quick and effective

during the week time i dont have time for a good workout between school and work does anyone know a quick and effective workout i can do in between my day.


  • nicole0177
    nicole0177 Posts: 377
    during the week time i dont have time for a good workout between school and work does anyone know a quick and effective workout i can do in between my day.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Jump rope, very effective, high cardio, and you can do 15 minutes for a great workout.
  • shrtcwgrl
    shrtcwgrl Posts: 18
    Take the stairs instead of an elevator.
    Park as far away from work and school as possible and briskly walk.
    During your break, go up and down the stairs a time or two.

    These are a few things I do when I don't get to get in a workout.
    Good luck!
  • mking
    mking Posts: 45
    Jumping rope is great, and you feel like you did something that day!:happy: