Food Diary Snooping... OR Why is your diary CLOSED?!



  • rrhennen
    rrhennen Posts: 60 Member
    My diary is closed cuz I would find myself not wanting to put down the kit kat bar I had for lunch or the fast food I had for dinner. I wouldn't even be going over my stuff, just embarrassed about what I was eating. Not that anyone ever judged me on it but I am always paranoid.

    This too! Sometimes, all I have for breakfast is a mocha. Not that it's regular, but if that is what works on a given day and I don't otherwise feel hungry, then so be it.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    Mine is open because I only have two friends: my mom and my best friend---both of whom can know what I eat. As for everyone else here, they are all strangers, so why would I care if they know what I eat? I only very rarely look into other people's diaries. Not often, unless they are my friends.
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    I leave mine open. So far no one's criticized my choices (and I have made some that were less than stellar). I'm adult, I'm responsible for what I eat and drink. While I welcome suggestions and constructive criticism, I won't tolerate anyone being negative.

    As for weird foods, I don't think I've had anything unusual.
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    My diary is open to friends only. It's only open because I SO ENJOY looking at other people's diary that it seemed tit for tat. Also I have gotten so many good tips and recipes from people just by asking what something was in their diary.

    I am not the healthiest eater. I am trying to improve each day. I struggle with fluid intake which everyone on my friends list know and they definitely mention it when it is low (which I appreciate and I think shows they care about me) - I have a history of dehydration :).
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    Mine is closed because I am still working on reducing what I eat, not changing what I eat...and what I eat is pretty terrible right now. BUT I do work 25 hours a week and I am taking 5 classes at the university so cooking is definitely not fitting in anywhere! haha

    However, once I graduate in May, it is my goal to make changes to my diet so that my diary can look much, much healthier (and a lot less "fast foodie" haha)

    Oh...and when I first started using MFP, I added some, uh, personal cardio in and labeled it accordingly. I didn't realize it would post to my profile as "Shellsrenee burned X calories doing 45 minutes of sex" :laugh: :embarassed: Oops! Learning as I go :blushing:
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    Wow, I'm really glad I saw this thread.

    My food diary is open because I figure that (please, nobody take this a a challenge!) no one else is likely to be harder on me than I am on myself. I work really hard at getting good fresh healthy food, and at getting my macros balanced, and at learning as much as i can about nutrition in general.

    I've been in an ongoing internal debate about what to say to my MFP friends with open diaries who aren't eating what I think is a proper healthy diet. Can it be right and honest for me to append a "Right On"-type comment to an update about a diary that has no veggies, and hasn't for at least the past week? Or is all processed food? Or is consistently way too low on protein, or more than 400 calories under the person's daily calorie goal before exercise?

    On the other hand, I don't really know what these friends are up against day-to-day. How much pressure they have to handle from kids, jobs, husbands, relatives, etc,. or how tight money is, or what other thousand other things they have to try to cope with.

    This thread has made me realize how much trust those friends who have their diaries open are placing in me, and how my swooping in with some meant-to-be-helpful comment about veggies or protein or something could do much more harm than good.

    Thanks. :flowerforyou:
  • bluehonu20
    bluehonu20 Posts: 11 Member
    Oh...and when I first started using MFP, I added some, uh, personal cardio in and labeled it accordingly. I didn't realize it would post to my profile as "Shellsrenee burned X calories doing 45 minutes of sex" :laugh: :embarassed: Oops! Learning as I go :blushing:

    I did the same thing! LMAO! Luckily, later in the day I added some cardio doing other things, and it changed the entry.
  • bluehonu20
    bluehonu20 Posts: 11 Member
    Wow, I'm really glad I saw this thread.

    My food diary is open because I figure that (please, nobody take this a a challenge!) no one else is likely to be harder on me than I am on myself. I work really hard at getting good fresh healthy food, and at getting my macros balanced, and at learning as much as i can about nutrition in general.

    I've been in an ongoing internal debate about what to say to my MFP friends with open diaries who aren't eating what I think is a proper healthy diet. Can it be right and honest for me to append a "Right On"-type comment to an update about a diary that has no veggies, and hasn't for at least the past week? Or is all processed food? Or is consistently way too low on protein, or more than 400 calories under the person's daily calorie goal before exercise?

    On the other hand, I don't really know what these friends are up against day-to-day. How much pressure they have to handle from kids, jobs, husbands, relatives, etc,. or how tight money is, or what other thousand other things they have to try to cope with.

    This thread has made me realize how much trust those friends who have their diaries open are placing in me, and how my swooping in with some meant-to-be-helpful comment about veggies or protein or something could do much more harm than good.

    Thanks. :flowerforyou:

    I love that you see both sides of this.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Mine is closed because, well, it's a diary, which implies that it's nobody else's business what I eat. I came to MFP because I wanted an easy-to-use, calorie-counting tool. The people are just an added bonus. I'm more than capable of keeping myself accountable. Topics like this pretty much solidify my resolve to never open it, too. I have enough problems eating around other people, even when I'm eating nothing but a big pile of vegetables or a random piece of fruit. I don't need the internet watching what I eat, too.
  • MissCheese
    MissCheese Posts: 195 Member
    I'm a snooper and proud! I figure if people don't want me to look at their diary they will have it closed.

    My goal is to eat a healthy balanced fresh diet currently at a calorie deficit so that I can lose weight while teaching myself how to eat properly.

    Everyone has different goals so diarys are going to be different, I find diarys filled with protein shakes and bars as their primary intake strange but hey ho each to their own. I'm not going to pull someone up and say 'Hey, your diet stinks'.

    If someone asks specifically for advice or an opinion on their diary then I'll give one.
  • VirginiaWoof
    my food diary is open and i would appreciate any supportive feedback? :-)
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    According to my food diary a couple of days ago I had peanutbutter and tuna. YUUMM.
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    My diary is open, but half of it is logged in Swedish which makes it harder for most to understand. Being that I am on a slightly different journey than most here, which is to gain a few lbs (I'm quite underweight), I can sometimes be a little embarrassed with my diary, it is certainly not as "clean" as most of my friends, with their very healthy low cal almond milk ,spinach, protein shakes, where as mine have full milk, chocolate powder, protein and super gainer powder and range between 300-500 cals, I can also have runs of bad days, where I haven't planed well, or plans changed at the last minute, like today I was supposed to meet a mate for lunch, so I didn't bring anything to work, but of course she cancelled at the last minute so I resorted to meal replacement bar to tide me over till I could get something real! (which ended up being a frozen pasta dinner) An my diary is often peppered with the odd chocolate biscuit, and the full fat yogurt. So I can feel that is it s little "dirty" in comparison to many, but at the same time, I have to remember that I am on a different journey, and so certain foods are not my enemy, but my friend, and my diary reflects that....however, I love looking at other diaries, esp from other "gainers", to find inspiration and ideas that are healthy or better than what I'm doing to keep with the calories.

    I think the only "weird" thing I see sometimes is when people have mostly shakes or smoothies through out their day, it just makes me wonder where is the real food!
  • niss63
    niss63 Posts: 82 Member
    Never attempted to go snooping.

    *wonders if he should close his diary*

  • QuintinV
    QuintinV Posts: 28
    whale sperm ... look it up

    O my word... can you imagine...
    I looked it up and it is about 520 calories for a cup of it... yikes
  • 1968LisaG
    1968LisaG Posts: 17 Member
    My diary is open because I have nothing to be ashamed of. If I eat something bad, oh well, it's my body and I'm doing good. I like seeing other people's diaries because it gives me ideas. Like someone eats Luna Bars and thought that would be a good snack for those on the go days.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    My diary is open to my friends. I've received many comments on it, all of them positive.

    In no way do I want this to sound egotistical or anything, but part of the reason it's open (it used to be closed) is because I've had many people tell me I'm an inspiration to them, and that is why they have friended me. They have asked for advice on what to eat, when to eat, etc, and I feel that having my diary open to them will give them ideas. I am in no way a perfect or 'clean' eater, but I've had people ask for recipes of some stuff in my diary.

    So it not only keeps me accountable, but I hope it can give others some good ideas.
  • WinWinGo
    WinWinGo Posts: 99 Member
    I have occasionally snooped, but I figure that doesn't bother the people who have theirs open. I'm thin skinned though, so mine is closed. I don't think anyone I know would criticize, but why take the chance? :laugh:
  • Microfiber_wechange
    I opened mine up after I posted this:
    and peeps wanted to know what I'd been eating to give me such a big, fat belly :laugh:

    All the suggestions in that thread have helped me immensely. I may close it once I lose the belly :laugh:
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    I also have that hangup here. That fear of having a diary full of bad days in an online community full of people who know what the heck they're doing, and eat right, and are proud of tracking it and showing it. Despite knowing it's irrational, I'm still afraid of being judged for still being so off-track.

    And oddly, that's one reason I leave mine open. I'm not 100% on-track. I'm moving gradually towards a better-for-me diet. I found it reassuring to read other people's open diaries and realize that not everyone here was perfect either.
    same reason mine is open to my friends.