When do you find time to workout w/ having busy kids???



  • AimeeKessler
    AimeeKessler Posts: 28 Member
    I'm the working mother of three boys in elementary school. The only time I can work out is at 6:00AM (or a bit earlier) - before the boys get up for school!

    It was tough to get started with this, but four years in, it's part of my life now. I can't imagine starting my day without hitting my "gym" - that is, heading down to the basement with one of my DVDs! Nothing wakes you up like jumping jacks!!

    Maybe when the boys are older, I'll join a gym. But for now, it's me, Jillian, Leslie or whoever I feel like working out with that day!
  • hubkal
    hubkal Posts: 125 Member
    The "key" I think is the morning! I KNOW it is hard to get up, it is hard to make those eyes open and those legs swing off the side of the bed. It is the feeling AFTER you are done, you are ready to GO! get the kids up and start your day
  • HealthyAlison
    HealthyAlison Posts: 112 Member
    It is tough to find time for yourself with kids isn't it? Mine are going from about 6 am - 8 pm, and it's often a marathon that doesn't end until 9 pm for me. I only have 2, but that's plenty!

    I do pretty well making healthy food choices. I load up the fridge with fruits and veggies and make it point to eat as much of them as I can. I force myself to take the time to prepare them some nights (like the asparagus tonight. An extra 5-10 minutes and it was already cold by the time I sat down, but I did it for me.)

    Here's my plan for exercise:
    * 5:00-5:45 am on the recumbant stationary bike while e-mailing (most days, depending on when I drag myself out of bed :yawn: )
    * I try to walk (4 mph) during lunchtime as many days as possible. 30 minutes is the goal. Depends on work.
    * Weekends - I try to put in a couple hours at least one day, stationary biking, real biking, walking, gardening, cutting the grass.

    * If you take a kid to practice, could you spend the wait time walking around the block or the gym?
    * Could you put the 4 y.o. in a bike trailer? That's a good workout.
    * In the winter or on rainy days we used to take our kids to downtown Minneapolis where there is a network of miles of skyways (buildings connected by enclosed walkways over the streets for you warm climate people). We would let them run while we walked with the stroller. Once they got tired we would put them in the stroller and really move.

    Good luck finding the time! It's not easy, but it is possible and so worth it! :smile:
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    If it’s important, you’ll find a way. If it isn’t, you’ll find an excuse.

    With that said, I watch my 2 small g’kids, work, take care of my dog that was shot & hit by a car, rehab a place I am turning into a 24 hour daycare…, & train for a marathon. It can be done if you want it. Period.
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I have 5 very busy little boys age 10-2 and I get it in usually at bedtime or during breakfast. When I was working I had zero me time! Now that I'm home it's much easier.... Sorry I'm no help lol!
  • lizofori
    lizofori Posts: 1
    I have 3 children, 5 years old, 2 years old and a 7 month old baby. I also work full-time in a professional field, soooo I definitely understand your dilemma. I joined Curves after having my last baby and it forces me to take time to work-out. It is a quick 30 min aerobic and strengthening work-out and you can burn up to 500 calories. It works for me because I go there right after work and then pick up the kids. Good luck!
  • MelanieL1984
    Thank you all of your support and comments. Its a big commitment and lifestyle change that I need to make big modifications in my life for. I may not like it at first, but after a while...it will become habit!! I am not a morning person, but I am going to have to make a habit of going to work out. That just seems like the best option right now.
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    I workout to a Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred video (only 20 minutes long) as soon as I get home for work. I don't sit down or do anyghing else, because if I do..........I find plenty of excuses. I believe and important enough to find 20 -30 mins for my health. Keep it up and it will start showing up. Be sure to take your measurements.
  • mustanggirl_2011
    mustanggirl_2011 Posts: 116 Member
    **bump** want to read this later :)
  • Penelope145
    I go to a local gym after work with a co-worker three times a week. I need the accountability. I would like to become one of those morning runners because I have mom guilt about being away from my kids. I figure an early morning jog while they're sleeping would give me some guilt-free "me" time. I haven't been successful with this plan though.
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    When partner is around to watch kids.
    Straight after work when not too knackered.
    Get kids to do it with you (two birds with one stone so to speak).
    Weekend when partner is around to take kids off your hands.
    Lunch breaks go for a walk.
    Failing all of them then you will have to find ways of getting accidental exercise like parking car further away and walking to work, walking more around office, housework more vigorous, stairs instead of elevator, etc

    If it is important to you then get family involved and they can help find ways that you can fit it in too. You fit in everything else for them so why should you be any different.
    Good luck
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I have a two and a half month old that keeps me on my toes....most of the times, I work out at night after baby goes to bed, and before the hubby joined, I would work out when he went to bed. Now, he and i work out together when he comes home from work, and then i will still work out on my own....not sure I could ever get up in the morning to work out .
  • maggie4097
    maggie4097 Posts: 156
    Wow, people! You all are awesome! I read this thread just to get some different ideas. What I found out is that I definitely have no excuses! Even though I am a single parent, my "kids" are 20 and 14! I am sometimes busy with the 14 yr old's sports, but other than working 40 or so hours a week and taking care of my house--my time is mine.

    I totally agree that if something is important~~you will find a way to get it done. I am totally inspired by all of you that are running in 50 million directions, and still taking care of yourselves! Love this!
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    Before everybody gets up! Usually around 4:30 - 5:00am
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    I try to do it in the am so it's done and I can get on with my day. Otherwise, I will find excuses.

    Best quote I tell myself "If you want something bad enough you will find a way, and if you don't, you will find an excuse"

    ^^^This....but it's hard to drag my butt out of bed in the early am!!!! :yawn:
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    I have two boys, 9 and 11, and I work full time. I wake up at 5:15 and work out 45-50 minutes 6 days per week (Fridays are rest day). Or 30 min if I hit snooze. I change into workout clothes at work on Tues and Thurs so I can run around the track while the boys are at track practice instead of sitting on the sidelines wasting time.

    Make food on the weekend and eat leftovers during the week. Kids can eat salads and quick, healthy meals as well!

    Overall it takes more planning, but it can work and I have much more energy when I invest the time in health and fitness.
  • Ymtabet
    Ymtabet Posts: 2
    I work out when my kids are at practice. Their practices are right after each other. I walk the field while they workout. My kids are a little older, so I can let them hang out with soccer buddies while they wait for their practice to start. I also workout after work. I let my kids stay at Boys and Girls club, so I can get it in. On the weekends, they stay with hubby or my older daughter watches them.
  • Kresent
    Kresent Posts: 39 Member
    I ride my bicycle to work. It only adds an extra half hour to my day and I get about two hours of cardio a day. I also save over a hundred dollars a week in fuel.

    Weights in the house, it's easy to whip out a few reps while water boils etc...
  • stowens75
    stowens75 Posts: 9 Member
    I have had quite the wild ride over the last 7 months. I have a 15yo daughter 14 yo son and 10 yo son and between football season baseball season, work, school, and being a single parent, i just had to insert when possible. I did the P90X program since there was a scheduled format and watched what i ate and from oct 1 - Apr -1 i have lost 45 lbs and feel lot better than i have in a long time. just had to focus on what i wanted and went after it.
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    I worked out whenever it was even slightly available. I'd get up and run at 5:30 am. Or I'd run at 5:30 pm as soon as my hubby got home to watch the kids for me. I'd walk on my lunch hour if it was decent weather. I strived for 2 to 3 weekdays and then both weekend days.

    As far as food, I keep a few snacks in the house for them that i don't care for, but not many. They don't need that stuff either. We do a lot of chicken, ground turkey and fish. Fresh veggies and salads. Steaming veggies is quick and there are a ton of great crockpot cookbooks out there that can be modified to be healthy. Deserts are low fat icream or frozen yogurt with fresh fruit as toppings. Pizza is usually vegetarian, but my kids love it.. So far no ones complaining! I have always cooked pretty healthy so they were used to it. I just don't keep the junk foods in anymore. There is a lot of healthy substitutions you can make without them noticing & that are quick to throw together too!