SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo! week of Aug 17

Good morning!
Been awhile since I started the thread. :smile: Since I am paranoid about having two going I will be back.


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I decided to get my act together. I went for a walk this morning, just 30 minutes. I am going to work out some more in a little while: taebo 45 minutes. I am sore from bowling on Saturday so I'll have to see if I make it all the way through.
    I'm not going to start counting cals right now. I just want to focus on trying to eat less and better on my own and getting a healthy amount of exercise. Last time I lost some actual weight was when I was working out 75 minutes a day 4-5x a week. I figured I would start with an hour 3x a week since I know I can fit that in. I don't have a lot of junkfood in the house so I shouldn't do too badly if I eat at home. I may want some frozen custard one day this week if money allows.
    My goal is to lose three pounds by the end of the week. May not be doable. If it's not I am not going to worry about it. I think, with as much as I've put on, I can lose it. It will help if I will get back to drinking lots of water. My other goal is to find balance. To not be obsessed yet not go to the other extreme either.
    I realize I have to do something, so here I am again. :smile:
    Reboot with a new hard drive boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    The sorta yoga week continues with teaching at 11 and class at 4:30. Think I'm going to the gym tonight.

    I'm still a little ticked from last night's class. The guy was a really good teacher - however - he said, "this is a free class, but there is a $2.50 charge that will go on your membership for each class" :huh: I'm not a member, I'm a teacher, so no charge for me - BUT, that means he gets paid more than any other teacher at the gym. There were 15-18 people in his class, so with $2.50 per head, he's getting double what anyone else makes! He's definitely not the most senior teacher there either. I don't know if my teacher is going to do anything about it, but I wish she would.

    I'm thinking the yoga week may continue on next week because I'm teaching so much this week and missing classes (time conflicts) - but not take too much time away from other work.

    Yoga is fun, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    OK, confession time.

    I didn't make it to Bikram yesterday. I got this weird fuzzy headache and nausea, and ended up going back to bed. I may be in junk-food withdrawal, I'm not sure.

    After I type this, I'm getting dressed and going to the gym. Elliptical for sure today. I'm hoping my legs remember how to work it. . .

    Also, I need to hydrate and stick to the elimination diet. It was really hard yesterday. I mostly discovered that cheese and corn are pretty much the current staples of my diet. Probably not good, that. Whenever I got snackish, I wanted cheese. Interesting. Also, have discovered that soy is really hard to avoid, as is corn. At least this is forcing me to eat my fruits and vegetables, as they're the only things that I don't have to worry about being "wrong" right now.

    Chicken, vegetables and rice boogaloo!

    Take care.:flowerforyou:

    Also, yoga in the badlands avatar. I don't think my stance is wide enough. :ohwell:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hello all. I just had my second shot (well, second appointment - the first one was actually 3 shots :noway: ) - 2 more to go! So I think I will wait until tomorrow to start over on pushups (sore arm). No real exercise planned yet... I am just not feeling motivated today! Maybe I'll pull out the DDR pad for a little bit - I haven't played that in years.

    OK, I feel boring. V, I love your pic! Remind me what all you are eliminating from your diet. I have randomly been getting headaches for the past week or two and I am wondering what might be causing them.

    Hot day boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm eliminating:
    coffee, beef, pork, wheat/yeast, corn, eggs, soy and dairy. I eliminate them all for four days and then add them back in one at a time every three days.

    I was pretty pout-y yesterday, saying I couldn't eat "anything". My DH, very good at keeping me positive said "why don't you put a list of what you CAN eat up on the fridge instead of what you CAN'T eat?" I had to reply "because that list would be too long." And I sort of snapped out of it. The only thing I'm struggling with a bit is I'm finding it hard to hit my calorie target without cheese, and I miss corn chips like crazy. Also, between soy, corn, eggs and wheat it's hard to buy anything in a package. (even my beloved Mary's gluten free crackers have tamari in them. . .which contains soy).

    How many rounds of shots are you getting in total? Sounds pretty yucky.:grumble:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    V - regarding pic - The elevation of your feet is slightly off, maybe causing the smaller step?
    Can't imagine the diet - good for weight loss though :bigsmile:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    V, if I remember I will try to look for some recipes for you to try. If you want them. I'll make a note to myself so I'll remember to look tomorrow.
    I'll check back in tomorrow. Gotta go night night.
    Sleepy time. :yawn:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    CP, what are your shots for? Sorry, I either missed the post or I just don't remember.

    I thought I would be horribly sore today but so far my back is the only thing sore. I guess I used muscles yesterday that I haven't used in a long time. Since my legs aren't sore I might walk to the park this morning and feed the ducks with Alex. I also need to clean up in case a friend decides to come over today. Other than that I will be working with Alex on therapies/play time. My eating was a little better yesterday but I had seconds at dinner. What can I say? I cook a mean roast! :tongue:
    Thanks, Pebbles, for accepting me as a friend on facebook. :happy:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Lucky Ducks! - sorry, couldn't stop myself.

    Little sore from yoga. It seems like the entire yoga community is connected by pose. So far backbends is this week's theme. I'm hoping for something different in the kick butt class this evening, even though backbends are my strong point. Today is a mystery free yoga class at the macrobiotic restaurant (could be an airy fairy class, which I'm not into) and my kick butt class.
    I was hoping for more than two classes a day, but it's just not working out (with the teaching and other things going on). I might have to plan another week :bigsmile:

    Lucky Mary, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Today is Bikram, which I could probably do outside today. Too hot for me. I'm such a lightweight in the heat department. What I discovered on the trip is it's not the heat. . .it's the sun that gets me. Which may explain why I like Bikram. . .it's the heat without the sun.

    I need to find something to eat other than almonds. They're the only thing that sounds good right now that's on the list of allowed foods and not spicy or hot. Hmmmm. . .

    So, hydrating, Bikram trying to print out/look at my draft of my paper and getting back on my vitamin schedule. (despite the best of intentions I didn't do this on my trip).

    Take care.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hello all,
    The shots are for rabies - even though we don't THINK that we were bitten, the protocol when you wake up with a bat in the room (even if it's not on the bed) is to assume exposure. Fun. Unfortunately, it is a series of 4 appointments - day 0 (which was Friday), day 3 (yesterday), day 7, and day 14. (I guess it was 5 appointments up until about a month ago.) Day 0 has extra shots whose dose is based on weight - so I had 3 that day and my husband had 4. So all in all, I will have had 6. And no, they do not give the shots in the stomach - apparently, they used to do that. :noway:

    Hey V, you might want to doublecheck your vitamins, too - they might use wheat or corn as filler/binder. :ohwell: That sounds pretty tough. I guess I would be eating a lot of beans and rice (streaker burrito, anybody?), and veggies w/nuts. It's interesting that sweets and alcohol are still allowed (not that you said anything about having them, but I didn't see them listed as forbidden) - but I guess the goal was checking common allergens, right? It would be interesting to try, though - what sort of symptoms would you expect to see upon re-introduction if it were an allergy?

    I am chatty today. Tonight is belly dancing, and (I hope) pushups. Hope you all are doing well! :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Oh, I forgot to say that alcohol and refined sugar aren't allowed. (agave, honey and dates are OK) And after reading some vague ingredients lists, I did opt to keep off the vits until the elimination phase is over. . .I don't want to mess this up since it's so much work. . .

    I'm eating a lot of rice, veggies, fruit and chicken, and will probably get some beans for tomorrow. I also found a recipe for curried potatoes with spinach I want to try. (no cream in the curry. . .) It is challenging me to be creative. But I'm living on these little rice crackers and almond butter.

    The curious thing for me is that I'm allowed to eat nuts. The explanation for that was that nut allergies usually involve respiratory symptoms severe enough that you can't miss them. . .:ohwell:

    The list of symptoms is obvious stuff like intestinal, um, issues, cramping, increased mucus production and sinus symptoms, but then also less obvious stuff like mood swings, headaches, hot/cold flashes and increase in heart rate.

    Yikes for the shots. . .I was wondering if they still gave them in the stomach. I find it interesting that a bat could bite you and you wouldn't know it. . .but I forget that they're pretty small creatures.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    V - regarding pic - The elevation of your feet is slightly off, maybe causing the smaller step?
    Can't imagine the diet - good for weight loss though :bigsmile:

    I just noticed that you commented on this. It felt really bizarre to do any poses at all in shoes, and what I thought was a level patch of ground was probably not. I toyed with the idea of hiking up there the next morning with my mat, but I don't know how effective savasana would be if I was concerned with snakes and other people.:tongue:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member

    I just noticed that you commented on this. It felt really bizarre to do any poses at all in shoes, and what I thought was a level patch of ground was probably not. I toyed with the idea of hiking up there the next morning with my mat, but I don't know how effective savasana would be if I was concerned with snakes and other people.:tongue:

    Deep mediation practice = not noticing snakes crawling over belly :wink:
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Well hi girls, long time no see. I have been back and forth to my mom's place with no computer for awhile. The good news is her lung cancer is stable right now, so no chemo for two months. Better than I expected, no worse but no better either.

    You all seem to be rather busy, it took me half and hour to read this week. I have been getting on the treadmill everyday for the last three weeks and I have finally gotten to 55 minutes with most of them at a steady jog. It is really hot here too so I am sopping wet by the time I am through. I bought myself a polar hrm to help me get back on track. I like it but sometimes it doesn't read my heartrate when the leads get to wet. Does anyone have one and does it happen to you? I managed to stay at my mom's without gaining weight which is quite a feat since she loves to snack.

    School starts next week and we are starting with a new bus company so I expect things to be hectic for a couple of weeks. They haven't even set my route for the year. I am going to the school next week and see if I can get a list of students.

    Just wanted to say hi to all of you. I will check in from time to time but can't guarantee a daily basis. Take care of yourselves. Karen
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    HI Karen! We miss you! So good to hear from you and to hear that thing have stabilized with your mom a bit.
    CP, sorry I forgot about the bat thing. I don't know anything about bats really or that you have to have so many shots. :noway:
    DH, is doing some work on my laptop. He put in a faster hard drive last night and ordered new memory. It will be nice to have it move faster...especially when playing farm town. :wink: I will have more time to work out then. :laugh:
    I went for a 30 minute walk this morning and I am about to do 45 minutes of Taebo. I was so sore in my back yesterday that I didn't think I'd be able to do upper body, but it's a lot better this morning.
    After working out is breakfast, and getting ready to go to horse therapy. I also meet with a friend on Wednesdays.
    I am having trouble eating less but I am eating better. It tastes so good I am having a hard time stopping! i will work on that today. I've been eating 5-6 helpings of fruits and veggies so that's awesome for me! I'm still not drinking enough water either.
    Getting back on track boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    It's good to see you again, Karen. Hope your mom pulls through. Congrats on the jogging as well.

    Kitty went into the vet today for an ultrasound, so we should know later today what is wrong with her.

    Yesterday morning's yoga class was a no-show. They didn't find in necessary to put a sign on the door either Mon or Tues (I was at the restaurant on Mon, would have been nice to know) - so I went to the gym. My evening class was enough yoga for the day though. I spent a good 15 minutes lying flat on the floor with my legs on a chair last night. I could have used another hour of sleep as well. It's good pain though, right?

    Today, I teach two classes, celebrate my old person's 80th B-day (volunteer work I do), and worry about my cat.

    Good pain, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    How wonderful to see you, Karen. That's good news about your mom, I hope that it continues to be stable.
    Mary, I hope you find out good news about your kitty. That waiting is terrible.

    Today is my scheduled day off and I may take it. Bikram yesterday was really hard for me. It was like I'd never done yoga before. I was having a very hard on myself day, so I'm sure that contributed. I felt big and sluggish.

    I'm still dealing with the fact that a weight that is easy to maintain is heavier than I want to be. Or bigger, since I'm trying not to think about weight right now.

    Ah well, positivity boogaloo!

    Take care, pebbs.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi Karen! Nice to see you. I'm glad that things are stabilizing with your mom and she gets to take a break from chemo. And great job on the jogging. I am thinking I am going to go jogging tonight - either outside with a co-worker, or on the treadmill at the gym. Outside is more interesting, but more anxious as well - with the treadmill, I feel like I can push myself a little bit more because I can always just stop if I need to. If I'm out on a trail somewhere, I need a little more confidence that I know where I am and that I have enough energy to get back. I want to work on my speed but I think I need to do it in a more controlled environment to build my confidence.

    I forgot to do pushups again last night, arrgh. But, I did get a compliment at belly dance class (this after I was feeling like an idiot because I stepped on my veil during a dance and couldn't get a proper hold on it after that), so that made me feel good. V, I think I am in a similar boat - I am coming to the realization that it is going to take some concerted effort to lose more weight, and I haven't decided if it is worth it to do so (especially if maintenance at that level requires equal effort) versus just being active and eating well at my current weight.

    Mary, good luck with your kitty. And MM, way to go on the fruits/veggies. :flowerforyou:

    Jogging boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Still a little sore, so no kick butt yoga for today. I know I'm going to ride my bike and go to the gym tonight, but I can't decide what else. Don't like being sore though. I had a hard time teaching yoga last night - as well as a hard time sitting down. I need to learn not to try so hard.

    Kitty has pancreatitis and the beginnings of fatty liver. We haven't found out if she ate last night yet, but if she did, I think she'll be able to come home today.

    Learn to back off, boogaloo :wink:

    saw this quote today: "The arches of McDonalds are the entrance to the pearly gates"