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Turbo Jammers 8/17-8/23



  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Good Morning!! I spent Sat through Tuesday painting in the house and doing floor work. I didn't do any TJ and missed it! My eating was a bit rough since my kitchen was torn apart but I kept it in check. Even with not logging in my food, the scale showed that I was okay. WOOT!

    Finally switched back to morning workouts. This morning I did FB. Then I did 20 minute cardio dance ab routine. Then 20 minutes of toning with the band.

    My CE came on Monday. I haven't had a chance to go through it in great detail. I hope to do that tonight. It looks brand new. Everything was included and I'm glad I got it earlier than I expected. Once I read through everything I will have a better idea about when I will start it.

    Punch, Kick and Jam is one of my favorite TJ workouts! You can tell the ones I love because I tend to do them over and over again. I do have one AM Yoga with Rodney Yee and he is awesome.

    Hope everyone has a happy hump day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Wednesday Ladies!!! It's a cool and rainy day here today, so I missed my 5am workout this morning (too easy to sleep in when it's yucky out!), so hoping to get Lean #2 done tonight. I've had a tough week with getting motivated to workout...first time this has happened to me. I think I'm ready to switch up my workouts. This is my last week of CE, so I'll be switching it up with some new DVD's after that.

    Have a great day ladies!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Wednesday Family,
    Checkin in w/ 20 min TJ this morning (overslept) but feel good about getting that in! 4 mi walk/run on for tonight w/ Ab Jam and a swim to round it out on for after work - if the weather holds up!! I hope so!!
    Really going to make it a priority to keep logging in - I don't know How I got away from it:noway: You all have been my anchor since January and I know I can not achieve my goals alone. So dusting myuself off and recommitting - This makes day 2!! Yea!!
    Glad to see everybody still going at it - it is incredibly motivating to read your successes and what you struggle with.
    Hang in there beauties!!

  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Wednesday Family,
    Checkin in w/ 20 min TJ this morning (overslept) but feel good about getting that in! 4 mi walk/run on for tonight w/ Ab Jam and a swim to round it out on for after work - if the weather holds up!! I hope so!!
    Really going to make it a priority to keep logging in - I don't know How I got away from it:noway: You all have been my anchor since January and I know I can not achieve my goals alone. So dusting myuself off and recommitting - This makes day 2!! Yea!!
    Glad to see everybody still going at it - it is incredibly motivating to read your successes and what you struggle with.
    Hang in there beauties!!

  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Week 2 Burn 2 ... and back to work tonight. Have a good one!
  • Hey all,
    I am sorry not on as much lately..been crazy busy and not feeling well again. Lucky for me I can still rock my workouts..just frustrated/emotional the gallbladder surgery didn't solve things:sad: In the end..God will take care of me and I am sure it'll make me stronger in the end:ohwell:
    I did some CE Burn Intervals this am...might do some yoga over late lunch if up to it..and CE Extreme Abs if I am still ok...I really just want to go back to bed:(
    Way to go all and keep ROCKIN IT OUT! Some of you were just newbies not that long ago and have already turned into rockstars! Keep it real girls...
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening girls!
    I hope you all had a great Wednesday-I was working allll day-just seems like the week drags at work for 11 hour shifts--:sick: Anyway, enough of my complaining:tongue: ..It is my "rest day" but I still managed to push myself and go for a nice bikeride a few minutes ago, also I am going to do AbJam before bed:happy: I think I need just a lil something to make my day :laugh:
    It's Burn3 tomorrow! I'm definitely looking forward to it!
    Casey-Girl I hope you feel better soon--I'm really proud of you pushing through though! But if ya feel like napping girl, NAP! haha
    Ghanie-Great job with Burn2! WoOhOo:glasses:
    I'm off to make dinner and get ready for tomorrow--! Have a good night all!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I gotta thank all you wonderful ladies for getting me motivated to get my workout in today. I cranked out Lean #2 and Ab Sculpt tonight. Didn't think I'd find my motivation, but after reading how you all pushed yourselves today to get your workouts in, it got me pumped! I love having this thread to keep me accountable for my workouts!

    Have a great night everyone!
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Today turned into a rest day- very bad cold/flu that progressed during work- been in bed all night sleeping it off. Luckily I have tomorrow off. Hope you all had a good one!

  • BioGrimm
    BioGrimm Posts: 15
    I took a rest day, too, today! :wink: I just had so much going on and did buy my lil one a small pool today and watched him wear himself out in 2 hours time. Chasing him around should be considered exercise alright!
    Tomorrow's plan is to do serious lifting focusing on my shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps, and back. Maybe do Ab Jam.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! I must have been visited by the energy fairy last night as I had one of the best workouts I've had in awhile this morning. I did PK&J and I put every last ounce of energy into it and I feel great! I think I must have been thinking about my hectic day and just took all my frustration out on my kicks and punches!! Now I'm ready to tackle the day!

    I hope you all have a fantasic day and I'll be excited to read tomorrow about what you all did today!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! I must have been visited by the energy fairy last night as I had one of the best workouts I've had in awhile this morning. I did PK&J and I put every last ounce of energy into it and I feel great! I think I must have been thinking about my hectic day and just took all my frustration out on my kicks and punches!! Now I'm ready to tackle the day!

    I hope you all have a fantasic day and I'll be excited to read tomorrow about what you all did today!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Erika-I love PKJ when I'm having a bad day. It just makes it all go away!

    I was up early again this morning. I completed FB again as well as 3T using the tubing. I wanted to sit down with CE last night but hubby and I got tickets at the last minute to a baseball game. I will sit down tonight and go through everything. I'm anxious to get started!

    I hope today is better for everyeone.
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!
    wow, I can't believe it's Thursday already! Busy week getting the kiddos ready for school on Monday...where has the summer gone?!?

    Burn 2 for me today...hopefully later I can get in a run, I haven't been out in a while because it's been so hot and humid here.

    Have a great day!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Burn Intervals and Ab Burner today. Good workout. I also can't believe summer's almost gone. My youngest is finally heading off to preschool in just a few weeks :cry:.
  • Hey all!
    It's been a crazy week for me..but I am still thinking of you guys! I was not well yesterday..I think I was in tears like 10 times (no one saw..not to worry:) Sometimes when frustrated I think it's good to have a good cry! My computer is on the fritz, so between that, not feeling well, and work it's been hectic. BUT..still rockin out those workouts and keepin my head up! I won't let this get me down darnit! Thanks to all of you for keepin it real and checkin in...
    I did my morning run this am (wow cool out!) and just did CE Extreme Abs. Later is my last Push workout..LEAN starts Sunday!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening everyone:smile: It's a little after 9pm and I JUST finished dinner! UGH! I usually just can't get to eating much before 8:30pm, I don't get home from work until 6:45 and after workouts (today was Burn3 and 20 Minute TJ:wink: ) and making dinner, it just becomes that late..I usually stay up until 11-11:30 every night--What do you girls think? I know you are supposed to stop eating about 2 hours before bed, so hopefully my body is ok with the way it is...:laugh: I only have work til noon tomorrow, then I am off for the weekend and I get my Monday back this week! YAY haha, So no work til Tuesday I can kick my butt into fitness mode!:laugh: I love it!
    Great job with the workouts girls! I am so proud of each and every one of you:smile:
    Casey-I really hope you feel better girl! It's no fun being sicky!:frown:
    Good luck to all you mommies out there getting your kids ready for the new school year-I think I am the youngest of our group-No kiddies for me! Haha! And I don't really think motherhood is in my future--:huh: lol
    Have a good night everyone! Check in tomorrow:tongue:
  • BioGrimm
    BioGrimm Posts: 15
    Hello everyone! Ate a little too much today, but have already planned out tomorrow's food so it's all good. Today I did some serious lifting concentrating on my upper body. Tomorrow I plan to get in my cardio, either 20 min TJ or CP Remix. Then I work 10:30am to 9:30pm. :cry: But good news is I am off Sat/Sun and off Mon-Wed due to school!!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend and getting the lil ones off to school. My oldest son graduated this past May, so that only leaves my 2 teens in high school and the almost 2 year old.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Friday!!! I skipped working out this morning, I was too tired and sore!!! I will complete my final CE tonight...Lean #3, and then I'll be taking a break for awhile and working on some cardio and other DVD's I haven't done in a long time!

    Hope you are all doing well and have a fantastic Friday!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    I haven't been able to w/o for the last 2 days and I'm really feeling it! I'm sure you all have been there when life seems to happen and your time has to be used doing other things that are important too!
    Just going to vent for a few sentences - A/C was out and friend came to fix it ( he had to come over after work ) so grateful to have air :glasses: again but it was a 2 night project which cut into my pm w/o's. I have also been over sleeping and missied my am w/o yesterday AND today.:grumble:
    OK - that's 2 sentences and I 'm done with the grumps! I am going to get something in when I get home today (not sure what yet) and make time for a really good w/o tomorrow.
    I guess I'm happy to know that I love my new active lifestyle and I miss it when I can't participate.

    To those of you who got up and got your work done:drinker: here's to you!!!

    Hope everybody has an outstanding weekend!!
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