All 5'7 Girls



  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    170 - 175. According to the calculators on that site, 173 is right on the money for my age and height. I was 175 in HS, and looked good. At this point, my short term goal is just to get to 200. I really can't wait till this extra mid-section weight starts seriously melting off so it's easier to move around and exercise.

    I don't think I could go much below 170... couldn't maintain it, I don't think.
  • umisquirrel
    umisquirrel Posts: 14 Member
    thanks for all of the responses guys! :smile: this may be a dumb question, but how can you tell if you have a smaller or larger body frame? I remember reading somewhere you can like measure your wrists or something like that, although that doesn't really make sense to me. is it something you just kind of know?

    I have a large frame and tiny wrists, so who knows? I have always been a bit curvy. My UGW is 135, but 140 would be good enough. It's hard to say numbers-wise for me, though. When I was at 135 and happy with my weight, I was not very muscular (not even close to any ab definition). But I would like to be toned and strong this time around, so that number might change.

    Also important to me is clothing size. I'd like to be a 4/6 as opposed to an 8/10 (where I was).
  • atay18
    atay18 Posts: 39 Member
    I"m currently maintaining at 125-130 and love it. My UGW would be 120, but I think that is pretty unreasonable. I also have a small frame. Right now I only weigh myself to keep myself on track foodwise, and am actively trying to improve my 5K times and how fast I can climb stairs.
  • jplucheck
    jplucheck Posts: 275 Member
    thanks for all of the responses guys! :smile: this may be a dumb question, but how can you tell if you have a smaller or larger body frame? I remember reading somewhere you can like measure your wrists or something like that, although that doesn't really make sense to me. is it something you just kind of know?

    Place your middle finger and thumb around your wrist, if they over lap you have a small frame, if they touch you have a medium frame, if they are close but dont touch you have a large frame.
  • ChelseaM18
    ChelseaM18 Posts: 303
    I would love to get to 126-128 ideally, which is composed of lean muscle rather than the fat which seems to have a bit of a stalkerish relationship with my body and doesn't wish to leave :D, i'll get there eventually!
  • embclark
    embclark Posts: 186 Member
    At my wedding I was around 150-155, so that is my goal for now... But I had a baby since then via c-section and have a feeling that I won't be happy there with my belly being a bit more flabby then in the past. So I will probably change my goal to 140-145, but I am waiting until I see myself closer to 150!
  • jac264
    jac264 Posts: 86 Member
    Right now I'm at my goal weight between 120-125 and trying to build muscle and strength, and repair my metabolism without gaining weight - current body fat % is ~16%. I may try to lose a pound or two to be on the lower end of the range. I have small wrists but i guess short fingers too b/c my index finger and thumb just touch -- I would guess I'm somewhere between a small and medium frame size. I have a very long torso though and no real waist line so I'm trying to work on my stomach and abs :)
  • prr88
    prr88 Posts: 8
    I don't believe in scales. For me, my goal is 20% body fat.
  • Kristen0526
    Kristen0526 Posts: 168 Member
    My medical recommendation for my ideal weight is anywhere between 121-160, so I am aiming for 140, right in the middle. And since I have a larger frame, I think anything under that would look silly, and make me look sick instead of healthy and toned. I started on here at 235, and am down to 211 as of this morning.
  • SME1976
    SME1976 Posts: 73 Member
    135- maybe 130
  • IrateBeth
    IrateBeth Posts: 42 Member
    Right now 175 would make me happy with myself.

    I was happiest at 160, so that is an "ultimate" goal.
  • ehsquared
    ehsquared Posts: 42
    I have no problem maintaining 120-125 but I am working on losing inches and gaining muscle so I I would like to see the scale not move too much. I have always had a smaller frame though and at my highest I was 140 and I look back now at pictures and know I am very awkward looking at that weight. I seem to carry all my weight in my stomach, which does not look nice when your arms and legs are still skinny :/ haha
  • dkhamees
    dkhamees Posts: 10 Member
    thanks for all of the responses guys! :smile: this may be a dumb question, but how can you tell if you have a smaller or larger body frame? I remember reading somewhere you can like measure your wrists or something like that, although that doesn't really make sense to me. is it something you just kind of know?

    Take your index and thumb and make a circle around your wrist. If your index and thumb overlap, small frame. If they just touch, medium frame. If they can't touch at all, large frame. I did this and found I have a medium frame, which sounds right to me.

    Goal weight of 145! I was 150 all through high school and was still kind of big (IMO). So currently at 169, and if 145 is still too big I'll reassess then.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'm 5'7" with a somewhat small skeletal frame, but I'm a muscular chick so I'm comfortable hovering between 135-140 and 20% body fat which is where I am right now.
  • This morning I weighed 130. My goal weight is 125-128 so I am almost there. My whole adult life I weighed around 125 until the last two years when I started eating out all the time and got up to 148. So I have lost 18 pounds so far. I would be very happy at 125 and know that I can maintain it.
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    I am 5'8 but my goal is 145-150, the lowest I have ever gotten to was in high school and that was 185, I felt so good, but still felt really big.
  • dschavers
    dschavers Posts: 55 Member
    Maintaining between 130 and 135. Perfect for me!
  • KMiche82
    KMiche82 Posts: 144 Member
    My goal weight is 145 which I have a long way to go but I want to make sure I do not look skinny I want to be toned and more muscle than fat! Healthy weight for my height and body type is 128-160 so I want to be in between that:)
  • My happy range is 150-155. I am large framed and would look sickly any lower
  • i was 135 in HS, and too thin, all my bones stuck out, and my stomach was concave. I loved it then, but looking at pictures now, I don't want to be that thin again. (I am large boned)

    my goal now will be 150.. and when I get there, see if it fits right.. if not, will reassess. I currently have 200 lbs to go to get there...

    thanks for starting this thread! I had a similar question, and wondered where people were at.