Is coffee really bad for you??



  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 335 Member
    I drink a lot of coffee! it is really good for asthma. if you see someone without their puffers having a hard time breathing give them some strong coffee until they get medical help. Or something else with caffine in it!

    I think it is like everything else, moderation is key! If you are drinking 12 cups a day you may want to rethink your intake but one or two won't hurt.
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    Whey you pry it from my twitchy caffeinated hands.
  • laurarpa
    laurarpa Posts: 244 Member
    there are all kinds of studies that say coffee is actually good for you. Antioxidants, and all kinds of apparent protection against things like diabetes, parkinson's, gallstones, kidney stones, alzheimer's disease. I'm sticking with that. And my 3 cups of coffee. :wink:
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 335 Member
    I drink a lot of coffee! it is really good for asthma. if you see someone without their puffers having a hard time breathing give them some strong coffee until they get medical help. Or something else with caffine in it!

    I think it is like everything else, moderation is key! If you are drinking 12 cups a day you may want to rethink your intake but one or two won't hurt.
  • tantrum69
    tantrum69 Posts: 16
    The caffeine is coffee is actually said to be a metabolism booster and offers other health benefits. However, this is black coffee, not coffee with creme and sugar.

    This ^^
    Nice pre-workout. Just make sure you drink lots of water.
  • coffee has tons of benefits! Caffein in general does. Just not one of those crappy starbucks fraps or whatever they are... those coffee drinks that have like 50 grams of sugar and fat added in. Plain old 0 calorie coffee with splenda is harmless.
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    I tried not drinking coffee for a week. It was ugly. Nope, my morning coffee stays. I may not drink it everyday, but when I want it- get out of my way.
  • pumalama
    pumalama Posts: 140 Member
    I remember reading an article many years ago about the effects of caffeine on your system. Turned out that, like everything else, it depends on your body. Some people will benefit from more than 2 cups a day and some others will get damage from that amount. Also, there is no easy way to tell in which group you sit without a science lab. Nice contribution to science from the authors, I learned so much reading the paper :)
  • finchest
    finchest Posts: 245 Member
    i don't think anyone who has replied here is a doctor! it's a stimulant, so if your goal is to eat purer, healthier foods, giving up your coffee is worth a shot - or at least changing it to an occasional treat rather than a daily habit.
    in my (also nonmedical) opinion, it's not good to feel dependent on any substance to get through the day.
    --former habitual coffee drinker!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    i don't think anyone who has replied here is a doctor! it's a stimulant, so if your goal is to eat purer, healthier foods, giving up your coffee is worth a shot - or at least changing it to an occasional treat rather than a daily habit.
    in my (also nonmedical) opinion, it's not good to feel dependent on any substance to get through the day.
    --former habitual coffee drinker!

    wow. it took until the second page for a party pooper to arrive.
  • Feathil
    Feathil Posts: 162 Member
    I love coffee black no sugar, about 2 a day, so it seems like people's guidelines for it being a benefit is right down my alley! Happy with that :) I heard it's good for metabolism, and I hope that's right cos that's a nice benefit. And the anti-oxidants, of course :)
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Just like most vices, coffee is harmless in moderation!
    As a previous employee at your neighborhood coffee chain store, I had regular customers that had to have their fix. Most were normal drinks with the regular 2 shots or just a cup of coffee... but this one individual drank NINE shots of espresso in his fix, 2 x day! Not only is that a really expensive habit, but I doubt in that high of doses caffeine is good for you. I asked him what happens if he skipped it, and he said he would get tremendous headaches.

    I say drink your coffee, just don't go nuts- or add a bunch of things to mask the taste (if you don't like the taste, drink caffeinated tea?)
    If you are going to drink it- brew your own! its so much cheaper and honestly tastes just as good if you buy good coffee. And a french press is 12 bucks at Ikea and makes some strong brew!
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    I make 2 espresso a day. Seek out some third wave coffee shops and you'll quickly discover that coffee brewed correctly does not require sugar or milk.
  • It's funny because most of the people who will go out on a limb to say "COFFEE IZ BADDDDD" are the ones who probably don't exercise enough, are afraid of red meat, and eat crap like Special K cereal because the labels say it's healthy... when in reality, a little bit of coffee is the least of their problems. They just hear caffein and automatically think it' taboo.
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    Seems like every other week, there is a study done on coffee drinking. One week, a study might say coffee is bad for you, but the next study will say coffee is good for you. Personally, I don't think scientists really know.

    If you like it, drink it. Stop worrying about every media-induced scare.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Its not all black and white. (Sometimes Its black and sometimes its creamy brown with cinnamon sprinkles.)

    There are a lot of beneficial things about drinking coffee and there is the potential for there to be harm from drinking coffee, however, I must say...Everything I have heard about coffee being potentially harmful is the result of overindulgence in it.

    Its my opinion that coffee, in moderation, is perfectly safe.

    Having experienced overindulgence in coffee and some painful results from it, I'm happy to say I haven't had coffee in over two months. I am basically trying to cleanse out my body and that is one of the reasons I am here at MFP.

    I started drinking coffee when I got out of high school and I am now 42. At some point in the near future, I will probably have a nice decaf soy latte. But for now, I am content in my recovery.

    Almost any food product that has harmful claims associated with it is fine if consumed in moderation.

    Just my two cents.
  • Caffeine has a mildly diuretic effect but I'll give up my coffee when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers.......

    THIS!!!!! not bad in my book! :)
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    there are all kinds of studies that say coffee is actually good for you. Antioxidants, and all kinds of apparent protection against things like diabetes, parkinson's, gallstones, kidney stones, alzheimer's disease. I'm sticking with that. And my 3 cups of coffee. :wink:

    This is totally true!!
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    there are all kinds of studies that say coffee is actually good for you. Antioxidants, and all kinds of apparent protection against things like diabetes, parkinson's, gallstones, kidney stones, alzheimer's disease. I'm sticking with that. And my 3 cups of coffee. :wink:

  • pumalama
    pumalama Posts: 140 Member
    i don't think anyone who has replied here is a doctor!
