Whats your goal "treat?"

So i find that giving myself some kind of incentive for reaching a goal with my weight has really helped. My "treat" for reaching my final weight goal of 140 is to dye my hair and start dressing more to suit my personality :) What are your "treats" to yourself once you reach a goal? I'd love to hear them!


  • no one has goal treats? i feel like no one can see my posts are they invisible? lol
  • victoria secret undies for every five pounds lost....
  • oh heck yes! a little something to make u feel sexy never hurts!
  • jucciifruit
    jucciifruit Posts: 30 Member
    I cannot fit anything in rue 21. So my goal is to buy me a outfit from the skinny side of rue 21 lol:tongue:
  • mybeach27
    mybeach27 Posts: 243
    I want to get laser hair removal :) and I want to try to enroll in mote classes and try hiking and kayaking once I get more fit and know I can keep up!:) also I want to do a spa day with all my girlfriends! Haha lots to look foward to!:)
  • How fun!!!!! great ideas :) yes there is so much to look forward too! i want to look good in a mini dress and heels! woohoo thats one of my little goals as well :)
  • caddygarcia123
    caddygarcia123 Posts: 122 Member
    Ultimate goal is 120! soo once i reach my goal weight here are the things I want to do!

    1. Teeth whitening
    2. Trip to Vegas
    3. yet to be determined!! lol
  • joshswifey2011
    joshswifey2011 Posts: 30 Member
    Once I hit my goal my treat is a pair of Jimmy Choo heels, a Victoria secret shopping trip and a weekend alone with the hubby at a nice hotel.:bigsmile:
  • itsmaymee
    itsmaymee Posts: 45
    10lbs = New shoes. I'm getting close to this one and hopefully I can pull it off soon so I can get this pair of wedges I've been eyeing. I'm a shoe junkie so this is perfect for helping me push for my goals.

    20lbs = New outfit and sexy shoes! Hubby has a class reunion coming up so I'm hoping to hit this mark in time for that.

    30lbs = A dress. I haven't worn a dress since my wedding 3 1/2 years ago and I'd like to put one on and feel good in it. I used to dress up all the time, now it's jeans and tees.

    40lbs = Shorts!! I'm hoping to hit this (or very close to it) in time for our family reunion this summer. It would be great to hear something other than how I've gained so much weight. Plus, I'd like to be able to get out there and play softball and volleyball with everyone instead of sitting around watching.

    50lbs = A shopping spree and a weekend away with my hubby.

    I have very little motivation and treating myself every for every 10lbs lost will hopefully help me out. Especially because two have them have dates attached to them.
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    I'm gonna buy myself a bikini(:
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    What are your "treats" to yourself once you reach a goal?

    I hit my goal weight about 5 weeks ago and am now trying to tone up. I love to travel but have never been anywhere overseas, so I planned a trip to Australia for the fall! It's a combined treat for myself for losing almost 80 lbs and for completing my graduate degree! Super excited! :-)
  • GangstaMa
    GangstaMa Posts: 39
    new bikini :)
  • LenaMena87
    LenaMena87 Posts: 469 Member
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    Bikinis. All day every day. Ok not literally, I'd probably get fired for that, but I'm gonna wear them as often as possible.

  • sherri85
    sherri85 Posts: 148 Member
    I cannot fit anything in rue 21. So my goal is to buy me a outfit from the skinny side of rue 21 lol:tongue:
    ditto!!! It doesn't have to be rue 21 but I am going to the mall and shopping anywhere but the plus size places!!!!!
  • Two treats for myself! My ultimate goal weight "treat" will be a vacation to New Orleans (my favorite city!) and a new tattoo (of a peacock feather, symbolizing pride).

    I have a few small 5lb treats from now til then though in this order:

    *New journal (i get this in another 4 lbs yay)
    *New books
    *Pair of soffee shorts
    *New jeans
  • jeankh
    jeankh Posts: 68
    I'll get my bike licenses :) once i hit 130
  • leap314
    leap314 Posts: 75 Member
    oh, I like this topic. I have to think about it. I'll let ya know!
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    I treated myself to pedi for my 1/3 of goal met. For my 1/2 goal something silly like a foot spa and maybe a heart rate monitor. 2/3 of my goal maybe a few new things to wear, but when I hit my goal of 30 pounds........shopping like a maniac. haha :laugh: