What type of work do you do and what do you have to deal wit



  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    I'm a CPA, and I've been a Controller managing accounting departments with several companies in my career. I like the financial part of my job, but I always manage to get one entitled employee who has worked in the same job for too long and is bitter and difficult to manage. When employees begin to compare themselves to other people in the company, they make themselves miserable. I wish those people could lean back in their chairs, broaden their views, and think, "This is MY job. These are the benefits I get, this is the salary I make, and I like the work I do." But, no, I always have one who focuses on the negative, thinks other people/departments are treated better, and fights any change to the work process while demotivating everyone else. I have a good history of being able to move out the negative people, but it is exhausting.

    I love reading the posts from iCactus and Italianyc84! You are so positive, and you make the most of your jobs. I love that! You'll do well in whatever job you're in. I try to hire for attitude, and positive people are gold to me.
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    Insurance Broker - Account Manager

    Customer - I have a bill and I didn't pay it. I am being sent to collections. I have insurance I shouldn't have to pay for anything.

    Me - well you have deductibles and copays that are your responsibility. Pay your bill.
  • Charlahorr
    Charlahorr Posts: 38 Member
    I work for a trash company... so many customers call in wondering y there trash didnt get picked up... HELLO PAY UR BILL! lol We recently went to computers in trucks and it tells driver which house to pick up n not... we get customer calling in wondering why there trash didnt get picked up n they havent paid there bill for over 6 years...
  • alexa_ann
    alexa_ann Posts: 26 Member
    I decorate wedding cakes!
    I really love it, but its starting to get crazy now since its wedding season. AHHHHH
  • Peanut0711
    Peanut0711 Posts: 88 Member
    My husband and I own a knife store in a mall. We sell fantasy, weapons from movies, martial arts...etc...

    I love when they ask "did you make this?"


    "is this from the actual movie?"........REALLY? For 40 dollars...really? yeah buddy, they used it first...ugh.....

    "where do you get all your stuff?".....umm....really, does it matter?

    Though my favorite is ..."This is my new favorite store"...and then they stand around for 2-3 hours.....and not buy anything!....lol.

    We Love our customers!!! ==)):huh: :noway:
  • ambrwaves27
    ambrwaves27 Posts: 206
    Insurance. . .love my job but seriously how many times can you run into a pole and call it an accident? :)
  • Evansmama29
    Evansmama29 Posts: 84 Member
    I work in the transportation department for a large national grocery distributor. At our particular distribution center there are only 2 employees in the trans dept. Me and my boss. I route all of the outbound orders, and dispatch our private fleet of 20 drivers. I am also their supervisor. All of our drivers are seasoned/union drivers -and are VERY spoiled. It can be very frustrating somedays - but they are the least of my problems. Grocery store owners/managers are the worst (not all - but alot of them.) I get yelled at for everything - because I know how to fix most of the problems they have. All in all though - I love my job. My boss is the best - we get along great, which is definitely a plus since it's just the 2 of us. Here's an example of what one of my genius drivers did this morning though: My cell phone rings at 3am - I'm sound asleep. ME: Hello. Driver: there was 2 pallets of water on the back of my trailer that didn't belong there, so it put it on the one that it belongs on. ME: ok - I'm going back to sleep now. Why he felt the need to call me at 3am to tell me this - I have no idea!!!! :)
  • Paula21666
    I work for NOAA....if I broke it down completely it would be: Dept of Commerce/NOAA/NWS(Nat'l Weather Service)/NDBC (Nat'l Data Buoy Center). I am in administration and finance. Our facility builds the weather buoys that are out in the oceans. Pretty cool job. Our biggest concern here is making sure our buoys are working properly to track storms and currents, better yet: Tsunami's.
  • elishabeish
    elishabeish Posts: 175 Member
    I work for the Government, in Child Support Collections. People hate me for this.

    Can I give you my son's dad's phone number?

    mine too! :grumble:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm an agitator for worker revolt.

    Despite how many people hate their boring, demeaning, and low paying jobs, it's not going well.
  • cassieko
    cassieko Posts: 40 Member
    I'm a Dietitian. Most of my peeves happen outside of work - where everyone is an "expert" on food, nutrition, whatever - and I am forced to bite my tongue to avoid looking like a know-it-all. Still, it's frustrating to be in a field, holding my professional registration and a specialty board certification, to see dummies on TV getting paid big bucks to say stuff that's WRONG.

    I've worked in a nursing home for the last year and actually my day-to-day is a lot less annoying than when I worked in the hospital. I get the occasional crazy family member ("Why don't you carry Activia yogurt? Why does dad get dessert every night?") and it's certainly sad when my residents pass away.
    The only real gripe I have is that NO ONE knows what I do. My notes/assessments are required by state and federal certifying agencies. I track and (attempt to) prevent weight loss, wounds, and to maintain quality of life in my residents. I assess labs, look for medication interactions, signs of depression - hell, I've predicted 3 UTIs in the last week... and yet... even my boss thinks I belong in the kitchen, like I'm a really overpaid lunch lady! Le sigh.
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    I am employed by the tax assessors office as a field appraiser in the county where I live.

    Gotta love those taxpayers who think they can improve their property ie build a house or add on to one and not expect their property value to go up! Go figure! but when asked if they would seel their property for what our office has it valued at they say no way! It's worth a lot more than that!
  • priescm
    priescm Posts: 95
    I work for the government in Human Resources.

    My day consists of the following:

    1. People come in to my office and whisper...like I have super powerful hearing or something!

    2. ME: "Hi, can I help you?"
    CUSTOMER: "Yah. I need a job."
    ME: <Gives information about how to apply>
    CUSTOMER: "Oh, do you like tell me when a job is ready for me?"

    3. ME: "Hi, can I help you?"
    MANAGER: Complains. Says thing like, "That's okay. I'll just work the hell out of her until she quits!"

    4. ME: "Thank you for calling HR, can I help you?"
    PERSON ON PHONE: "Yeah. My step-daughter works for you and she is on drugs. she works with kids and does drugs. I saw her smoking drugs last night and she worked today."

    5. No one knows how to fill out papers they have filled out 200 times before.

    6. The same person comes in to ask the same question 1500 times.

    7. There are a LOT of criminals that want jobs in the federal government. A LOT. Nothing against criminals, but seriously? If you have multiple robbery, drug, and aggravated assault charges, WHY would you think a federal job is the best thing for you?

    8. Everyone's excuse for everything: "You see...what had happened was..." No. Hate it.

    9. MY BOSS: "Can you help me?"; "I forgot to do this, can you do it?"; "Oh, I thought I told you that"; "They are racist!"

    10. Parents looking for jobs for their kids and spouses looking for jobs for their spouse. Just saying, NOTHING irritates me more than a parent (I don't mean like a 16yr olds parent) doing everything for their ADULT child. I constantly hear, "Well, he's only 23. You know how they are when they're young! i will just fill it out for him and sign it" ...and wipe his butt and hold on to him and never let him go....EVER! The best part about that is that I am 22...so by saying he is 23 and "you know how they are"...No. I do NOT know "how they are".

    11. Managers tell employees that they are getting a pay raise or cash award but then don't submit paperwork for it so they employee calls everyday asking where their money is.

    12. Paperwork. PAPERWORK. No one freaking knows how to do paperwork! WHYYYY!? JUST FILL OUT THE PAPERWORK AND STOP COMPLAINING!!


    I love my job...and hate it at the same time. I wish I could exactly explain just how dumb people are sometimes. So many dumb people in this world. :grumble:

  • babareeba
    babareeba Posts: 74 Member
    Among other things, I work also as a copywriter and lately as a SEO and onsite copywriter too. In my language there is no good translation for what I do, so we call it simply a "copy".


    Client who needs complete copy-writing for his web site: how much do you charge for it?
    Me: $$ per hour or $$ per word or $$ per page...
    Client: What?! You are just copying writings and for THE COPY you charge that much?!


    Client: I need the text that goes behind my web site.
    Me: OK, we can do SEO copy-writing for you.
    Client: Oh, no! No copy! I want original!
  • latinamp36
    latinamp36 Posts: 1 Member
  • Mrsfullwood
    Mrsfullwood Posts: 172 Member
    I'm a Medical Administrative Assistant at a hospital at the military base.

    Patient: I have a 1400 appointment
    ME: OK, ID card please
    Patient: Umm no I left it in the car.
    ME: Sir/ma'am you know you cannot be seen or pick up meds without that card.
    Patient: What are you trying to say? This place sucks! I'll go to patient rep and complain..matter fact I'll just go see a civilian doctor.
    *15 minutes later...
    *Patient: I'm back w/my ID Card.

    Patient: I need a refill on my meds
    ME: Alright, you have to leave a message w/your doctor and it takes him/her 1-3 days to respond
    ME: Ok well what meds do you need
    Patient: Baby Asprin!
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    I'm an actress.

    What I hear from directors all the time:
    Director #1: We loved your singing, but you need to work on your acting.
    Director #2: We loved your singing, but you need to work on your dancing.
    Director #3: You are so gorgeous.
    Director #4: You need to lose weight.
    Director #5: Your acting is too forced.
    Director #6: Your acting is so natural.

    So basically, anything directors say to me I take with a grain of salt.
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    Guess. LOL And watch the news. You will see.
    love it!!!
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    Love all these posts.And I thought I had it tough! You guys are awesome!
  • maggiemay365
    maggiemay365 Posts: 181 Member
    I design/create wedding cakes..BRIDE-ZILLAS!