Detox Diet



  • If you want a good detox...

    1/2 cup blueberries 3/4 cup PLAIN FAT FREE yogurt and maybe half a banana all blended together(:

    It helps me alot when I first start a diet I feel cleaner inside

    Plus it is natural antioxidants

    Drink this 3 times a day
  • teresacc26
    teresacc26 Posts: 91 Member
    Of Course YOU 2 wouldn't...smh
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    The detox I did for 3 weeks prior to my surgery was sever but simple. lean protein and veggies, no carbs no fat. so no fruit/bread/potatoes and no salad dressing. Boring as hell, simple to prepare and I lost 27lbs in 3 weeks. Detox yourself off sugar basically, and a liver cleanse.
  • Selma10001984
    Selma10001984 Posts: 206 Member
    Detox diets are not recommended by nutricients because they slow down the metabolism, I read about it yesterday.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    The only "cleansing" human beings need to do is drink water and get enough leafy green vegetables. Rather than fasting on a juice diet, I'd spend 3 days eating eggs and fruit for breakfast, a big salad for lunch, and grilled meat or fish with vegetables on the side for dinner, all the while getting in at least 6 cups of water per day. It will feel better than starving yourself.
  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    I have only just joined this site so obviously not sure what the fuss is about not detoxing but I find certain foods don't make me feel as great as after eating others so I often do a mini detox of such foods and am currently not having dairy and wheat as a mini detox while I start my weight loss. It's what works for me.

    A number of years ago my youngest suffered a load of allergies (I was still nursing him) I had to alter my diet a lot around his allergies and it was really interesting to see the changes I felt by stopping and introducing foods.

    I've never done an advertised detox but I can't really see any negetive in detoxing your body of certain types of foods.

    Each to their own though...
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 751 Member
    I started doing the south beach diet two weeks now and have lost about 10lbs. 5 of those lbs. I had lost and re-gained over the past two months. I decided to change up my diet & exercise a bit to try to net better results. I've done a lot of research on it before I chose to attempt it. What you need to be aware of is that when cutting your carbs, you may drastically lose "water weight" not actual fat. They also said that once you eat anything not approved by the diet you will automatically gain the weight you lost because your body will hold on to more water. This is subjective as I drink a gallon of water a day and I've eaten cookies, pizza, chips & salty foods, but I am still consistently losing. I've committed 90% to the SBD and 10% to junk. This way I get a balance and can stay on track with the program overall instead of binging when I get a sweet craving.

    Basically, what I'm saying is you have to do research, which I have done a lot of! I've seen different diets/fads, but I knew I couldn't stick with them because they were either unhealthy or unrealistic. My suggestion is do something that you can foresee doing forever. This weight loss journey is a lifetime commitment, not just a few week process. I encourage you to do what you think is best for your body regardless of what everyone else post.

    I’ve been on here almost a year and what I can tell you is that although there is a lot of good information out there, it doesn’t work for everyone. One thing that everyone says is to eat back your exercise calories. I don’t do that. When I did, I gained weight. I tried it for over a month but that just didn’t work for me. Nutrition is a science. It is not tailored to everyone the same, so again do research and know your body. The rest will come.

    Good luck!
  • bigtwagner
    bigtwagner Posts: 113
    A Glass of hot water every morning will kick start everything naturally!
  • to the people who say your body detoxes itself - yes, this is true. but you're not seeing the whole process, youve got blinkers on.

    lets look at it a different way:

    if you are eating and drinking a lot of crap then your organs are working very hard, harder than usual, to rid the body of the toxins first and foremost, and not performing any of its other functions to a degree. if you consume less toxinous foods and drinks, its working less to get rid of the toxins, and performing other functions to a better degree. very simple. makign an effort to give it a break for a while is not a bad thing to do - for example, if your liver is not working away getting rid of alcohol, its starts to do other jobs to help the body. its not only got one job! its got lots! if your diet is high in processed crap then youre system becomes sluggish, you may feel tired, and your immune system is lowered. but people jump on the 'detox' word because its misused and charlatans certianly do misuse it. we need to come up with a new word.

    original poster - (i've forgotten your username, sorry) if you want to give your body less of a job strain doing the detoxing, i think the one youre speaking of is the jason vale juicemaster 7 days one. its more geared towards weightloss though then you progress onto anohter of his books. if you want something less severe, then try his turbo charge your life book, its all about fresh produce, fuits and veg, lean meats with no processed food etc.

    call it a detox if you want, or call it plain old healthy eating - people will jump on you less for the latter,

    enjoy myfitnesspal and ignore the choads on here :)
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    if you are eating and drinking a lot of crap then your organs are working very hard, harder than usual, to rid the body of the toxins first and foremost, and not performing any of its other functions to a degree. if you consume less toxinous foods and drinks, its working less to get rid of the toxins, and performing other functions to a better degree. very simple. makign an effort to give it a break for a while is not a bad thing to do - for example, if your liver is not working away getting rid of alcohol, its starts to do other jobs to help the body. its not only got one job! its got lots! if your diet is high in processed crap then youre system becomes sluggish, you may feel tired, and your immune system is lowered. but people jump on the 'detox' word because its misused and charlatans certianly do misuse it. we need to come up with a new word.

    This. The word "detox" is not really relevent. You stated previously about eating raw over cooked veggies and such. Changing your diet from eating processed, high fat, high sodium to raw veggies, fresh fruits, lean protein and lots of water could be considered "detoxing." Others just call it what they eat every day to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Do a bit of research on negative-calorie foods.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thanks, I needed that.
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    I'll be the first on this one.

    You are not going to get very positive replies here regarding a detox diet, for the simple reason that it is nonsense. Your body cleanses itself. Start your weight loss by eating healthy and counting your calories, it does not need any jump start and any silly detox diet isn't going to jump start anything.

    I hate people that post their opinion as fact.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I'll be the first on this one.

    You are not going to get very positive replies here regarding a detox diet, for the simple reason that it is nonsense. Your body cleanses itself. Start your weight loss by eating healthy and counting your calories, it does not need any jump start and any silly detox diet isn't going to jump start anything.

    I hate people that post their opinion as fact.

    and what facts would like to offer on the topic?
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Fast for 24 hours and drink plenty of water. There is no magic "detox" pill.
  • thinmg
    thinmg Posts: 13 Member
    I did a 10 day Veggie Juice fast 2 months ago and it was fantastic the first 2 days i was slightly irritable but after that I felt truly amazing!. I had more energy and clarity than I had felt in years but the best thing to come from the experience was breaking the addiction to sugar, processed and refined foods. When I finished the Juicing It was so exciting just to eat a piece of celery. It brought food back to basics and made me aware of just how many chemicals, number are in our foods & not to mention genetically modified foods. My food shopping is so different now it 80 percent veggies ,10 meat and 10 dry stock.
    Wish my fridge was larger there are so many leafy greens taking up room. If you do plan to do the juice plan it well . The rewards are great.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Do a bit of research on negative-calorie foods.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thanks, I needed that.

    + 2
  • I say try it! If it works for you, then YAE! If not, then you know its not for you!! Good luck :)
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm wondering if the word detox means different things to different people.

    I tried a Fat Burning Soup plan which was meant to be for 7 days & I lasted 1.5 because it cut out all carbs, protein, fat. Day 1 was Soup & Fruit Day 2 Veg & Soup Day 3 Soup Veg & Fruit & other days that I won't go into. It was the promise of 10-17lb weight loss that pulled me into its claws.

    It worked fine for my two sisters in law but it just wasn't for me.

    I ended up just eating my calories as normal , extra water, no diet sodas, soups, fruit & less carbs than normal. Side effect was that I lost 3lbs. Side effect of Soup diet was that the bathroom became my friend for matters I won't divulge.

    I'll never 'detox' again but I will certainly will try to eat cleaner during the week and hopefully see some results.

    Best of luck xx
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    I actually juice daily.
  • kanolet
    kanolet Posts: 5
    I guess only you can decide who you'll believe.

    Very low calorie diets are going to make you iritable, particularly during the first week, period. As others have suggested, why not do a raw food diet (that includes juice) with a normal caloric recommendation? If you want to cut out the processed stuff, don't worry, the "toxins" will naturally flush from your system if you cut it out of your diet.