was playing beer pong and went to blow the ball out of the cup and blew the stitches out of both bottom holes hahaha Word from the wise, keep those stitches in there as long as you need to. That was over a year ago and I still have big holes cause they didn't heal together hahaha
  • sarah_529406
    I had mine done in August.. and I was EXTREMELY scared to get it done... the sedation and procedure part wasnt bad at all for me and I felt ok for the first day or so .. but unfortunatly got dry sockets... and i dont know why.. i dont smoke and didnt do anything i wasnt supposed to... and that is the WORST pain ever... but i went back in to the office and they packed it with this clove stuff and that stopped the pain right away..hopefully that doesnt happen to you though... my case was not a normal one i guess...most people dont have as hard a time as i did recovering....and i didnt eat solid food for about a month and thats only cause i was being a freak about it and thought something was gonna get stuck in the holes... i was terrified to chew anything :embarassed:
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    It's the best way to do it! I had my wisdom teeth out this way. Woke up laughing hysterically...I mean so hard and loud, the friend

    that drove me home heard me in the waiting room. My sister and mom on the other hand always wake up crying. Was eating

    regular food in a couple days. Was no big deal at all. Good luck!
  • tbird3077
    Hi! I had 4 very impacted wisdom teeth extracted in 2005. Had the IV (which itched where it was inserted but I didn't dare move). I was less scared knowing that I would not have any recollection of the procedure. If you can tolerate dairy, get to the store today and get some drinkable yogurt. It was a lifesaver. You get hungry but you can't chew. The yogurt fills you up and then you can go back to sleep. 7up is good too.

    Also broth is good. Anything that you can pretty much drink without a straw and fills you up. No small particles like berry seeds or chopped up parsley from a soup. They may get stuck in the wounds you need to heal.

    My oral surgeon was very against using carcinogen's so I had special IV and no tylenol or vicodin. Survived just fine on advil. Also, ice is good, get one of those blue ice face masks because they are flexible and you can put it across your face rather than an ice block for your lunch pail.

    I got very sick when I got home and threw up- I was so scared that I had messed up the surgery but my doc said that it happens sometimes and to eat something and go to sleep. Hope this helps!!!
  • sarafyna
    sarafyna Posts: 15 Member
    I had all four of mine out in January. All were impacted and one was growing forward instead of down. My surgeon gave me laughing gas as he doesn't like his patients aware of the iv being done. I don't think I even felt it. Next thing I knew, the nurse was putting ice packs on my face and I was being wheeled to the car. I txted going home but I was drunk lol...

    Anyway, yes there was some pain but compared to having a baby by way of c-section, I think I would do the teeth again. I least got to eat within a few hours after the teeth!! Worst thing, 4 days worth of mashed potatoes and chicken broth. I was so sick of soft foods lol. Stitches were a little irritating but not bad.

    You'll be fine!!
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    I had all 4 of mine removed a while back and I was nervous and cried like a baby right before they knocked me out LOL. I had the gas though, not intravenous. I woke up what felt like two minutes later and I wasn't in any pain or anything. I was bleeding and drooling of course, but I pretty much felt amazing because of the gas LOL. I didn't really use the painkillers after the first day or two and I was worried about dry socket because that's supposed to be painful as hell but I smoked afterward and ate whatever I wanted and I didn't get it. You'll be fine!!!
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member


    17 year old Hilary's experience.. she thought she was in a shampoo bottle after sedation and that her Dr's name was Dr. Doolittle... so funny!

    Be sure to have a friend go with and record everything. Ellen plays the tapes back and OMG are they every hilarious with all the things ppl say while drugged to the Dentist and office staff and friends.

    Click on You tube for some good fun! Particularly one where a Girl (above video) keeps asking where Ellen is and why didn't she show up for the appt. .. For those of you that have seen any of these vids, you can vouch for hilarity.

    Good luck, I'm sure it will go well, though I've never heard of anyone going all 4 at one time. Yikes, did 2 at a time and I was wasted for days from the exhaustion. Who ever is driving you make sure you already have extra gauze, supplies etc. so you don't have to stop ANYWHERE on the way home. You'll be ready to crash for the night as soon as you get done.

    It'll be done and over before you know it! Anticipation is always worse than the actual event it seems.
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    I had mine removed fine, but then experienced an allergic reaction to the pain medication. Even without medication, I'd describe the surgery as more uncomfortable than painful. :flowerforyou:

    EDIT: I ate chili two hours afterwards (wouldn't recommend that with the anesthesia); whole foods days later.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    My son had his out about 2 years ago. It's a pretty quick procedure. He was pretty out of it when they called us back, looked like he'd been beat up, but on the way home asked if mountain dew counted as a clear liquid. He was told for the first few days to drink clear liquids, and stick with mashed potatoes, jello etc...so as not to get any chunks of food in your holes. You should feel pretty good by the next day though, and within 3-5 days be pretty much back to normal. Good luck!!
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    It's quite lovely. You don't feel or remember a thing!!
  • decooper
    decooper Posts: 57 Member
    I had it done a couple of years ago. I had all 4 done. I hate needles and dentist, but my experience was great.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I'm so scared to get sedation done to me. I've never had the chance to out of sheer luck. I have all my wisdom teeth and they fit in my mouth perfectly. I have shown them to dentists before and they just wanted to pull them out because it's the norm. I have refused of course as why pay for something if it isn't a necessary thing?

    I am really scared about sedation though! I have a fear that if you are magically unlucky and allergic to it or something goes wrong and you never wake up. Plus being out of control would freak me out.

    I know it's not really that bad. It's just the unknown.
  • Mirdir
    Mirdir Posts: 39 Member
    I got all 4 of mine removed without sedation. I wish they had knocked me out I was numbed out for the procedure so there was no pain during the procedure but hearing them grind and prod them out with their little tools was terrible D: Take the drugs please.
  • linda768
    linda768 Posts: 22
    My wisdom teeth were impacted under bone. I had all four of them removed at once. All I remember is trying to count back from 100 and then crying when I woke up. I cried because I didn't know what I wanted for lunch. LOL

    The aftercare was the worst. I had a reaction to the codeine I was prescribed and the incisions got infected. Follow your dentist's instructions and rinse with warm salt water at least twice a day.

    After a week, I was back to eating everything I wanted. Good luck!
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    Been down that road. Had all four impacted and taken out the day after Thanksgiving in 1992. (needed one great meal before the surgery).

    Anyway, I remember asking the doctor how his holiday was and the next thing I clearly remember was Sunday! My wife says I was fine & funny as hell but I don't remember.

    What I will say is this, do what they tell you about anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relief. It's important to keep the swelling down so you heal quickly. Also, gargling with salt-water was a key, too. And if you smoke, DO NOT DO IT. If you drink from a straw DO NOT DO IT. I developed a dry socket because I had a cigarette FOUR DAYS after my surgery. Most intense pain I ever felt.

    You'll be fine. Just grab the remote and let everyone wait on you.
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    Try not to stress too much, wisdom teeth surgery is no big deal :) Most people, as far as I can tell, have to get them removed. The second they turn that anesthesia on it's lights out and you won't feel or remember a thing. For me the recovery was not bad at all either. Good luck!
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    I had all four done at the same time. It was AWESOME! The worst part was being stuck with a needle, but then they gave me laughing gas just before knocking me out for good. I remember laughing a lot, then counting back from 100, then I was in the recovery room (a year later my now fiance told me that I was barking like a dog LOL). I lived on mashed potatoes and apple sauce. Don't stress, it'll be over before you know it :smile: