

  • Blondeone10
    Will be 50 next month and need a group to stay in touch with to help me along the way. I have been doing this almost 2 weeks and got sick. I have lost weight better through this than weight loss progam I paid to join.
    I need to stick to my work outs. Cardio every day with walking and more intense workout every other day with Zumba. I also do some weights for toning and some modified yoga/pilate moves as well. I love the Self,Prevention, and Fitbe websites that offer some varity so that I don't get board.
    Main goal is to drop 20 lbs, but I am breaking it down into smaller weightloss dates so that I don't feel stressed.:heart:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Happy Saturday –

    Yesterday was like a bonus day! :flowerforyou: I did all the things I usually do on a Saturday or Sunday and still have Saturday and Sunday to play.

    After my workout (New Rules of Lifting B8 repeated) I got out a cookbook written by the chef from our local ski hill – yes it has fantastic food – and cooked up a gourmet meal with plank grilled salmon, asparagus, and a spring greens salad with glazed pecans and strawberries. Add a glass of white wine…bliss!

    I was well within my calorie limits and if I had logged the food then and there I think I would have made it through the day on target. I didn’t log the food and later indulged in a couple of glasses of cognac and a big bowl of popcorn which put me far over the top. :blushing: Proved once more that I must “plan what I eat and eat what I plan.” I will be glad when the cognac is gone (it was an indulgence DH brought home from out last trip south) because it’s just too tempting.

    Ah well – today we are going “up the lake” which is another aspect of my life I shall introduce you to. My family has a cabin on the lake, about an hour north of our home. My great-grandfather homesteaded the property in the early 1900's and my grandfather build the first house there. It’s a lovely spot and we almost always go and open it up for the season on Easter weekend – so, up the lake it is.

    Jb – Joanie, congratulations on your mile-without-stopping! :flowerforyou: Wowzer!

    Sweets, treats and Easter indulgence. I bought “Easter Bunny” chocolates to give DH and J’boy tomorrow. I bought 3 of everything. :blushing: Even though J is 14 and has forgotten about the Easter Bunny this year, the Easter Bunny has not forgotten him and will visit the cabin tonight! The Easter bunny always “steals” the basket and leaves J’boy a list of clues to follow in order to find it. You are inspiring me to ditch my share of the treats and focus on enjoying the fun he has in the search.

    JipsyJudy, “It’s interesting to think about how this celebration of rebirth and renewal got morphed into an orgy of candy consumption” I was contemplating the same thing as I typed the above. It probably has something to do with the fact we used to fast during Lent, and Easter Sunday was a celebration that included breaking the fast. These days we don’t fast, but we sure do celebrate!

    Kakie - congratualtions on your 20 minute run. :flowerforyou: You and Joanie should get together for a jog! Well done on the blood suger and cholesterol levels too.

    Oh Sarah! “Junk-food day!” at school. :laugh: What a concept, and what a challenge for your students. We have a healthy school bill in BC too, and it’s been a challenge for parents to adjust because we can’t have bake-sales and hot-dog or pizza fundraisers anymore. Somehow the students don’t get as excited about carrot sticks and milk!

    Fitz191, I wouldn’t call a massage a guilty pleasure, I’d call it a basic necessity! :wink: I’m not into massage but I used to get a pedicure once a month. Now I use the money to pay my gym fees. Oh, my.

    Barbie, to “come from a place of love” and “forgiveness is the way to make myself peaceful.” :heart: Yes, I am slowly learning that it truly has less to do with the person who has upset me than it has to do with my own heart. I want to have a peaceful heart. If I hold on to hurt & resentment I make myself ill, physically and mentally, and I can’t be the person I want to be in the world.

    Sheesh! While I was reading page 8, page nine popped up. Welcome, Rosalinda.

    Bless you, Amanda. :flowerforyou: Hang on to the thought of this world-wide web of women who are sending you love and support! There is something in that.

    Happy Weekend - I'll be logging food on my phone for the next couple of days. See you Monday or Tuesday.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Sherry - never heard of overnight refrigerator oatmeal. How is it made? Sounds interesting, I hope someone can give us a review.

    Did a 45 min DVD by Yogaworks today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do hula hoop on the Wii.

    We went to the storage unit today and brought back 2 loads. The good thing in one respect is that if we haven't used it in 4 years, we can probably pretty safely donate it. We figure there are about 2 more loads, then we're done!!!! The weather was nice, not hot but clear so that's why I sort-of pushed to bring back at least 2 loads. Hopefully, we can finish clearing it out tomorrow. Jessica will be here next weekend, so that's when we'll celebrate our Easter. I'll make her a tunnel of fudge cake (she really like that for her birthday). One good thing about Jessica coming down next weekend is that I can get things for her basket at 1/2 off. Actually, what I do is put a bottle of wine in a fruit basket. She does want a chocolate bunny, so I'm just getting her one.

    Welcome sylkawi and kspirit. We have 4 kitties.

    bookchick - thanks for the suggestion, next time I'll store the chickpeas in a paper bag. Can't hurt, that's for sure!

    Hope everyone has a great Easter! Won't be doing much tomorrow, we'll celebrate next week.

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Hope you are well. Happy Easter to you or Happy Passover if you celebrate that

    Jen - Glad that your son is not deploying. My son is in the Canadian military and he just advised that he was about to deploy as well, but that may be put on hold a bit as well; we will know more in a week or so :smile:

    Suze - I hope you are feeling better. My DIL just had her gallbladder removed and she said she wishes she had done it ages ago :wink:

    Chiclet - So glad to hear from you, please keep well and keep us advised from time to time :flowerforyou:

    Michele - I know what you mean about finding "treasures" while packing. Now I have to convince myself to let go of these things :laugh:

    Barbie - You are such an inspiration, thank you :flowerforyou:

    For the rest of you, enjoy your time with your families. I was supposed to go and spend time with the kids but due to the confusion in trying to get our closing dates settled, I could not go, but I will call them tomorrow; they are all together so I will talk to the grandkids all together.

    Anyway, take care.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Nancy, I'm sure you're right about Easter feasting having originated with the end of Lent and fasting. That didn't occur to me, because I grew up in a Baptist family, and the Baptists more or less ignored Lent.

    Last year I did some Internet research on the origin of eggs and bunnies at Easter. The use of eggs in springtime rites goes back to pre-Christian times. People depended on eggs to a great extent for sustenace, and hens didn't lay eggs in the winter, so it was a cause for celebration when the hens began to lay eggs again. Likewise, people ate rabbits, so when the rabbits in the hutch began making bunnies, it was a cause for celebration too. But then in modern times we turned both eggs and rabbits into chocolate.

    I don't remember getting much chocolate at Easter when I was a kid. We got Easter egg hunts with real eggs, and we got stuffed bunny toys, and kids were given "biddies" (baby chickens) which we would keep until they got too big, at which point they were returned by our parents to the chicken farms from whence they came. I remember jellybeans in my Easter basket and angel food cake at Easter dinner, but I don't remember a lot of chocolate.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Ahhhh....Amanda. My heart hurts for you. I like what jb said about writing your feelings and frustrations down on paper and taking them out and lighting them on fire. And Barbie's words of coming from a place of love is helpful too. Most of all, be gentle with yourself and know we are all here for you!

    At my parents and have managed to get some walking in and have helped in their garden. Will head home tomorrow. I need to get in MY garden soon!

    Take care, dear friends, Kackie:heart:
  • arctiknitter
    arctiknitter Posts: 119 Member
    I just saw this topic pop up and it's for me! I'm 56 and April is the hardest month of my year due to a huge event I coordinate.
    My April goals are:
    1. Continue healthy eating
    2. Continue logging food
    3. Continue exercising at least 45 minutes a day.

    I'm coordinating a music event for 500 kids from around our state and it takes place this week, so if I can make it through Saturday, I should be okay, just tired. To top it all off, I will attend a memorial service Saturday afternoon after final concerts, for my son's girlfriend. She passed away from leukemia far too young. So, all that being said, I really want to make it through this month without falling victim to the old "I'm so tired, it just doesn't matter," excuses.
    I have faith it can be done with encourgement from all the good MFP folks!
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Sherry - never heard of overnight refrigerator oatmeal. How is it made? Sounds interesting, I hope someone can give us a review.

    I am making this tonite for breakfast tomorrow. Here is the recipe if anyone is interested

    link: http://www.theyummylife.com/recipes/221/Apple+Cinnamon+Refrigerator+Oatmeal

    •1/4 cup uncooked old fashioned oats
    •1/3 cup skim milk
    •1/4 cup low-fat Greek yogurt
    •1-1/2 teaspoons dried chia seeds
    •1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
    •1 teaspoon honey, optional (or substitute any preferred sweetener)
    •1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce, or enough to fill jar

    In a half pint (1 cup) jar, add oats, milk, yogurt, chia seeds, cinnamon and honey. Put lid on jar and shake until well combined. Remove lid, add applesauce and stir until mixed throughout. Return lid to jar and refrigerate overnight or up to 2 days. Eat chilled. I am adding chopped apples and craisins for texture
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Amanda,prayers to you!
    Everyone who celebrates Easter-have a good one!
    Enjoyed an Easter Hunt with Violet.
    Had a nice pre-Easter dinner with hubby and daughter.
    Doing more in pt and tolerating it.Got in the pool,walked for 10 min in the deep end,felt good.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member

  • AMS58
    AMS58 Posts: 183 Member
    Happy April everyone...
    I will be 54 this year

    My goals are :-

    2 pump classes a week
    2 step classes a week
    1 stretching/yoga class a week
    2 half hour walks a week

    Stay hydrated, I really struggle to drink 8 glasses of water a day so I am trying to drink weak black tea 2-3 times a day.
    I would like to reach my goal before the end of the month - 2kg to go!!!!
    I think maintenance will be harder. I reached goal once and then struggled to maintain it hence I am now with MFP.

    Please add me if you are looking for friends... I think I am a good motivator :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :bigsmile: If you are new to this thread, we welcome you……just keep coming back and in no time you will feel like part of the family.

    :bigsmile: Today was our big eating day for Passover......I made matzo ball soup and served it with charoset, horseradish, and matzo crackers for our midday meal and then had more soup for supper.

    :bigsmile: fortunately there was a lot of opportunity for exercise. Jake had a friend over this morning and wanted to have some private time to talk to him so I said I go to the grocery store......the friend stayed extra long so I passed the extra hour by taking a brisk walk on the Olympic Discovery Trail. It was a beautiful day and there were a lot of walkers, joggers, bikes, and horseback riders. It felt very different to be walking in actual walking shoes and not attached to dogs and leashes. I tried a beginner’s version of intervals and ran a bit and then walked til my heart rate dropped a bit and then ran again. Right now 45 second of running is what I can do, but since I’ve been saying that I can’t run, it was pretty impressive. I walked the dogs again after lunch. Later a friend I haven't seen in a long time called and wanted to meet me for a walk so she and I walked for an hour on another part of the trail. As usual in the morning, the dogs and I had our two hour walk and somewhere in all of this I did my weight training and 140 lunges. My pedometer will reach 33,000 steps by the time I take it out of my pocket at bedtime.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: tomorrow we'll do an Isagenix cleanse day which will include very low calories and a lot of sitting and resting.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington state where it was cold and frosty this morning and warm and sunny this afternoon.
    My life today is so great today it should have background music (like “I Made it Through the Rain” sung by Barry Manilow)
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Amanda I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles with family I have been down this road myself and it's not easy I bite my tongue alot with some of them and I like Barbie's advice to come from a place of love and understanding its hard to fight with someone who is bein g kind to you good luck and prayers for peace My grandbabies are my life and I totally get it

    Exermom thanks I will email you

    Finally getting over the deep tissue massage and feeling much better

    Happy Easter all
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    First of all, thanks to everyone who welcomed me back to the thread.

    I would have posted on Friday, but as I was catching up on reading, my internet connection went "poof," and I didn't get a chance to get back here until now. My router needed a stern talking to, but is now behaving once again.

    Regarding Chickpeas--whomever was talking about roasting them and then having them mold. Wouldn't it be better to keep them in the fridge, rather than in the cupboard? Between that and making sure you have something in the bag to absorb moisture...maybe a small quantity of uncooked rice?..perhaps that might be a solution.

    Amanda, So sorry to hear of what you went through with your son-in-law. My big concern would be if he would raise his hand against you, what is stopping him from doing the same to your daughter or the grandbabies? I don't remember if you have another daughter besides the daughter you mentioned, but if you do and you are close with that one, and they are on good terms with the first daughter, maybe you need to arrange a time to have a conversation with both of them, tell what happened as dispassionately as you can, and express your concern for the daughter and grandkids' safety.

    I am probably not qualified to advise you about how to handle your kids, since I have none, but I have dealt with people who have anger management problems, and when it comes to abuse, they are usually not real discriminating, and the closer you are to them, the more likely they are to strike out. I hope I am wrong about this but still can't help being concerned.

    Hope everyone has a Happy Easter, or Passover, or whatever they may be celebrating. I will have dinner with my parents tomorrow. We are having ham, green salad, asparagus, scalloped potatoes (not me), with Strawberries and a little whipped cream for dessert, with a little angel food cake and chocolate sauce to keep my dad happy.

    It finally stopped raining here, so we actually had a sunny day with a temp above 60 degrees (F). Tomorrow may be a little cloudier, but still dry and about same temp. Pepper and Mai Li have spring fever.

    It is late, so I need to quit.

  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member

    Finally getting over the deep tissue massage and feeling much better

    Happy Easter all

    fitz I get a massage once a month, and when I go past the month my body lets me know its time again. Once you get those kinks worked out you and your body will feel better I am getting mine on Thursday nite. I am lucky I have someone who comes to my house.
    Will be going to Son's for Lunch and taking the grandkids Easter Basket. Feels funny saying Grandkids since the 2nd one is only one week old :)
    Am reading Strong Women Stay Slim started some of the exercise yesterday need some weights but for now am using my daughters ankle weights to use as weights.
    Happy Easter
  • Blondeone10
    You look great !:wink:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Need ideas:

    I have this pattern for a bunny cake which I'm thinking of making for next weekend. When the kids were little, I always used to make cakes and cut them out into shapes and decorate them.

    Anyway, I have this pattern for a "bunny" cake. Only most bunny cakes tell you to tint coconut and use that for the bunny's fur. Jesica is SEVERLY allergic to coconut, even if it's in the air she has a reaction.

    A few years ago I made a cake in the shape of a basket. The directions said to use green colored coconut for the "grass" in the basket. What I did was take green jello, run a fork thru it, and then used that as the "grass" Can anyone think of something that I can use in place of the coconut. I'm just afraid that if I only use icing, that it'll be too "flat", not have enough dimensioin.

    I guess if worse comes to worse, that's what I can do.

    But if someone has another suggestion, I'd be ever so grateful.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Easter, don't sit on your keester :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! I'll be baking a ham this afternoon, with fresh pineapple and a lighter potato salad made with olive oil, dijon, white wine vinegar, green onions, radishes and green beans. Planning my meals this morning and will have to pay attention to the sodium count...ham, you know.

    Off now for a day of gardening, the temp is mild today here in Portland although there's a bit of cloud cover. We had real sunshine yesterday, nice nice nice.

    Cheers, :drinker: eat your peas and carrots :bigsmile:

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,513 Member
    Chag Sameach to those of us who celebrate Passover, Joyful Easter to those of us who celebrate it, and just Happy Spring-at-Last to the rest of us!

    It's sunny and 60+ degrees outside so this is just a quick dash. Will catch up on the posts later, when the sun isn't shining and the garden isn't beckoning.

    BUT, lovely ladies, would appreciate your help.

    It will be my turn to bring/say a short Devotion at beginning of Tuesday's Council meeting. I've never done this, nor prayed an original prayer in public. Any suggestions?

    Council President asked our Stewardship Committee to do a time and talents fair. Any tips or guidance on how to inspire volunteer participation?

    Can resist no longer, flowers-into-vegetable beds, here I come!

    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    April: get down on that mat EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • TeTeAngel
    TeTeAngel Posts: 66 Member
    Happy Easter and Passover Everyone!

    My main goal for this month is to increase my exercise. So far I am doing well with that. I worked out 3 days last week. Next week I plan to increase that further. I know I will probably go over on my calories today considering the fact that I only have 200 calories left and dinner is yet to come. Holidays come with so many delicious, high calorie foods. Thank heaven there is time between holidays to regroup. I enjoy seeing everyone on the holidays, but I must learn not to hinder my progress on these occasions.