Couch to 5K anyone?!? We start on monday!



  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I am doing W1D2 tonight after work when it cools off, but I have found a great ap for iPods or iPhones that goes with the Couch to 5k...It's actually called Couch to 5k and your own playlists work with it and everything. There's a voice and sound alert to let you know when to switch from jogging to walking and a warmup/cool down period factored in too. It worked well for me! Can't wait to go again tonight!!!

    Would you mind posting a link to where you found this app? Is it in the itunes store? I've looked with no success, but would love to be able to use my own playlists! Thanks!
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    W1D3 done!!!!

    the walking was torturous tonight!! :noway: i kept getting a cramp in my left calf and my shins were killing me!!!! :huh: .....but got thru it & did a good set of stretching which helped with the pain......

    hope everyone is making it thru ok!! we can do this!! :flowerforyou:
  • kyleefreeman
    kyleefreeman Posts: 70 Member
    Well i'm almost a week late but would love to join!! Good Luck everyone!
  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    Hey all! So did anyone else think that week 1 day 2 was harder than day 1???? I don't know what my deal was but I felt like I could barely make it today, and I felt so great on Monday?!?! I did finish what I was supposed to, but thought it would get easier, not harder!! Haha, I'm scared for my next run!

    I think maybe it's because I was just tired in general today - I kept waking up last night - and it wasn't even the baby's fault! I just couldn't get settled. I'm a teacher and school's starting soon, so I think that's got me jittery. Anyway, maybe that's why I was so tired today while running. I'm still gonna stick with it!! Hopefully my next run will be better. :happy:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Options I had to work an early 4hr shift (and I like to run in the early am) and I wanted to run but it is usually really hot by noon so I am actually going to be running at noon today but I am facing another fear aside from the darn 5 min runs in week four..its raining outside today (mainly drizzling) but I am going to attempt to run in the rain because I want to run a real 5km when I am done this and you never know what race-day will bring weather wise :)

    good luck to all who are running today :)

  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    W1 D2 - DONE (yesterday)

    I, like a few others who've posted, found D2 difficult. I had to run (ha ha) even slower than D1. Everything hurts! I know the last time I ran I was a lot younger and thinner, but this is a bit of a surprise.

    So, I'm running slower, stretching more, icing and doing a little foam rolling (look it up online - my friend is a trainer in the US and she sent me the foam roll). We'll see, but I'm determined not to give in.

    Thanks to everyone who's posted. This is really helping me stay motivated. I so didn't want to run yesterday, but I had to - had to be able to check in!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    GOOD MORNING!!! :flowerforyou:

    W1D3 ~ Calgon take me away!!! Hip flexers are killing me! :grumble:

    Congrats to all of us sticking with the program and MOVING!! I think that's
    the most important........getting up and getting out! If you have a bad day and
    want to give up.....DON'T!! Just keep walking and push through. Remember,
    any exercise is better than no exercise!!!

    Have a happy healthy day
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    hey everyone!!

    good to see that our group is not giving up, no matter how difficult it is to move those legs!! :happy:

    i find that having to check in is my biggest motivation....dont want to be the failure in the group :laugh: :laugh:

    W1D4 tonight at my gym (in case i dont get to check in later, i WILL be doing it for sure!!)... is everyone else taking a day break between runs??? im doing the 3 day p/week run program.... will try to make it 4 if i work out over the weekend tho.

    so keep on moving group!! we can do this!! :flowerforyou:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    I am soooo diapointed in myself now :( I went to do run 4 week 4 but it was so hot and muggy that it was hard to walk for long, let alone run. i made it thru the first 3 min run and part of the 5min run bu tthe second time I didnt even run becasue it was so heavy feeling.

    I just dont know how to push through the 5min runs! Even in cooler weather I struggle A LOT with them. Does anyone have any suggestions for pushing through? anythign you use fo rmotivation etc? I am just really struggling
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    W1D3!!! w00t!!!

    I didn't think I could do it, but my daughter was with me and I didn't want to wimp out. Having her along made ALL the difference. I'd recommend trying to get someone to go with you. Even if they just walk, and you run then walk back to them - I do that with my daughter sometimes.

    It was really hot and yuck, but I kept pouring water on myself and drinking. Another reason to take a buddy that walks with you, they can carry stuff. Hee hee.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member

    Congrats to all of us sticking with the program and MOVING!! I think that's
    the most important........getting up and getting out! If you have a bad day and
    want to give up.....DON'T!! Just keep walking and push through. Remember,
    any exercise is better than no exercise!!!

    I know full well that I will probably have to repeat week 1. That's okay with me! And if I don't feel well or something hurts, I'll just keep walking! I'm not giving up!

    OH! And WOW the difference that running shoes make! This was the best 90 bucks I ever spent, and to me that's a load of money.

    New Balance 758 - my feet didn't hurt one little bit, and they still don't.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member

    Congrats to all of us sticking with the program and MOVING!! I think that's
    the most important........getting up and getting out! If you have a bad day and
    want to give up.....DON'T!! Just keep walking and push through. Remember,
    any exercise is better than no exercise!!!

    I know full well that I will probably have to repeat week 1. That's okay with me! And if I don't feel well or something hurts, I'll just keep walking! I'm not giving up!

    OH! And WOW the difference that running shoes make! This was the best 90 bucks I ever spent, and to me that's a load of money.

    New Balance 758 - my feet didn't hurt one little bit, and they still don't.

    im glad your daughter held you accountable, i do day 3 tommorow
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    week 3 looks hard! ill probably have to repeat week 2! one step at a time though:glasses:
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi goodmorning everyone

    Some time ago I started with the running programme but after a week I had lots of pain mainly in my right hip. I stopped. My dokter said i was to heavy to start this programme to much weight for my hips and knee's and I was running on the road and not field. He said I should start with walking. Anyway I stopped totally.
    A long long time ago I used to enjoy jogging out side.
    5 weeks ago just before I started MFP I started using my cross trainer in the house which was collecting dust. I used the programme again and started with week one. When you are using a cross trainer you can start with very low tension and slowly built it up. I had no pain and felt good. I did it everyother day.
    I just started week 5 and yersterday did 3 x 5 min run. unbelievable I did it.
    Last saturday I went to a running track and also did 3x5min. It started to rain but I did not want to stop. I was the only one out there, the rest was looking for shelter. I was really having a good time and laughing my head off!! I did it
    It is getting harder and harder. I find the breathing difficult. The good part is if you find it hard just take one or two weeks to achieve that week and continue.
    My 10 year old son joined me at the track and he also gave me motivation.

    I just turned 40 and I must remember to take care of my self. It's not all about running, fast walking is also good and not so bad for your knees. It's all about building up our fitness level.

    The programme I am using is from:

    I just found your thread
    I would like to join you so that i don't give up so easily
    What i do right now is 3 times a week on the cross trainer and ones a week on the track. Still not so comfortable on the track

  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    hey everyone!!:flowerforyou:

    W1D4 down!! (am i counting right if i run every other day??? :embarassed: )
    my next run is 2mro... hoping to get it over with in the am b/c it it SO hot here after work i end up dripping in sweat and panting like a dog but......:yawn: gotta get to bed soon for that to happen lol

    just a quick thought: "It must be borne in mind that the great tragedy in life is not in
    failing to reach all of your goals--it is in having no goals for
    which you are reaching."

    keep up the good work!!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Well i'm almost a week late but would love to join!! Good Luck everyone!

    Hi, welcome! Glad you're here. Never fear I'll be repeating weeks so you'll be caught up FAST. :)
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    W1D4 done!

    I know there really isn't a D4 but I felt so good I went out this morning and ran.

    I have to say there is a huge difference between running in the evening and in the morning. Yesterday evening I was dying - would not have continued except my daughter was with me. She's 13.

    This morning I was alone and it was no problem!

    One, it was cooler, two there is no stress of someone 'seeing' you. (I know that sounds really dumb, but I worry about that, I'm not exactly svelte and I know I... bobble. I'm sure it's not a pretty sight). And three I've not worked all day.

    And I can not stress enough the difference the proper running shoes make. I may sound like a broken record, but my feet didn't hurt last night, nor this morning, and my hips and legs do not hurt as much any more either.

    If you can afford it - look into it. New Balance ships for free - they are what I consider very expensive (about 90 bucks) But boy are they worth it. I'm not paying for a gym, I'm doing the open road, so this is money well spent if it will keep me going.

    Thank you all for being here and making me know I have to check in so I better get my bobbling butt out of the chair! :-)
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    W1D3 - Finished my first week!!

    Way to go everyone!! I love reading everyone's tips and comments. Really, I don't know if I would have started this program and finished week 1 without y'all.

    I think kurneckc's comment about morning running is a good one. I did mine first thing this am and it felt much better. D3 felt much better than the first two. So, next week, do I start W2 or repeat W1 as was my original plan?? I think I could probably do W2, but am fearful of my old injuries. I also downloaded the podcasts and found the routine was more enjoyable - better than staring at my watch. I highly recommend the podcasts. I'm using the Ullrey one, which is a bit techno. Still, good beat.

    Have a great weekend everyone! :drinker:
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member

    I think kurneckc's comment about morning running is a good one. I did mine first thing this am and it felt much better. D3 felt much better than the first two. So, next week, do I start W2 or repeat W1 as was my original plan?? I think I could probably do W2, but am fearful of my old injuries.

    You could do a hybrid of W1 and W2 - I think that's what I'm going to do. Do W2 and if it starts to be too much just slip back into the 60 sec jog 90 walk.
  • ClarkOMan
    ClarkOMan Posts: 54 Member
    Well here it is Friday, I did W1D1 Monday and when the pain caught up to me I was unable to get to W1D2 until today. I was in so much pain it took about 2 minutes each time to even sit down on the toilet. I did remember to stretch this time. This was definitly harder than I thought. I've been riding my bicycle pretty steady since March and have been doing 12 miles at 18 MPH three times a week, so I thought I was ready. Monday felt easy, but I found muscles you don't use when cycling :noway: Today I didn't push hard at all. For you ladies closing in on 50 and keeping up with this, I have so much respect for you. You rock. Please keep motivating me. Thanks.