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Anyone Here Mentally Ill?



  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    Depression and PTSD.
    Zoloft and lots of therapy.
  • doyledozo
    doyledozo Posts: 42 Member
    Generalized anxiety disorder, it eats my life, woooo

    Same here, Haven't been medicated for years due to lack of insurance. IDK what I'd do without my melatonin at night.
  • hlshubert
    hlshubert Posts: 45
    I deal with depression daily. I'm on Effexor XR and Wellbutrin - are they helping, maybe a little. I totally understand where you're coming from with it not helping and making it harder to do anything - let alone anything to get healthy, even light exercise... I've slacked off a lot lately because I've been feeling bad - BUT that being said - I know from personal experience when I was exercising daily and in the morning time - the rest of my day seemed much better and had way more energy - I just have to force myself to get back to it. Trust me - if I can do it - you can do it! Feel free to add me if you like - I will help support you!
  • Yes.

    Although I'm in recovery now and although things aren't "normal" yet, I am atleast functioning.

    I've suffered from severe depression in the past, and used to take alot of medication for it who's side effects were weight gain. Those years of my life lead to me reaching my heaviest weight because of both the medication and my mental state.

    As the depression eased and I began working on the route of the problems I've been diagnosed with PTSD and social phobia.

    I've lost 70lbs from my highest weight, but still face the daily mental battles surrounding weight loss, of convincing myself I deserve to take care of myself. Also simple things like shopping for food or getting to the gym are very difficult when I'm so afraid of people.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    My ex and half of our children are bi-polar. I understand your mood swings. Yes, they also are not healthy physically. I have not figured out how to handle them. Maybe there isn't a way. Frustrating. I go between feeling bad for them when the depression hits and feeling fear as anger goes along with this.
  • hlshubert
    hlshubert Posts: 45
    Depression on and off for the past two years.
    I'm beginning to realise that my physical and mental health aren't so separate - even on my awful days, it's incredible how even a short run around the block can lift my mood and make life so much less overwhelming.

    Most definetly! I've been having some off days lately, but since reading this forum - I feel more motivated to kick myself in the butt and get going again!
  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2005, took lithium and later zoloft, now I take nothing except klonopin for anxiety. I have had bouts with depression and hypomania but no full blown mania since 2005.

    The anxiety is constant. I no longer have full blown panic attacks, but the anxiety is ever present. It sucks.
  • I have GAD and BDD. Also clinical depression. I used to take medications but felt they made things worse, and made me gain a ton of weight which didn't help the BDD.

    Has anyone ever been hospitalized?

    I was hospitalized once. I have PTSD and it was about 8 months after the trauma occured. Over the months I fell deeper and deeper into depression, I developed insolmnia, and I wasn't leaving my room. After a month of not attending any of my classes, the insomnia got a lot worse. I hadn't slept for 5 straight days and I started to hallucinate. When my sorority sisters came to check on my I actually attacked them (though I don't remember). They called the police and I ended up spending two weeks in a hospital.

    Looking back on it now, it was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. I was severly severly depressed. Since then I've still struggled but I have gotten my life back on track. I have bad days but I'm always functioning now. .
  • jes1975
    jes1975 Posts: 15 Member
    Depression. 1st time I stared taking antidepressants I lost weight, 2nd time I gained weight, still on them still trying to lose weight
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Generalized anxiety disorder, it eats my life, woooo

    Me too. My anxiety is often all-consuming. People tend to think I'm 'just a worrier' or tell me to 'think positive!'. I wish it was that simple and easy.

    Me as well, for about 15 years now. It really is all-consuming, and even when you think you're doing really good, maybe venturing out of your 'comfort zone' a little bit, I find it just sucks you back in out of nowhere. I wish there was an easy way to explain it so people in our lives could understand.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I've been diagnosed with Borderline Personality and Schizophrenic traits. It causes problems with my emotions, empathy, and interpersonal relationships. Self injury is also a problem for me. I cut. I cycle from perfectly "normal" to absolute self loathing about every 2 months. The lows cycle takes about 3 weeks to run it's course and can get rough, but I always make it through. I've become very good at hiding my moods.

    I don't do meds. I've tried a couple different ones in the past and they made me much worse. Instead of my thoughts coming from me, they seemed to be coming from someone else. It scared me. I can talk myself out of just about anything, but I had a harder time telling the "other chick" to back off.

    As for staying healthy....I've never been an emotional eater, so food is not an issue really. I eat right and exercise because no matter how today is, I know tomorrow is always coming and I want to be ready for it.
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    I have GAD and BDD. Also clinical depression. I used to take medications but felt they made things worse, and made me gain a ton of weight which didn't help the BDD.

    Has anyone ever been hospitalized?

    Yes. A few times actually.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Social Anxiety, but officially diagnosed with "Generalized Anxiety".

    I probably also have depression and would be diagnosed EDNOS, but I keep that to myself.
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    The tests say im bipolar, im totally unmedicated. I approach it as depression and the other things that go with it are in your mind. I control my mind. I find positive things to focus on. I was on all the typical meds, they didnt work b/c I really dont think I am I think im ADD whick is very similar

    BTW, depression is normal human function I think drs are diagnosing bipolar way too much these days. Its all bout pushing pills. True bipolar disorder is rare and very dangerous.

    If you read a post I did earlier my dr said im MANIC on exercise. Hell i replace sex addiction with exercise and your *****ing at me. The main thing is to control behaviors be it eating or exercising and learning to slow down, which is hard for us people that have racing minds and cant sleep longer than 4 hours unmedicated.

    Good luck to you all.
  • miniberger
    miniberger Posts: 70 Member
    Me either.

  • I was hospitalized in outpatient therapy for a month. LOTS and lots of therapy.

    I'm currently on Geodon, Lamictal, Wellbutrin, Celexa, and Buspar. I was never so glad to be diagnosed. For the longest I just thought coming out of your skin and being suicidal was normal. I've never been happier since I got on the right meds!!! :D
  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member

    Same here, Haven't been medicated for years due to lack of insurance. IDK what I'd do without my melatonin at night.

    generic celexa at Target is $4 per month without insurance
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    Depresson since 1991 and was diagnose with bipolar the summer of 2011. When i hit the depression it is hard to work ut and there fore i get more depressed and than i want to eat. When am having a biploar momenthave not had an episode since last summer i lost 15lbs ina week. So needless to sayit does affect me. But with the righ tmeds and me forcingmyself to workout it does get easier. Way to come out :0 Feel free t add me :)
  • dirty_diana
    dirty_diana Posts: 27 Member
    Borderline Personality Disorder.

    I had a near total break down a few years ago, it was awful. Exercise helps a lot, but sometimes it still gets me. Like a sucker punch to the kidneys.
  • I'm so proud of you for starting the thread. Mental illness is real... and still a very hush-hush topic for so many. My husband has struggled for years and years with severe depression and PTSD and has attempted suicide twice (once before we met). The attempt 4 years ago was a huge wake up call and he has worked hard with his doctor and therapist to get his meds worked out. It's a struggle for me to understand as I have not suffered with that myself. I appreciate being able to read through this thread and realize my hubby isn't alone. We lost some good friends over his attempt (the wife can't get over being mad at him because she thinks he made a rational decision to chose an easy way out) and even though we have a great network of friends and family - I still get hurt when I think about that time and her reaction. I've encouraged my husband to eat healthier and to join me at the gym but he is resistant. I mention it now and again - mostly in passing- I don't want to be a nag, but I also think he could have some relief from some side effects of his meds if he'd change his diet and exercise just a little.