I can't believe this lady at my gym.....



  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Seriously, what is with people??? Didn't their mothers teach them that little tidbit about "if you can't say something nice, don't say it at all"???

    I don't have a baby but I get annoyed that people think a child or a pregnant woman is an invitation to invade someone else's space. Then, she goes on to insult you as well?

    I've have gone out and unplugged her treadmill, then poured her own water on her.
    Okay... maybe I actually wouldn't have, but I would have loved thinking about it!

    What a B****!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    That used diaper would have smarted if it had smacked her in the back of the head.

    This made me spit out my water! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    OP: Some people just don't get it!
    Screw her and keep up the good work!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    This had to be an old lady. Only old ladies say stuff like that and expect to get away uncut. ;)

    :mad: So far, you're the only one who falls into the not-so-nice category on this thread. Get off my lawn.

    I'm an old lady. I would have said something like this when I was young. I'm older and wiser now. . . . and I stand by my diaper-upside-the-head response.
  • Lauren2113
    First off congratulations on your progress so far! It really is a big accomplishment and something to be proud of.

    Second of all, I pretty sure that lady Cant Understand Normal Thinking.

    It seems like so many women feel like they have to compete with each other and put each other down when we should be supportive. I am all about sisterhood solidarity. So, anyway don't worry about her uncalled for comments. Haters gunna hate, but they can't stop you from being great!
  • blackgirlfit
    blackgirlfit Posts: 120 Member
    Oh my goodness! Dont let her get to you
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Wow. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she meant it sympathetically, but it was a totally inappropriate thing to blurt out. Hopefully she'll turn bright red from embarrassment every time she sees you at the gym now for making such a dumbf*** comment.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Pretty soon you'll be fit and fabulous. But she will always be a b*******tch.

    Rise above and laugh about it!
  • Teapotdomescam
    and then even worse is the fact that she walked up to YOU in the first place?
    People these days. Maybe she is feeling frustrated because her own workout progress isn't going the way she wanted! Either way, not many people can find the time to take care of children as well as set aside for time for themselves. I think what you've done in is great and I'm sure you must be proud too :)
    haters gonna hate.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    That beyotch's sole intention was to hurt your feelings so she can feel better about herself. As asinine and infantile as that sounds, that's all she wanted.

    She probably stood there for a couple minutes just thinking about doing that to you and getting psyched up about it, just to make her moment.

    How should you feel? Feel sorry for her. That miserable witch has no freakin' life.
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    Either she didn't mean it as an insult, and in that case she's an "idiot", OR, she's mean spirited, in that case she's a b****. Either way, she sucks and you are above her. Gotta love the thought of the diaper upside the head though. Maybe next time she is in the locker room some baby Pooh can find it's way into her gym bag.
  • 19Gibbs
    19Gibbs Posts: 3
    That is just awful but by the support I am sure you can see that there is no point waisting any energy on getting upset on what that women said and use the energy on continuing you magnificant goals you are accomplishing. YOU ARE AWESOME!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Yea, that was very mean and backhanded. I'm hoping she meant to say something else but it came out wrong, but nowadays you just never can tell.
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    That used diaper would have smarted if it had smacked her in the back of the head.
    perfect response to gym trolls.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    When we got to the gym I had to change my baby's diaper before I could take her into the nursery. Well while I was in the locker room this lady walks up and says.......

    "Awww what a cute little girl." I said "Thank you" then she asks me " How long have you been coming here?" I said "Do you mean how long have I been coming to the gym or working on my weight loss?" She said "Gym" I said "On and off since Dec. '11" Then she said "Well now that we're on the subject how much weight have you lost?" I said "Well my daughter's 14 months old and in that 14 months I've lost a total of 60 lbs. I'm still aiming for another 50 to 60 lbs" Then she smirked and said "Well looks like you have a long way to go!!" After she said that she just left.

    I was floored I didn't know what to say and the other lady in there just shook her head and mouthed the words "Are you okay?" I mean do I have the right to be mad?

    I would have junk punched her.

    That's four pounds a month! That is NOTHING to smirk at. And a loss like that, no matter how long it takes, is nothing to ignore or diminish.

    Some women are just.... ARGH.
  • wow how mean she is just jealous of u !!

    thats what i call a JEALOUS B1TCH
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Do you have the right to be mad? Absolutely. Will it do you any good? No. So just realize that it is this woman that has the problem and not you. You have made great progress... 60 lbs in 14 months... You are on track and going the right direction.. You are losing it the right way... slowly and methodically. Believe it or not, probably the best way to deal with this one is to be friendly the next time you see her... It will so get under her skin that you have moved on and not let her being an *** stop you or change your attitude toward her.... Just a suggestion... Of course, if that continues... report her. Most gyms don't want that type of stuff going on because it runs off customers.
  • shrkngme
    shrkngme Posts: 3 Member
    I would've thrown the diaper at her too and said 'oops missed the trash bin' if she got upset

    my question to you is doesyour gym has some kind of ethics or behavior guidelines at it? Even if they don't, talk to management about what happened. they usually want to know if someone is being such a cow to other members as it drives away their paying customers. she could be put on some kind of probation where if there is another complaint, she can be booted out

    and congratulations on the weight loss!!!
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    Of course you have the right to be upset. Sadly, your anger won't change the fact that she's a b*tch.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    When we got to the gym I had to change my baby's diaper before I could take her into the nursery. Well while I was in the locker room this lady walks up and says.......

    "Awww what a cute little girl." I said "Thank you" then she asks me " How long have you been coming here?" I said "Do you mean how long have I been coming to the gym or working on my weight loss?" She said "Gym" I said "On and off since Dec. '11" Then she said "Well now that we're on the subject how much weight have you lost?" I said "Well my daughter's 14 months old and in that 14 months I've lost a total of 60 lbs. I'm still aiming for another 50 to 60 lbs" Then she smirked and said "Well looks like you have a long way to go!!" After she said that she just left.

    I was floored I didn't know what to say and the other lady in there just shook her head and mouthed the words "Are you okay?" I mean do I have the right to be mad?

    That's a premeditated nasty thing to say. Congratulations on your weight loss and good for you, for going to the gym and working on your health and fitness.

    And, really some people have no manners. What business of hers, is any of it? Someone like that, the only response is, "Why do you need to know that?"
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    People can be such jerks! Be the bigger person and let her ignorance roll off you're back.. U have done amazing in a short amount of time! Great job!