do you party?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    cutting out drinking altogether obviously would make a huge difference, but the two times in my life when i lost 20+ lbs. each time, i still drank 3-4 times a week. I just NEVER drank beer and would always stick to the healthier alcohols (vodka/club soda, captain/diet coke, etc). Not sure if I could still have such productivity now that i'm older (and the last time i did that was 3 years ago), but I think it all comes down to the balance in your diet around the drinking

    Liquor is NOT healthier than beer. While it is lower calorie, and losing weight can be good for your health, liquor is much harder on your organs than beer or wine.
  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member
    I don't have a problem partying too much, but that's because I *love* my money. Once you see, and really FEEL, how much it hits your wallet, you'll stop. At least that's all the motivation I need....
  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    I used to party hard. I was a severe alcoholic from the age of 12-18 and then a heroin addict for a year. It may not be exactly the same type of partying that you are talking about but all are unhealthy for you. I am just saying that drinking and smoking is a very hard habit to kick but it can be done. If you party a lot and think that it may be an addiction then I would suggest a support group, I don't attend one but it would be easier if you are still surrounding yourself with the same friends.
    Just really think about what you want, and why you want it and if drinking is not something that you do then just work on it "one day at a time" lol. I know that it sounds cheesy but when you have years of blacking out then you need something to get you through and that thought was the only way that I made it:) Now I do not drink alcohol, do drugs, do not smoke anymore, it will be 3 years in July. I have not drank pop in a year and rarely binge eat. All of my accomplishments took years of hard work.
    You can do it if its something that you really want.

    Good job, you should be proud! quite an accomplishment!
  • kdiment
    kdiment Posts: 31
    I'm in college, so of course I do. I just cut back on it, is all. I'll go out once a week, if that. I also stopped going out unless my team has parties, which is about every two weeks. I feel that this is a compromise - I'm still getting the social interaction and the fun of parties, but I'm also not going overboard.

    I've always believed that everything is okay in moderation.
  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    You say you need motivation to just give it up, etc. I don't think this is the way to go, personally.

    I allow myself a party night or 2 every week, because it's fun. Just because you are trying to be healthier doesn't mean you have to cut out things you enjoy. If I want to get wasted, I get wasted :). (I don't really condone the smoking however, that's not good at all)

    Just work out, eat right, and be positive about it. (Just try not to eat junk food while drinking! that's always my problem). My macros and exercise allow me to get sloppy on the weekends.

    I'm in this same boat :) to a tee

    No smoking but I do drink and i drink hard -- whiskeyyyy
    Same here!!!
    I drink vodka and water so I only have the calories in the vodka and make sure it fits in my goals
    and work it off at the gym the day of and/or the day after...
  • elelat
    elelat Posts: 117
    binge eating is mentally very similar to getting drunk

    I feel it that way... and did both very often. Eat I did alone, drink I did with people. At the end the feeling is the same.

    New person, new mind set. That's all I have to say.
  • kaydensmom12
    I used to party hard. I was a severe alcoholic from the age of 12-18 and then a heroin addict for a year. It may not be exactly the same type of partying that you are talking about but all are unhealthy for you. I am just saying that drinking and smoking is a very hard habit to kick but it can be done. If you party a lot and think that it may be an addiction then I would suggest a support group, I don't attend one but it would be easier if you are still surrounding yourself with the same friends.
    Just really think about what you want, and why you want it and if drinking is not something that you do then just work on it "one day at a time" lol. I know that it sounds cheesy but when you have years of blacking out then you need something to get you through and that thought was the only way that I made it:) Now I do not drink alcohol, do drugs, do not smoke anymore, it will be 3 years in July. I have not drank pop in a year and rarely binge eat. All of my accomplishments took years of hard work.
    You can do it if its something that you really want.

    Good job, you should be proud! quite an accomplishment!

    Thank you:) I am very proud of my hard work.
  • MandyMon
    MandyMon Posts: 4
    Being a uni student, I'm was almost never out the pubs and clubs but dont smoke.
    I Try to keep it down to once a week now and no more unless a special occassion and when i go out and i do drink its always diet coke i drink with a mixer although i party pretty hard and probably burn off the drink with a lot of raving
  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    I occassionally go out for drinks, I have cut down a lot though, maybe one nite every other week...I can however, go to a social event or even to the bar with my husband and drink bottled water and still have a good time and hang out with our friends. They know how motivated I am right now so they have been very supportive, most of them anyway!
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    like others have said - when i know i will be drinking, i try to make better food choices and stay under my calories to give me some room for beer. though, i am a lightweight when it comes to drinking, so it only takes me about 2-3 beers to get tipsy and 4-5 to get drunk.. which makes it easier to make room for drinking nights :)

    i have been drinking less since i've graduated college, though. while in school, i would go out at least 2x/week and get drunk each time. now that i am older and not surrounded by a lot of young people anymore, i only go out maybe 2x/month. also, i don't even enjoy drinking as much.. i usually regret wasting the calories the next day.. especially if i have a terrible hangover!
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    I'm not in your situation, so I don't have much input here. But I can say that you need to see what you really want. It's okay to go out and drink, but maybe you should just have a little, don't drink to get drunk. Even if people are saying "oh, come on, have another", like they used to tell you in school, just say no lol. Think about how you'll feel later or in the morning, think about how people look at you when you're walking around drunk, think about how you'll look in some years from all the smoking ( very loose skin and wrinkles on the neck and face). Just be smart about it. You can go out and have fun, you don't have to be drunk to have a good time :)

    I'm 24 and have smoked probably 5 times in my life, that's it! I drink only a few times a year, usually holidays or special occasions, and I've never been drunk! I've been tipsy a few times, but never have I been drunk and don't remember where I'm at or woke up feeling crappy the next day. I can have fun without all of that. Plus, I have a 4 year old son now, I definitely don't want my son to grow up with a drunk mother, I don't want him to see me hung over and not paying him attention, he doesn't deserve that! So just think about your life and what you really want out of it and take it slow. You're not gonna stop it all at once :)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I drink moderately1-2 days a week (wine), then once every other week or so I go out and party hard (vodka and the obligatory cigarette or two). I have been doing this for years, and while I'm sure my organs don't like it, my weight loss (maintenance I should say) and fitness has not suffered because of it. I'm actually in the best shape of my life. The thing with me is, when I drink I hardly eat (and I don't chow when I get home), drinking fills me up, and when I'm hungover I barely eat either. I think the eating with the drinking is where the problems lie. I know my younger sister hits McDonald's after a night out. I've never been guilty of doing that.

    So as far as the fitness and weight aspect of it, it has not affected me negatively and with two active kids, two dogs, a big house to take care of, part time job, working out every day, cooking every day, etc., I look forward to my partying. :smokin:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    raises hand, Im a metal photographer in NYC

    i have to go hard, get sneaky or go home. But the drinking and irregular sleep schedule just became one more obstacle to getting healthy that I proudly worked into keeping in my life. If I love it, I have to justify it.

    Ive run half marathons on no sleep with a wicked hangover and the first thing I did at the end was get a beer and a cigarette.
    Ive run an entire walk of shame.
    Ive switched to drinking a bottle of water between drinks.
    I plan which nights Im actually going to drink and which nights I let them think that my ice water is vodka.
    I use major concerts and events as deadlines for mile times, weight increases and tiny less important things like... getting into that ridiculously tiny LBD.
    I use things like hot tubs to put the fear in me to push harder.
    I changed my calorie goals to weekly.
    I changed my sleep requirements to weekly.

    Because of all the challenges of partying -like a rockstar- and refusing to let them hold me back in my developing awesomeness... Ive actually become better, stronger, slimmer, happier and able to go hard longer :)
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    I don't have a problem partying too much, but that's because I *love* my money. Once you see, and really FEEL, how much it hits your wallet, you'll stop. At least that's all the motivation I need....

    I wish that were motivation enough for me :(
    maybe I do have issues...*i'm only half joking....sigh
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I don't have a problem partying too much, but that's because I *love* my money. Once you see, and really FEEL, how much it hits your wallet, you'll stop. At least that's all the motivation I need....

    cheaper being a girl
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    look for lower cal options to what you drink when you go out? Avoid the salty snacks for water retention. Dance while your at the club?
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I party hard and I work it into my healthy lifestyle.

    Sometimes I indulge in bad foods, but lots of times I'll have a salad with grilled shrimp or something when I'm drinking.

    I log all of my alcohol calories. Favorites include red wine or rum & diet Coke.

    Granted, when I go out drinking I usually end up walking a lot as a side effect of the city I live in.

    Unless I'm on vacation, then the logging bets are off.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Yes, way too hard. I'm still recovering from Sunday night.
  • Myndi73
    Myndi73 Posts: 270
    I party....I can't imagine not. I always save calories for my "partying". I only do it on weekends though. It's rare that I go crazy during the week.
  • Fubar_Bill
    Fubar_Bill Posts: 120 Member
    Back in my single days I used to love going out and partying.

    As a dieter, I found the best way to have a good time was to have either Tequila or Vodka shots spaced out with bottles of water.

    You still got the good buzz, but very low calories and you don't wake up hung over.

    Note: avoid the sweeter shots. Alot more calories in Sambuca than there are in Tequila