I would love to become a Jogger/Runner - where do I even sta



  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    I used to weigh 250+ lbs and could not run then. But now that I'm 195 I can run. I started out walking for 5 minutes. Then running 2 minutes straight at a slow 5 mph, then walking for 2 minutes, running for 2, etc. Then I upped my running to 5 minutes long. Now I can run for 10 minutes straight. I feel like I"m going to die, but it also feels amazing.
    All I suggest is just start trying. You will build up your endurance.
  • Quackledorf
    Definitly start with the Couch to 5K program, then work your way up! Get fitted for a good pair of shoes too - shoes should be less than 6 months old, but slightly broken in. Get your IPod up to date with running music that works for you - I like high beat music that I can get lost in, other people like mellow music to keep them calm & steady. Good Luck!
  • spartymama
    More praise for the C25k program! It's a great way to get started without injury. Best of Luck!
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    And another vote for Couch to 5K. I finish Week 6 tomorrow (hopefully!). It's nice because it eases you into running. I have the iPhone app, and it does the timing for me.

    As others have said- good shoes!! I had shin pain until I got my new running shoes, and they are awesome. And for me, having a great playlist is essential.

    Good luck and hope to see you out there!
  • m7eagan
    m7eagan Posts: 7
    Me too! I just started. I went to a local running store in my area and was fitted for shoes, so incredibly important!!! Then I downloaded the C25k Free app on my iPhone, It's fab! you can play your music, and it interrupts the music to say RUN or WALK so you don't have to keep looking at your watch. I would also recommend using a treadmill. They are not as hard as pavement. Good Luck!
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I too would love to become a jogger. My problem is I am so self-conscious and don't want anybody driving by to see me jogging. And I hate treadmills. HATE TREADMILLS!! plus, I don't have one and will not spend money on one. I would jog on the flat area between my back yard and my grandfather's hay field, but I'm afraid of divots in the grass I don't see, therefore twisting my ankle.

    Try the local YMCA or school where there is an enclosed track or a track behind the school and not so "out in public"

    I've already been a member of the Y. Our budget does not allow for that anymore. I've also already tried to use the local school track... whenever was most convenient timing for me, it was always being used by a sports team of the school. I tried every day of the week, at different times after work, and it wasn't ever free.
  • greeneyes191
    greeneyes191 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm on week 5 of Couch to 5k. I use the schedule that was adapted for a treadmill. I even find myself wanting to do my daily treadmill workout after I've spent an hour cutting grass.
  • paulineg1977
    I was in the same position and wanted to become a jogger but after having surgery on my leg I was pertified to run on it. But I just got out there and I can jog further now than when I first started. I started out walking at a fast pace then incorporated jogging in with the walking little by little and I can jog more now than I ever have before. I try to jog a little further each day but it really is important to listen to your body. Keep up the work and you will gt there.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Another vote for c25k! I'm on week 5.I downloaded the Chubby Jones c25k podcasts to my Nano and she talks through it, plays music, tells me when to run and when to walk, and throws in some encouragement. It's great!
  • greeneyes191
    greeneyes191 Posts: 78 Member
    I too would love to become a jogger. My problem is I am so self-conscious and don't want anybody driving by to see me jogging. And I hate treadmills. HATE TREADMILLS!! plus, I don't have one and will not spend money on one. I would jog on the flat area between my back yard and my grandfather's hay field, but I'm afraid of divots in the grass I don't see, therefore twisting my ankle.

    Try the local YMCA or school where there is an enclosed track or a track behind the school and not so "out in public"

    I've already been a member of the Y. Our budget does not allow for that anymore. I've also already tried to use the local school track... whenever was most convenient timing for me, it was always being used by a sports team of the school. I tried every day of the week, at different times after work, and it wasn't ever free.

    All I can tell you is that you start out walking. So walking down a sidewalk or paved road shouldn't be embarrassing to you. And what the heck, at least you are doing something. What do you care what people think. You are going to feel SOOOO good about yourself once you get out there.
  • RunChristyRun
    RunChristyRun Posts: 72 Member
    I too would love to become a jogger. My problem is I am so self-conscious and don't want anybody driving by to see me jogging. And I hate treadmills. HATE TREADMILLS!! plus, I don't have one and will not spend money on one. I would jog on the flat area between my back yard and my grandfather's hay field, but I'm afraid of divots in the grass I don't see, therefore twisting my ankle.

    Just do it! Don't worry about what you look like...focus on what you want to look like and how you want to feel! I started the C25k and couldn't run a minute without being completely gassed. Now I can run 25+ minutes straight. I am losing weight and I feel wonderful. Give it a try!
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    i am realizing more and more each day that I wish I had a freakin smart phone lol

    ...it seems a lot of things i am struggling with right now would be greatly helpful if I had some assistance on a smart phone lol

    That c25k app sounds awesome! lol

    My other issue with myself right now is I am like almost scared to start lol - like when I start thinking about it I get really overwhelmed by it and it really hurts my self motivation.

    I think that I am still in the stage where I am fighting myself constantly and I have to get over this before I can really get anywhere!
  • paulineg1977
    I was so self-conscious about my self that I wouldn't even join a gym because of it. I got to the point that I was sick and tired of the way I felt about myself and my appearance that I bit the bullet and decided that I am not going to care if someone sees me attempting to jog or walk. I started going to the park close to my kids school (not the school track) I started out walking then added jogging into my walks. I am not the best jogger but I do what I can and what I started to do was increase my pace when walking when I had a song play that was a fast paced one and then slowed down when al slower song played. I did that for a few weeks then I started jogging as much as I could and it wasn't very far but would still do it then walked until I felt I could jog again. I'm still working at it but I can jog further now and I am no longer concerned about anyone seeing me becauase we are all there for the same reason on the track which is to be heathier. I think I am going to try the couch to 5k that I have read people writing about it sounds good. Good luck!!!!
  • mmklinemm
    mmklinemm Posts: 58 Member
    A good pair of running shoes and perseverance. Just keep at it and your endurance will build. A year ago I could barely make it 10 minutes. Now I can go 4 miles outside everyday or 40+ minutes on the treadmill.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    Here's what I did a few years ago:

    Hmmm...I'm going to start walking every day.
    This walking every day is pretty easy, not too hard.
    You know, just from the heck of it, I'm going to jog from this mailbox to that street light.
    Well, the mailbox-streetlight thing is getting easy after doing it several days, maybe I'll do it 3 or 4 times during my walk.
    You know, the walking is getting boring. I'm going to alternate running and walking, half a block each.
    Today I'm going to start out running, see how far I get, and slow down to a walk when I feel like it.

    How far can I run today?

    Start slow. Go with what you feel like. Keep it up. Don't worry about speed, distance, or how you look. Just keep moving as fast as you feel like.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    i am realizing more and more each day that I wish I had a freakin smart phone lol

    ...it seems a lot of things i am struggling with right now would be greatly helpful if I had some assistance on a smart phone lol

    That c25k app sounds awesome! lol

    My other issue with myself right now is I am like almost scared to start lol - like when I start thinking about it I get really overwhelmed by it and it really hurts my self motivation.

    I think that I am still in the stage where I am fighting myself constantly and I have to get over this before I can really get anywhere!

    Do you have a regular mp3 player or Ipod? I don't have a smartphone, either. I just have a little Ipod Nano, and I downloaded free podcasts to it that tell me when to walk/run for the c25k program. It's been working really great for me!
  • paulineg1977
    Just do it once you start and keep at it it will get to the point where you will sy to yourself why didn't I start sooner. Trust me I am a month in and have lost 15 lbs and now a day does not go by without me walking/jogging. I did that without the smqart phone app. Just some good music and a "it's time to take a crap or get off the pot" attitude. It was time to do something and and I bit the bullet and did it. Because I am able to go about the same time every day I see the same people there and that makes to easier too. One even became my stretching buddy then we go our own pace his is way faster than mine but thats ok because I'll get there too.
  • jbaker436
    jbaker436 Posts: 55 Member
    I too would love to become a jogger. My problem is I am so self-conscious and don't want anybody driving by to see me jogging. And I hate treadmills. HATE TREADMILLS!! plus, I don't have one and will not spend money on one. I would jog on the flat area between my back yard and my grandfather's hay field, but I'm afraid of divots in the grass I don't see, therefore twisting my ankle.
    I didn't have any money when I started working out a few years ago myself. But I did have a gym at my work which was free to use. It was more than a little intimidating to start. :embarassed: I wore a baseball cap and kept my head down listening to my iPod doing my own thing. I was serious and sweated a LOT. It's hard at first, but as I lost weight, I gained confidence back in spades. I hope this happens with you! There's some great suggestions in this group. I've been dabbling in some jogging, but am much more inspired now...:smile:

    Try the local YMCA or school where there is an enclosed track or a track behind the school and not so "out in public"

    I've already been a member of the Y. Our budget does not allow for that anymore. I've also already tried to use the local school track... whenever was most convenient timing for me, it was always being used by a sports team of the school. I tried every day of the week, at different times after work, and it wasn't ever free.

    All I can tell you is that you start out walking. So walking down a sidewalk or paved road shouldn't be embarrassing to you. And what the heck, at least you are doing something. What do you care what people think. You are going to feel SOOOO good about yourself once you get out there.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    Can somebody please tell me whether I have to go to a special store for jogging shoes or can I go to someplace like Dunham's Sports? :smile:
  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    Can somebody please tell me whether I have to go to a special store for jogging shoes or can I go to someplace like Dunham's Sports? :smile:

    I get mine at Dunham's Sports. I run in New Balance brand shoes or Adidas, because they fit my foot the best.