In place of a road map!



  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member

    On mine through experiments it never used heat coming off me for anything meaningful. Sweat was not used either. (testing between cool gym with fan on flat treadmill, and outside 95 F on hills - turnover was exactly the same, level of effort was not)
    And biggest issue, it couldn't tell the difference between 130 AHR, and 160 AHR outside.
    I got the exact same calorie estimate. Which even for the gym was low. Perhaps doing 85-90 turnover fooled it for running, or I'm really smooth runner - doubtful.

    Now I have seen the opposite on my BMF Link. When I am outside on cold days, the burn rate goes up somewhat. When I was snowmobiling this past winter it registered a lot of burn. I was skeptical thinking "I was not pushing the machine like a Biggest Loser episode would snowmobile- where did that burn come from?" - Until I looked snowmobiling up on and low and behold, there is a burn for that as cardio here on MFP. They were within 100 calories of each other (database to BMF reading). Then the next day I felt it in the waistline with all the twisting and leaning we were doing.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Now I have seen the opposite on my BMF Link. When I am outside on cold days, the burn rate goes up somewhat. When I was snowmobiling this past winter it registered a lot of burn. I was skeptical thinking "I was not pushing the machine like a Biggest Loser episode would snowmobile- where did that burn come from?" - Until I looked snowmobiling up on and low and behold, there is a burn for that as cardio here on MFP. They were within 100 calories of each other (database to BMF reading). Then the next day I felt it in the waistline with all the twisting and leaning we were doing.

    I'll bet it's a workout. I'd imagine almost constant muscle tension. Not sure how you could relax anything much while actually moving.

    As many have commented too, their daily drive on bumping road makes a higher estimate too. Good to know decent estimate.
  • jmaguil4
    jmaguil4 Posts: 19
    Okay I am seriously stressing myself out trying to figure out these calculations. Can someone tell me if I am on the right track pleasee? No, Math is and will never be my strongest subject lol, I am currently trying to survive Intro to Probability and Stats! Thank you!

    21 yo female
    5'3 and 165 lbs
    BMR: McArdle: 1479
    Moderately active: 2232

    So basically I set MFP to 2232 and not eat back my exercise cals back, right? Will that put me at a 1-2 lbs loss weekly? Once again, thanks for the help!! =)
  • isazzzz
    isazzzz Posts: 95
    Here are my vitals:

    60 inches
    103 pounds
    BF 22.3%

    According to the Katch McArdle formula, my BMR is 1155 calories. This is the lowest number I've EVER seen so far apart from the other sites I have used. How accurate is Fat 2 Fit?

    I work out about 5-6 days a week so I can either consume 1693 cals for light exercise or 1908 for moderate activity. So do I consume these amt of cals without creating a deficit?? I'm now consuming 1200 a day as per MFP's advice.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    21 yo female
    5'3 and 165 lbs
    BMR: McArdle: 1479
    Moderately active: 2232

    So basically I set MFP to 2232 and not eat back my exercise cals back, right? Will that put me at a 1-2 lbs loss weekly? Once again, thanks for the help!! =)

    You nailed it right on.

    As to how much loss to be exected? Redo the calc with current weight as goal weight - now the table is your current TDEE at selected activity level.

    Current TDEE - eating goal = daily deficit * 7 / 3500 = potential weight loss weekly.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Here are my vitals:

    60 inches
    103 pounds
    BF 22.3%

    According to the Katch McArdle formula, my BMR is 1155 calories. This is the lowest number I've EVER seen so far apart from the other sites I have used. How accurate is Fat 2 Fit?

    I work out about 5-6 days a week so I can either consume 1693 cals for light exercise or 1908 for moderate activity. So do I consume these amt of cals without creating a deficit?? I'm now consuming 1200 a day as per MFP's advice.

    Some body types can mess up the BF calc. But check out their Calculators section, there is a Covert Bailey with more measurements.

    And they may all have problems when you appear to be at healthy weight already, because thin and flabby will look the same way as thin and muscular.

    Are you sure you are trying to lose weight, or lose fat and gain muscle?
    You should put in your current weight as goal weight too. You have no weight to lose except vital organ functions screeching to a halt if you do this wrong.

    Because the Katch BMR calc is based on Lean Body Mass, the other sites you have used is based on age/weight/height, potentially more inaccurate outside healthy weight, but you are not. But since you are kinda at goal weight, that is only 10 less calories than say MFP BMR estimate.

    And then you are at the levels of being Moderate and Very Active working out that often. 5-6 days a week is NOT Lightly Active. Between the other 2 levels would be more correct.

    As you can see from your BMR, eating at MFP suggested 1200 is correct right now, the problem would be killing your metabolism by not eating your exercise calories.

    You can't make muscle on suppressed metabolism, and you are very likely with that routine to be burning it up, especially so if you are NOT eating them back.

    But yes, if using the fat2fit method, you eat at that Mod to Very Active level every day no matter what, but do NOT eat back exercise in that case.

    So don't shoot yourself in the metabolism by doing it wrong.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    This is interesting. Based on my stats, Fat2Fit is measuring my BF% at 32.5, which is well into the obese category. Something is screwy when the 'obese' person wears size 4/6 clothing. Generally, these things put me at around 25%.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    This is interesting. Based on my stats, Fat2Fit is measuring my BF% at 32.5, which is well into the obese category. Something is screwy when the 'obese' person wears size 4/6 clothing. Generally, these things put me at around 25%.

    Ya, try the Covert Bailey calc on their Calculator page.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Ya, try the Covert Bailey calc on their Calculator page.

    That's better. 26%.
  • isazzzz
    isazzzz Posts: 95
    I just did the Covert Bailey tool.

    Sex: female
    Age: 19 years old
    Wrist: 6.5 inches
    Waist: 28 inches
    Hip: 32 inches
    Forearm: 8 inches
    Thigh: 21.5 inches
    Calf: 13.5 inches

    I know I'm at a healthy weight. I'm just looking to tone up and lose fat in certain areas like my belly pooch, tummy, arms, basically everywhere. Since I can't spot reduce, the only way I can lose this fat is if I lose it overall, through cardio.

    The previous BF tool I used on fat 2 fat said I was 22.3 %. Now this one says i'm 15.7%...that can't be correct. That's way too low!!

    I'm starting on the 30 day shred today! hehe wish me luck :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I know I'm at a healthy weight. I'm just looking to tone up and lose fat in certain areas like my belly pooch, tummy, arms, basically everywhere. Since I can't spot reduce, the only way I can lose this fat is if I lose it overall, through cardio.

    Actually, cardio is not going to help you as much as strength training and very serious intervals, both of which need recovery days if you are to truly benefit from them.
    If you happened to reach this body state with extreme diet and cardio, that's why you are where you are. That combo burns muscle all too easily.
    Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. conducted a study in which 72 over weight individuals participated in an eight week exercise program. The participants were placed in two groups. The first group performed 30 minutes of endurance exercise on a stationary cycle. The second group performed only 15 minutes of exercise on the stationary cycle plus an additional 15 minutes on weight resistant exercises. At the conclusion of the study, the "endurance only" group lost a total of 3.5 lbs.; 3 lbs. of which was fat and a half pound was muscle loss. On the other hand, the "endurance and weight resistive" group lost 8 lbs. with an actual fat loss of 10 lbs. and an increase of 2 lbs. of lean body weight.
    After a 5 week conditioning period on a recumbent cycle, The High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) group perform sprints while the Endurance Training (ET) group performed a more traditional aerobic protocol, throughout the remaining 15 weeks. Both groups progressed in intensity. At the conclusion of the study, the HIIT group lost over 3 times as much subcutaneous fat as the ET group despite expending less than half as many calories. For every calorie expended during HIIT, there was a nine fold loss of subcutaneous body fat, as compared to the ET group.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The previous BF tool I used on fat 2 fat said I was 22.3 %. Now this one says i'm 15.7%...that can't be correct. That's way too low!!

    Might go for an avg from several calcs. Some body types don't work well in measuring calcs.
  • Glitter969
    Glitter969 Posts: 77 Member
  • isazzzz
    isazzzz Posts: 95
    I know I'm at a healthy weight. I'm just looking to tone up and lose fat in certain areas like my belly pooch, tummy, arms, basically everywhere. Since I can't spot reduce, the only way I can lose this fat is if I lose it overall, through cardio.

    Actually, cardio is not going to help you as much as strength training and very serious intervals, both of which need recovery days if you are to truly benefit from them.
    If you happened to reach this body state with extreme diet and cardio, that's why you are where you are. That combo burns muscle all too easily.
    Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. conducted a study in which 72 over weight individuals participated in an eight week exercise program. The participants were placed in two groups. The first group performed 30 minutes of endurance exercise on a stationary cycle. The second group performed only 15 minutes of exercise on the stationary cycle plus an additional 15 minutes on weight resistant exercises. At the conclusion of the study, the "endurance only" group lost a total of 3.5 lbs.; 3 lbs. of which was fat and a half pound was muscle loss. On the other hand, the "endurance and weight resistive" group lost 8 lbs. with an actual fat loss of 10 lbs. and an increase of 2 lbs. of lean body weight.
    After a 5 week conditioning period on a recumbent cycle, The High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) group perform sprints while the Endurance Training (ET) group performed a more traditional aerobic protocol, throughout the remaining 15 weeks. Both groups progressed in intensity. At the conclusion of the study, the HIIT group lost over 3 times as much subcutaneous fat as the ET group despite expending less than half as many calories. For every calorie expended during HIIT, there was a nine fold loss of subcutaneous body fat, as compared to the ET group.

    So in this case, the 30 day shred would be beneficial right? What happens if I do a 40 minute cardio burst after that? Will I lose muscle?

    This is my treadmill routine.

    Warmup: 2 minutes walk @ 5mph
    5 minutes light jog @ 6.7mph

    Intervals: Sprint 1 minute @ 10mph
    Recover 2 minutes @ 7mph

    I do this until 40 minutes are up. Is this okay?
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    bump to read later
  • JG_FromMN
    JG_FromMN Posts: 15
    Wow I think I posted this in the wrong section. But here it goes..

    Hey y'all been lurking for awhile finally decided to join! Can somebody help me get my Calculations on point.. I thought I was doing it right this whole time eating 1400 to 1500 calories and walking twice a day. If anyone can help I would appriciate it..
    Body Fat% How do I find this out
    How often you work out: Walk twice a day always 2 1/2 miles on each walk.. I just last night found out about BMR. Thanks
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Wow I think I posted this in the wrong section. But here it goes..

    Hey y'all been lurking for awhile finally decided to join! Can somebody help me get my Calculations on point.. I thought I was doing it right this whole time eating 1400 to 1500 calories and walking twice a day. If anyone can help I would appriciate it..
    Body Fat% How do I find this out
    How often you work out: Walk twice a day always 2 1/2 miles on each walk.. I just last night found out about BMR. Thanks

    Take the avg to here.

    That's your more accurate BMR based on body composition.

    Based on age/weight/height (not nearly as accurate when far outside healthy weight) it is 2745.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So in this case, the 30 day shred would be beneficial right? What happens if I do a 40 minute cardio burst after that? Will I lose muscle?

    This is my treadmill routine.

    Warmup: 2 minutes walk @ 5mph
    5 minutes light jog @ 6.7mph

    Intervals: Sprint 1 minute @ 10mph
    Recover 2 minutes @ 7mph

    I do this until 40 minutes are up. Is this okay?

    Won't hurt.

    But it's not as much bang for your buck. Or, if you only have 40 min, want to do it faster or slower?
  • isazzzz
    isazzzz Posts: 95
    So in this case, the 30 day shred would be beneficial right? What happens if I do a 40 minute cardio burst after that? Will I lose muscle?

    This is my treadmill routine.

    Warmup: 2 minutes walk @ 5mph
    5 minutes light jog @ 6.7mph

    Intervals: Sprint 1 minute @ 10mph
    Recover 2 minutes @ 7mph

    I do this until 40 minutes are up. Is this okay?

    Won't hurt.

    But it's not as much bang for your buck. Or, if you only have 40 min, want to do it faster or slower?

    What do you mean by 'not as much bang for your buck'?