Devil's advocate: 1200 calories for petite/short women?



  • I am 5'1 and have about 30 lbs to is hard for me to stay at 1200...I recently upped it to 1300 and feels so much better. I have energy and i'm not as cranky anymore. I haven't seen any significant weight loss (bouncing 3 lbs up and down) but hoping this higher intake will boost my metabolism like so many people on here say it will.

    100 calories is NOT going to boost your metabolism. it's rather negligible.

    If 100 makes no difference, then how could 200 or 300? They are all just 100 more than the other.

    quite simply...100 calories is less than a 10% increase in calories above 1200...300 calories is 25% of 1200. Quite different, eh?
  • Natalie182
    Natalie182 Posts: 61 Member
    Im 5'2 and 126lbs, im eating 1350calories before any exercise calories, thats supost to lose me half lb a week, i only want to lose around 6lb to get to where i was before i had my daughter 9 months ago, & i dont seem to be losing anything!!
    I have started the 30 day shred so hoping to tone up abit! then i wont let my weight bother me so much apart from my belly! ^_^
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 57. Plus I am not a huge fan of working out. So keeping to 1200 - 1350 calories is optimal for me. That said, it requires that I make mostly good food choices--making each calorie count. I sometimes wish MFP would allow you to track more micronutrients to see how I stand on some of those. I track calcium and iron, and know I far exceed recommended allowances for vitamins A and C. But the rest is a mystery.

    I totally agree. When you make the right food choices (fresh veggies, fish, some fresh fruits, chicken, turkey) and not prepared meals (lean cuisine, smart ones, etc) 1200 can get to be a LOT more. When I look at quantity over cheesey saucey gooey, I tend to stay more on track and fuller longer. Sometimes I get to dinner and I'm stuffed. I snack on dry cereals for a little extra through the day but I drag it out all day long. I'm a natural 'nibbler'. I cook on Sundays and make enough for all week. Freeze some of the higher perishable for Thursday - Saturday lunch / snack meals. I keep it simple, losing weight is complicated enough. ;o)

    I agree with this. It's beyond easy these days to "drink your calories." Well, if you have 3 sodas a day and can only fit in a small amount of actual food and nutrition, yeah, you're going to be starving or over your goal.
  • A1ladya
    A1ladya Posts: 9
    Do you workout? If you do, you should read the "Why I should eat my exercise calories" blog. Its very informative and will help you better understand why eating more calories is better for you.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I am 5ft 1 and I do NOT eat 1200 a day, I eat 1600 min(without exercise, I eat those back too).

    That being said, I like that this site started me at 1200. It forced me to totally rework EVERYTHING I had been eating. Then, as I upped my calories I could introduce healthy fats etc.

    It's process and everyone is different, even within us shorties. I also consider myself to have a larger, more muscle heavy frame.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    so here is what I have found out over the last 2 or so months.

    1. started with 1200 calories. I didn't look at NET calories, just ate. worked out. Lost 20 pounds

    2. started reading the posts. Upped my calories to 1400 (slightly above my BMR) - gained 6 pounds. Went to the doctor - based on thyroid, and everything else...1400 was above where I needed to be.

    3. started on a high protein no carb 1000 calories...losing weight.

    Upping my calories did not help me at all.


    This...I am also 5'2" & I think that each person is unique...Some will lose with more cals/day & some will gain...You just have to play around with it until you figure out which type you are....I am starting to think that I am more like the above...My mom who is 5'2" also, lives by this & wants me to try it for awhile....I am at almost 1600 cals/day now & not losing so I am going to try my moms idea for a little while & see what happens...
  • I'm 5'2 and 132 pounds as of this morning, and I eat 1600 cals and a good portion of my exercise calories. I'm doing intense Zumba twice a week, and heavy lifting twice a week. I was doing the Zumba for 6 months on 1200 cals and was MISERABLE.

    I'm feeling much happier, healthier, and stronger eating more.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    I am 5'1" and 32 years old. I started eating better and exercising in Mid November, and ate 1200 calories (or less) like MFP told me to. I lost weight, fairly quickly, and like others, i had a hard time eating "so many" calories. For awhile.

    Then i got stuck . My starting weight was 193.6 around 168lbs i stopped losing. (up and down a few lbs, etc) I increased my calories to 1400 and i had major reservations about doing so! I was worried i would gain. The scale started going down again!

    I am currently at 150lbs, and seems as though i may be stalling out again. (I do also eat most of my exercise cals) I am mostly sedentary, and i work out 3x week for 60-90 minutes. I am thinking that i need to up my calories again, but not sure if i should or by how much. Anyone have suggestions? I do cardio with some strength training as well and i do try to keep my protein near or above 100g per day.

    I know 1200 was not enough for me, and now 1400 may not be enough either.
  • nancysiems
    nancysiems Posts: 4 Member
    I agree with being more active and eating more!!! My current calorie intake is 2100. My workouts are intense with cardio and weight training daily, so for me that is what I need to maintain my weight being 5'4" and 112 pounds. I could honestly never imagine calorie intake being so low, but I suppose everyone is different and needs vary.
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    when I was 130 lbs, my cholesterol was 201. Now that I'm 115, it's down to 170.
  • nancysiems
    nancysiems Posts: 4 Member
    I would suggest getting a lot more protein from chicken breast, egg whites, almonds in moderation, nonfat plain greek yogurt, whey protein supplement shakes, and include carbs such as brown rice, quinoa, couscous, and occasionally whole wheat pasta. I think that upping calorie intake a bit might help as well....
  • tlp148
    tlp148 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 5'2 and spent 3 months at 1200 calories /day. The weight has been coming off consisently, down right at 20 pounds now. I am now in my fourth month of MFP and have started 30-day Shred on April 1 so I have upped to 1300 and eat back some of my calories. I agree with the majority of replies that 1200 is low and may not be able to be maintained for a long period of time, but it worked for me as a good jump start.
    I found it quite easy to fit in healthy meals and snacks and maintain good levels of calorie/carbs/protien/vitamins within the 1200 calories. The first three months were learning about foods and their values. I can honestly say that I look at food completely different now. Lots of reading, research, measuring and keeping constant records of what I ate. I was never a big sugar addict and rarely drank soda so for me it was the Carbs/Starches that were my enemy. Now, with the knowledge of what are the good carbs/starches I can still have them and keep within my 1200-1300/day.
    I feel better than I have felt in the last few years and that is worth it all.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I don't think it's healthy for ANYONE to eat under 1200 calories. As a smaller person, your BMR may be lower, but you still have basic nutritional needs that are often unmet with a super low calorie diet. Bottom line is that, as smaller people, we have to exercise more to lose weight or maintain a lower weight. There is a certain point at which you can no longer cut calories and still be healthy. I am 5 ft tall and 120 lbs. and 40 years old. I use 1200 calories as my base, but I exercise EVERYDAY and I eat back every one of those calories. I would like to weigh less, but at the same time I feel healthier this way.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am 5'1 and have about 30 lbs to is hard for me to stay at 1200...I recently upped it to 1300 and feels so much better. I have energy and i'm not as cranky anymore. I haven't seen any significant weight loss (bouncing 3 lbs up and down) but hoping this higher intake will boost my metabolism like so many people on here say it will.

    100 calories is NOT going to boost your metabolism. it's rather negligible.

    If 100 makes no difference, then how could 200 or 300? They are all just 100 more than the other.

    quite simply...100 calories is less than a 10% increase in calories above 1200...300 calories is 25% of 1200. Quite different, eh?

    Yes, 25% will make more of a difference than 10%. That in no way translates to 10% makes no difference.
  • Hi all!

    I am also short at 5ft and I find it very hard sticking to 1200 calories a day. I try to do some exercise each day and I then eat more. I have already lost 25lb in 6 months and still need to lose 10lb. I have joined mfp so that I can see how many calories I am eating and burning each day. I also think that each persons body is slightly diffrent and some people may burn more than others.

    I'm also 5ft how many calories a day do you usually eat? and how many calories do you burn a day with exercise? Just trying to find the right amount of exercise and calories for my height and curious since you've done an awsome job so far :)
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    I don't think it's healthy for ANYONE to eat under 1200 calories. As a smaller person, your BMR may be lower, but you still have basic nutritional needs that are often unmet with a super low calorie diet. Bottom line is that, as smaller people, we have to exercise more to lose weight or maintain a lower weight. There is a certain point at which you can no longer cut calories and still be healthy. I am 5 ft tall and 120 lbs. and 40 years old. I use 1200 calories as my base, but I exercise EVERYDAY and I eat back every one of those calories. I would like to weigh less, but at the same time I feel healthier this way.
    Why shouldn't someone even smaller than you eat a little less?
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    For me personally, living FOREVER at 1200 calories doesn't sound very sustainable.

    Completely true.

    When I eat 1200 calories I am cranky and tired. (I am 5'4.5")

    My happy medium at the moment (while I am losing) seems to be in the 1500-1650 with no exercise and 1700-1900 when exercising.
  • amykoa
    amykoa Posts: 10
    I'm 5'1", currently 171 pounds (trying to get to 120). MFP has me at 1200 calories to lose 1.5 pounds/week. I work out nearly every day and usually eat back some of my exercise calories. Honestly, some days I only work out so I can eat more! I have to admit, I'm hungry most of the time, but I'm also losing weight steadily. I'm finding that the balance is rather delicate! I'm hoping that the more I work out and turn some of my fat to muscle, the higher my metabolism will be, and in turn I can then start to eat more.
  • vabrewer33
    vabrewer33 Posts: 185
    I am 5'1 and have about 30 lbs to is hard for me to stay at 1200...I recently upped it to 1300 and feels so much better. I have energy and i'm not as cranky anymore. I haven't seen any significant weight loss (bouncing 3 lbs up and down) but hoping this higher intake will boost my metabolism like so many people on here say it will.

    100 calories is NOT going to boost your metabolism. it's rather negligible.

    If 100 makes no difference, then how could 200 or 300? They are all just 100 more than the other.

    quite simply...100 calories is less than a 10% increase in calories above 1200...300 calories is 25% of 1200. Quite different, eh?

    Yes, 25% will make more of a difference than 10%. That in no way translates to 10% makes no difference.

    Ok, but my BMR is only 1375 so to lose weight I need to be in a deficit so upping to 1400 or 1500 will make me gain weight right?!
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    I get a little fired up about this topic, but its because it truly is frustrating to be short and lose weight. I will not eat less that 1200 calories. I did at first but you didn't want to be around me at all!

    After trial and error I eat a straight 1700 calories a day and exercise 3-5 per week for 30 min to and hour. I have a desk job. I lose slowly, but that's ok with me. As long as I get smaller in the process, that's all that matters.

    4'11" and 139lbs