Carb's Carb's Carb's & More Carb's



  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    uh oh. reminds me of a thread I started and got locked. errr. I shall keep quiet.
    Ha ha. I love the carbs too. Will NEVER give them up! X
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    We are not suppose to go under 1200 calories, we are to eat 1200 plus our exercise calories!

    I lower my carbs once in a while to loose weight and then enter good carbs back in my diet. I loose better with less than 100 net carbs per day. That is carbs - fiber = net carbs.
  • Kateraptor
    I love carbs, loooooove them. Problem is, if I eat too many and not enough protein and fat with them, I get hungry and cranky a couple hours later! I treat myself to pasta or a bread thing once a day, but always pair it with fat and protein. This week seems to be hard since I'm not in school, soda bread is being sold everywhere and it's PI day.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I usually clear 300g in carbs daily. Love 'em.
  • lomajess
    lomajess Posts: 94 Member
    I'd rather have all my filling meals during the day, when I'm most active, so my dinner is usually the lightest. I go to bed early & usually have dinner late, at work from 7:30AM-5:15PM & leave my apartment at 6:30AM and return about 6:00-6:30PM

    & yes my 1200 calories a day is low for most people, but it was my recommend calorie amount for my goal, & yes I eat back my calories. I haven't felt dizzy or anything like that otherwise wouldve highered my calorie intake. I actually look forward to my workout because I know it means I can eat more. heh.
  • ASA468026
    ASA468026 Posts: 5 Member
    hi my name is angela and i am not eating enough carbs, and i am on a 1200 cal count also, that work for me, but what help is eating carbs, and i just dont know what to eat, can you help me/:smile:
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    I need to cut back on my carbs. I don't plan on cutting them out but I am being more mindful now of how much I'm consuming.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Typically around 200g of carbs a day for me. Love bread, pasta, rice, spuds, pizza.... Think I'll make some sweet corncake to go with dinner tonight.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    There is a certain sense of euphoric freedom when you realize:

    1. Carbs are not the enemy (unless you actually get sick eating them)
    2. Meal timing does not matter (you can eat the majority of your calories morning, noon, or night, with no difference in your weight loss)
    3. As long as you're meeting your protein requirements (MFP has them set low, should be 0.8g x your body weight at least), and making sure you have enough healthy fats, you can fill the rest of your calories with as many yummy things you can fit.

    That means PIZZA IS NOT OFF LIMITS EVER (as long as it fits into your calories)

    Also, try bumping your calories gradually, 100 every week or two, until you get to a more sustainable number, 1500-1600 or so. You will still lose weight and your body won't freak out if you eat at maintenance a day or two.

    *freedom dance* :]
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I eat carb's all day, every day, with every meal, including snacks. I will not give them up they give me the energy I need to do my training.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I usually clear 300g in carbs daily. Love 'em.
    Same here, and I'm losing pretty consistently.
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    Typically around 200g of carbs a day for me. Love bread, pasta, rice, spuds, pizza.... Think I'll make some sweet corncake to go with dinner tonight.

    So you eat all those carbs and still look the way you do.....I am sick of going with out bread and sweets ohhh and pasta.....and Ii am tried of salads