

  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Hello ladies

    I am mentally exhausted at present. There's no way that I can go into the reason fully, but it comes down to the fact that I had a huge bust up with the husband of my eldest daughter whilst I was looking after the grandtwins on Tuesday. We have always know that he is slightly unstable, but he completely lost the plot with me for absolutely no reason. He actually raised his hand to hit me and would have struck me if I hadn't stepped back. As I left the house he was shouting abuse at me all the way to my car.

    This is a supposedly intelligent, well-educated man. I am totally gutted and really don't know what to do. I want to speak to my daughter, but I know she will have heard only what he wants her to hear. My grandtwins are the most important things in my life and I have the feeling that I am going to be cut off from them.

    I hope you don't mind me spilling this on here - sometimes it just helps to write things down.

    Love to you all.
    Amanda x

    Amanda sending you hugs. Your daughter may need someone to talk to, if he treated you that way, think of how he is treating your daughter and those babies. People hate to admit they made a mistake when choosing mates. Know we are here for you and it is good to vent and write things down. Hugs Again:flowerforyou:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning, good Friday.

    Oh Amanda, my heart goes out to you in your time of emotional struggle. Very difficult situation. Sending lots of good thoughts your way. I think it's wonderful you can write about things here. Years ago when facing similar circumstances and groping for answers, I'd write everything down on a piece of paper then take it outside and burn it, letting the breeze carry the message off to wherever it goes in the universe. We have to let things go, somehow. Not easy.

    Barbie, what you said about harboring resentment rings a bell, how true it is that we're unable to enjoy the sunshine of the spirit when we're burdened with ill-feelings. Learning to live in a positive realm irregardles of difficulties is certainly a work of art.

    Barbara, I'll get the hummus recipe to you shortly. And the JB's walnuts, well, all I did was add the potassium count since I couldn't find any walnut entries on MFP with potassium. Matter of fact, many foods listed in the database do not include it. I've spent hours researching and editing food entries that I use.

    SWSY routine was good yesterday, I took all of the moves slowly, increased ankle weights to 1.5 lbs, did 24 push ups in 3 sets of 8. This is truly amazing stuff. At the end of the workout I had the full-body quivering action going on, lol. And boy, was I ready for something to eat.

    Time to get with the program here. Salad Sistas keep on rockin' today! Drink your water everyone :drinker:

    jb :flowerforyou:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Just skimmed some of the posts. 8 pages in 6 days. Wow. That is incredibly great. Amanda I am so sorry for you. Just think good thoughts and say some prayers. The worst possible thing in the world for me would be to be cut off from my grandchildren. Now that your daughter is a mom she may see things differently and not choose sides. Praying for you. I guess I have not posted since Monday (even though I thought I had) Maybe I posted under March LOL. I know did not for last 2 days. I have been going to gym and eating right with exception of some ice cream yesterday. Last couple of days I was having my swelling issues again. I am not sure if I even shared with you ladies but about a month ago I started swelling a lot. I have never ever done that before. Even with 4 pregnancies I could always wear my rings and shoes. I never did swell for them. I looked it up and I was doing all things to prevent that. drinking loads of water, exercising, eating low salt( I am not a salt eater) The other things were kidney, heart and other diseases. being scared I went to dr and he did blood work and gave me water pills. I started taking them and lost 3 pounds first day, and blood work came back great. for few weeks all was well. then this week I gained a pound a day since monday. 5 in all and not from eating. yesterday I was really swollen and very depressed., today is a little better but I am just not sure what to do. I probably need to cut out all sodium from my diet but not sure how and it seems there is more than just sodium involved here. any of you have had these problems I welcome solutions. I will try to read your posts later but need to get to gym now. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you though.
    vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Just had to comment on your post about negative resentment. I do this so often in my mind, especially with my daughters. I jump to conclusions and then when I find out the whole story feel stupid and like a child. I need to practice this so thanks for the input. Keep them coming. I am sure there are many others I can use.
    vicki m
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: TGIF

    Chiclet - so good to see you here, {{hugs}} and prayers for you:flowerforyou:

    Amanda-:flowerforyou: I know it's hard when the conflict involves family. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers and extra {{hugs}} too.

    Michele- When I make the cake with the pumpkin I put the pumpkin in the bowl first then when you are mixing it it seems to get all of the cake mix in with no dry pockets. Since they don't make a sugar free spice mix I was thinking of using a sugar free yellow mix and adding the spices then the pumpkin...hoping that works because I love spice cake:wink:

    Hubby came to work with me again today so I'm sure my afternoon schedule is shot full of holes:ohwell: . We are hoping to get a bike ride in this afternoon, it's pretty windy so not sure if that will happen.

    I must get my payroll completed and misc paper work done...it is my half day...and I love those kind of work days:happy:

    Have a good day, drink your water:drinker: let's keep moving and don't forget to log your food:heart:

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Amanda - Sounds like you are in a bad place right now but know that we are thinking about you. This is the same SIL that you have had problems with before, I think. I don't envy you where your grandbabies are concerned. I think Sherry has said it the best, wishing that all works out well and if he ever tries to hit you again, please call the police :flowerforyou:

    We finally got our closing dates worked out for the house and the condo, which is a relief.Our dates are in June. Now we are trying to get quotes on what movers will cost.

    I am looking forward, in a way, to the packing process so that I can do some purging around here - it seriously needs to be done as we have so much junk :smile:

    I hope everyone is enjoying their day today. See you tomorrow.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • Balice57
    Balice57 Posts: 125
    Great topic! My goals for April are to work out with my kettlebell 3 times a week, not let work interfere with getting healthy, and drop to size 14. Oh, and increase my average speed via my Endomondo app.
  • Pamu101
    Pamu101 Posts: 33
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    Welcome. Hope everyone has an enjoyable Easter Weekend. :flowerforyou:
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Tgif! Amanda, I am new to the thread, but can't think of anything worse than conflict with family, will keep you in my prayers.
    I had a great phone call from our son:love: he may not be deploying now ...I truly don't understand our military but since I like this news, I can be ok with it. I had a good workout this am, 6 miles on recumbent bike and 11 minutes on rowing machine...not sure how far I went because I need new batteries in the display. Hope to do some gardening this weekend. It is supposed to be nice..but maybe I will relax and just soak up someway sunshine...indulgent but good for the soul:laugh:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Another attack early this morning. Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired! I'm beginning to think this has nothing to do with simple carbs and everything to do with gallbladder problems. Dairy and pork seem to be especially troublesome.

    Just thinking about how this time last year, my daughter-in-law had just begun to open her heart towards me after 3 years of stiff-arming and how sweet she was to me while we were there a few weeks ago. If I had held onto the hurt, I wouldn't have been able to type that last sentence. I'd like to add my agreement to what has already been said about overcoming resentment. In the end it always hurts us more than the one we are upset with.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Thank you everyone for your congratulations on my body fat. Honestly, the only reason I even posted it is because I've noticed people complaining "I can't get those last 5 pounds off". I haven't lost weight for at least 4 years. I'm consistently between 130 and 135. Oh, once I got to around 125, but I felt and looked like c**** and decided right then and there "never again". So even if the scale isn't moving, don't get discouraged.

    Have a question for anyone who deals with food (a teacher, cook etc). Many times I'll take a bag of chickpeas and roast them in the oven. Then I'll portion them out and put them in small baggies. It seems, however, that if I keep them for a week or two, mold seems to grow on them. I've tried making sure that the peas were completely cooled, still happens. Then I tried making sure that I used a clean baggie, and I've noticed that it still happens. Is there anything that I can do? They're stored in my pantry, so it's dark and not excessively hot.

    Really, that Bob Green DVD is just not vigorous enough for me. Would someone like it? I need something that is a bit harder. fitz - if you'll email me your address, you can have that DVD. My email is exermom@gmail.com (original, huh?)

    Lenice, you couldn't find a more supportive place than here. My neighbor sells the Body by Vi!

    Did about 50 minutes of the Jillian Michael's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD today. Tomorrow, please don't ask me to explain this, but there isn't a yoga class at the Y so I'll do a DVD at home.

    JipsyJudy - I'm wondering if the reason meeting food is high in carbs is because lots of that food is fairly inexpensive, like bagels, muffins, donuts, that sort of thing. Eggs are probably more expensive. When you go out, what are some sources of protein that you find they have? Glad you finally got your wine, but it did take a long time before you could have it.

    Jessica just called. I'd sent her a question about which type of ham she'd like, I have a recipe for a maple glazed one, an apple cider glazed one, and a bourbon glazed one. Wouldn't you know it? She chose the one with the most calories! Oh well.......

    chicklet - so glad to see you!!! Things WILL get better, of that you can be sure.

    Sally - the only thing I can tell you is that even when you do something like pinch a nerve, do lower body exercises. Do something, anything, everyday and eventually you'll form a habit. Exercise for me is for one thing a habit and for the other thing is I believe it helps to keep those nasty hotflashes at bay.

    This morning exercised at home, then went to one food store which was on my way to mahjongg (still haven't gotten my new card but someone copied the new card for me), stopped at another store to get these shoes that I saw, I have a pair for home and I'm just going to leave these down at the condo. What I like is that they're waterproof slip-ons in white. Most of them are black, and in FL (and NC but not as much) black attracts the sun.

    Welcome imaiyana

    Oh Amanda - (((((big big hug))))) Spill all you want/need to. We've been exercising so we have large shoulders....lol Unfortunately, your daughter may not want to admit that he abuses her, I know Denise won't admit that she's abused, physically and emotionally. I don't know why she thinks his behavior is perfectly normal, she wasn't raised that way. Honestly, I don't think she sees it as abuse, even tho lots of people have told her that it is. Just be there for you daughter, that's the best advice I can give you. Continue to love her and those grandbabies.

    jb - I find it frustrating when there are multiple entries of the exact same item, or incomplete entries. But that happens when people enter their own food. On the other side of the coin, it makes the database larger. So I guess there's good and bad.

    I made a lasagna for dinner tonight and just now realized that today is Good Friday, no meat, and there's meat in the sauce. I can give it to Vince but I just took some shrimp out of the freezer.

    Laura - how long do you maybe mix the pumpkin and spice cake mix? Do you use a spoon to mix it? If I use a spoon, it never fails that I have a few little bits of unmixed cake mix. Maybe next time I'll try using a beater and see if that helps any. Hey, maybe I'll make some of them for Easter!!! Or at least the pineapple angel food cake. Whichever I have more of, that's what I'll do

    Cathy - we went to the storage unit yesterday and STARTED to clean it out. We've only lived in NC for 4 years....lol It was almost like Christmas "so that's where that is", "I didn't know that I had that". Bet you'll be experiencing some of that, too. Good luck to you. I certainly don't envy you

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Well I am excited, I finally thought I ordered SWSY and the book came today it is Strong Women Stay Slim. Has anyone read that one? Oh Well it only cost me less than $5 I need to look at my order. My daughter in law had said no plans for Easter, which I understand cause of the new baby but when I asked if I could bring Easter stuff to kids tomorrow they said now we can come over on Sunday. Maybe If I bribe my son with food I can stay longer and hold that baby lol

    Well gonna weigh tomorrow not sure how the scale is going to be with my chaotic life last week with grandson and going back and forth to hospital. Maybe I should drink lots of water tonite to flush the system.

    Has anyone tried the overnight refrigerator oatmeal? Saw it on pinterest may try this weekend

  • sylkawi
    sylkawi Posts: 4
    in march i lost 20(probably a lot was water retention)Since joing MFP last week I have lost 3 more. I am really enjoying all the stories and helpfull info others are posting.Its really helping. Each night whenn I get home I can't wait to complete my food diary and read some success stories.I tried other sites but didn't like them.Anyway my goal for April is to walk the dogs at least 1/2 hour a day.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: The next chapter in my resentment story is that this morning I replied to Amanda what my friend Diane always says “come from a place of love” so when I went to line dance today I took the right attitude and a smile on my face and the teacher sought me out to apologize for her part in the misunderstanding yesterday and we worked out a plan for me to teach the dance in May. Even before she apologized I found myself feeling more kind and loving toward her….forgiveness is the way I make myself peaceful…it has nothing to do with the person who offended or hurt me.

    :bigsmile: I went to two line dance classes today. I agreed to teach two classes this month for the line dance teacher who leads the performance group, so I had to go to her class to learn the procedures and pick up all the equipment so I can teach next week.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, before you do something drastic about this swelling, give a serious look to your eating and the amount of sodium you consume …..aim to eliminate processed foods and cut way back on or eliminate bread, anything made with flour, and cheese…….keep your sodium below 1600 mg a day and see if that makes any difference.

    :flowerforyou: Sherry, I requested “Strong Women Stay Slim” from the library but I haven’t picked it up yet.

    :flowerforyou: Sylkawi, walking my dogs is a huge part of my fitness routine and it warms my heart in the process…..my dogs love their walks and are always ready for me…..they are the ideal walking partners, they are never too busy and never cancel because they have things to do.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington state where it was cold and frosty this morning and warm and sunny this afternoon.
  • KathyGSM
    KathyGSM Posts: 22
    I did not have as good a week as I would have liked for this first week in April - only .4 lbs down :sad: . I did exercise my 5 days this week - could have and probably should have gone to do yoga this morning but I wiggled my way out of it :embarassed: . This quote that Barbie posted at the beginninig is soooooooo true - I am living proof this week, I had a lot of MOMENTS :grumble:

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    This week I will live by this second quote that Barbie posted and remember each time I want to not do my workout or have something to eat that would not fit into my plan it's because I am just about to succeed so "DON'T GIVE IN TO THE TEMPTATION TO QUIT PUSH RIGHT THROUGH IT":bigsmile:

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed"

    I will be strong this week as I wish everyone else the strength and willpower to succeed this week!!! :heart:

    Have a great week!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    I did not have as good a week as I would have liked for this first week in April - only .4 lbs down :sad: . I did exercise my 5 days this week - could have and probably should have gone to do yoga this morning but I wiggled my way out of it :embarassed: . This quote that Barbie posted at the beginninig is soooooooo true - I am living proof this week, I had a lot of MOMENTS :grumble:

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    This week I will live by this second quote that Barbie posted and remember each time I want to not do my workout or have something to eat that would not fit into my plan it's because I am just about to succeed so "DON'T GIVE IN TO THE TEMPTATION TO QUIT PUSH RIGHT THROUGH IT":bigsmile:

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed"http://www.myfitnesspal.com/post/new/546968-women-ages-50-for-april-2012?quote=7799835#

    I will be strong this week as I wish everyone else the strength and willpower to succeed this week!!! :heart:

    Have a great week!

    Kathy, feel free to make those quotes your own......I got them from someone else on MFP a few years ago and have continued to keep them current in my memory.

    :flowerforyou: :laugh: I have no place to be early today but I woke up early anyhow, so in a moment I'll be out with the dogs and a flashlight....we've already been out one dog at a time and I've eaten my breakfast, but the big walk is still to come. They are the greatest walking partners.....they never complain, they always want to go, and they never call at the last minute with an excuse of why they have to postpone or cancel.:laugh: :smile:
  • kspirit
    kspirit Posts: 61 Member
    I want to join. And for starters how could I not because of your cute kitty. And since I love kittys, having 2 bengal brothers from the same litter and being 51yrs.
    So, my goal for april is: to eat more veggies. Exercise 4 days a week by walking and lifting weights. Continue to be honest with my food journal, tracking every little morsal I put into my mouth. And not to eat so many nuts. I am addicted to them. I know they are healthy. I would be very happy to lose 5 pounds.
  • Bookchick887
    Bookchick887 Posts: 126 Member
    DH and I are heading to the beach to watch the clammers this morning. The sun is actually shining again today!
    Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
    PS: Try storing the chickpeas in a paper bag to absorb the moisture.
  • RosalindaAveni
    My goals..lift more weights..tone up more...and lose the last "TEN" pounds before my 56th birthday...5/31/2012! Best present I could give myself....Gooid luck everyone!!!