MFP warning about eating under BMR



  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    I think that we can find the actual TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), after a couple of months of consistent weight loss.

    For example:

    In my case, I had set MFP to lose 1 lb/week (sedentary, since I hardly have been exercising)

    Following the calorie limit that MFP came up with to lose 1lb, I have actually been losing 2 lbs per week, since last November.
    Since one pound of fat is about 3500 calories, that tells me right there that the MFP calculations are estimating my TDEE at about 500 calories less per day than actual.

    So now I can tell what my real TDEE is !! I will use that information for when I reach maintenance mode.

    In numbers: MFP is setting my calorie limit at 1810 calories per day, for 1 lb/week loss
    Therefore MFP estimates my TDEE at : 1810+500 = 2310
    Since I am losing 2 lbs/week, when eating 1810 calories, that means actual TDEE is: 1810+500+500 = 2810 calories

    Once I reach maintenance mode, I expect my TDEE will be about 100 calories less than 2810 (since at lower weight I will burn less)
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    Well I recently found out about the BMR and TDEE, since I have been eating at 1700-1850 a day I stay full ALL THE TIMe I never feel like bingeing I eat roughly 5 small meals a day to eat all my calories and still somtimes down hit it. My BMR is 1592 my TDEE is 2181 (I havent started working out yet) when I do my TDEE will be 2459- but I will still hit 1850 with not eating back my workout calories (since I wont burn more than 200)

    I have just surpassed a week of eat 1850 vs 1440 thta I was consuming, I "gained" liek 2 pounds on and off for a week and now all I have been doing is slowly losing .2 pounds every day or so till I am .6 away from my lowest weight. It is healthy- you feel healthy eating at it and I really hope this breaks my plateau and that I can hit another low in like 5 days!!
  • tmpayton
    tmpayton Posts: 148 Member
    So I am a bit confused....
    I went to the BMR Calculator website and they calculated my BMR as 1946. MFP lists my BMR as 1916 and I have 1410 calories to eat daily. On MFP, I listed that I plan to hit the gym 3 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes each (Personal Trainer supervised), so they have me burning 910 calories a week on the exercise tab. Calculations are as follows for sedentary, lightly active and moderately active:

    Sedentary 1916 x 1.2 = 2299 - 1000(2 lbs/wk) =1299 calories to consume daily
    Lightly Active 1916 x 1.375 = 2635 - 1000 = 1635
    Moderately Active 1916 x 1.55 = 2970 - 1000 = 1970

    I cannot get to the calorie amount MFP has calculated for me. If I use the MFP site only for tracking calories and stay between 1299 & 1970, I should be in the ballpark to lose the 2 lbs a week I am hoping for (have 97 lbs to go). If I stay within that range, do/should I "eat back" my exercise calories? It seems that they are already calculated in the multiplier I used.

    Does the calorie amount that MFP calculated not take into account the exercise calories and that is why so many recommend to "eat back" the exercise calories?

    Thanks for any input. :)
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member

    BMR: 1,410.
    Lightly Active. (3 2-hour workouts per week, walking 60 minutes every other day...maybe I should change to moderate?)
    Breastfeeding too. (Adding on an additional 300-500 calories...)

    I don't think your activity level is supposed to include the exercise you do as you are logging that seperately as extra calories anyway, more your activity level based on what you do all day ie do you sit at a desk or are you a cleaner etc.

    I know what you mean though I was concerned when I read this thread, as apart from the past few days thanks to the long weekend I usually log less than 1200 net, although I go over on the weekend, I am still under net for my entire week, but I looked up my BMR and its only just over 1200 anyway, phew because I don't think I could get much higher without pigging on chocolate all the time LOL.
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    wow good thing I read this, MFP has me eating 1380 but I just checked and my BMR is 1565
    So I should be eating at least 1500 calories?
    I can adjust my intake on this site right?

    you should hit at LEAST 1565, not 1500 but yes you can change it under Home>goals>change>continue then put in the exact # you want it to calculate your daily calories.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I don't think your activity level is supposed to include the exercise you do as you are logging that seperately as extra calories anyway, more your activity level based on what you do all day ie do you sit at a desk or are you a cleaner etc.

    Thanks for clearing that up, in that case it's probably best I lower myself as I'm a SAHM with far too much time on my hands for the internet. XD

    I'm still concerned that I'm not getting the right nutrition in order to lose weight. I wish it were as simple as eat less = weigh less.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So I am a bit confused....
    I went to the BMR Calculator website and they calculated my BMR as 1946. MFP lists my BMR as 1916 and I have 1410 calories to eat daily. On MFP, I listed that I plan to hit the gym 3 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes each (Personal Trainer supervised), so they have me burning 910 calories a week on the exercise tab. Calculations are as follows for sedentary, lightly active and moderately active:

    Sedentary 1916 x 1.2 = 2299 - 1000(2 lbs/wk) =1299 calories to consume daily
    Lightly Active 1916 x 1.375 = 2635 - 1000 = 1635
    Moderately Active 1916 x 1.55 = 2970 - 1000 = 1970

    I cannot get to the calorie amount MFP has calculated for me. If I use the MFP site only for tracking calories and stay between 1299 & 1970, I should be in the ballpark to lose the 2 lbs a week I am hoping for (have 97 lbs to go). If I stay within that range, do/should I "eat back" my exercise calories? It seems that they are already calculated in the multiplier I used.

    Does the calorie amount that MFP calculated not take into account the exercise calories and that is why so many recommend to "eat back" the exercise calories?

    Thanks for any input. :)

    You are correct in your last paragraph. The exercise you put into MFP is only for tracking - it does not get included in your target - so you need to 'eat them back' as the base number has your deficit in already.
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    So I am a bit confused....
    I went to the BMR Calculator website and they calculated my BMR as 1946. MFP lists my BMR as 1916 and I have 1410 calories to eat daily. On MFP, I listed that I plan to hit the gym 3 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes each (Personal Trainer supervised), so they have me burning 910 calories a week on the exercise tab. Calculations are as follows for sedentary, lightly active and moderately active:

    Sedentary 1916 x 1.2 = 2299 - 1000(2 lbs/wk) =1299 calories to consume daily
    Lightly Active 1916 x 1.375 = 2635 - 1000 = 1635
    Moderately Active 1916 x 1.55 = 2970 - 1000 = 1970

    I cannot get to the calorie amount MFP has calculated for me. If I use the MFP site only for tracking calories and stay between 1299 & 1970, I should be in the ballpark to lose the 2 lbs a week I am hoping for (have 97 lbs to go). If I stay within that range, do/should I "eat back" my exercise calories? It seems that they are already calculated in the multiplier I used.

    Does the calorie amount that MFP calculated not take into account the exercise calories and that is why so many recommend to "eat back" the exercise calories?

    Thanks for any input. :)

    Your BMR is 1946 and your TDEE (if lightly active) is 2635, to lose weight you need to eat your TDEE (which calculates your activity already) -15% which means daily you need to consume 2,240, if you do not burn more than 400 calories than you do not eat back your calories for the day. If you do burn more: IE: your NET is below your BMR of 1946 then you need to eat back until your NET hits 1946.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Ive been eating 1200-1350 a day for 11 weeks and lose 0.5lbs to 3lbs a week this week was 0 :sad: and I have been so good

    If I ate 1500 calories a day I wouldnt lose weight it maybe because Im 42 have yoyoed weight on and off ?
    My BMR is 1628 my TTDE is 2229 so -20% would be 1673 calories
    I am quiet active have a bed & breakfast we have been refurbishing it the last 6 months I have 3 children walk everyday and Ive restarted zumba 3 times a week
    Ive upped my calories this week to 1460 to see what happens.
    The last 11 weeks Ive been so hungry 1200-1300 calories were awful I woke up feeling sick most days :(
    Im now 210lbs and 5ft 2inch

    Im worried if I go upto 1673 I wont lose and Im getting married in 35 weeks.........
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I've read the thread and now I'm concerned...

    BMR: 1,410.
    Sedentary. (TTDE 2299?)
    Breastfeeding too. (Adding on an additional 300-500 calories...)

    What does that put me at? Because with the 1200 standard, I only just meet that requirement daily and I'm usually not hungry enough to eat more....

    I'm useless with the math part of this and my husband is insistent that just because I've lost a little weight so far, that it's fine to stay doing what I am. But I'm sure I have to change things up...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Ive been eating 1200-1350 a day for 11 weeks and lose 0.5lbs to 3lbs a week this week was 0 :sad: and I have been so good

    If I ate 1500 calories a day I wouldnt lose weight it maybe because Im 42 have yoyoed weight on and off ?
    My BMR is 1628 my TTDE is 2229 so -20% would be 1673 calories
    I am quiet active have a bed & breakfast we have been refurbishing it the last 6 months I have 3 children walk everyday and Ive restarted zumba 3 times a week
    Ive upped my calories this week to 1460 to see what happens.
    The last 11 weeks Ive been so hungry 1200-1300 calories were awful I woke up feeling sick most days :(
    Im now 210lbs and 5ft 2inch

    Im worried if I go upto 1673 I wont lose and Im getting married in 35 weeks.........

    I am 44 years old - have had a significant metabolism slow down a few year ago due to illness. While I am a bit taller than you (5 6") I eat approx.2000 a day, weight train 3 x week but do very little other exercise, and am losing weight (I lost 1.5 this week - yay - and more importantly inches). If you up your calories you may see a little uptick in your weight at first, but after a few weeks you should see the weight going down. One of my MFP friends is less than 5', does not do any intensive cardio and is losing weight ar 1600. So I would actually suggest that 1460 may be too low.
  • Raeken_Zayt
    Raeken_Zayt Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you so much for this, no wonder I was pleateauing and starving!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Ive been eating 1200-1350 a day for 11 weeks and lose 0.5lbs to 3lbs a week this week was 0 :sad: and I have been so good

    If I ate 1500 calories a day I wouldnt lose weight it maybe because Im 42 have yoyoed weight on and off ?
    My BMR is 1628 my TTDE is 2229 so -20% would be 1673 calories
    I am quiet active have a bed & breakfast we have been refurbishing it the last 6 months I have 3 children walk everyday and Ive restarted zumba 3 times a week
    Ive upped my calories this week to 1460 to see what happens.
    The last 11 weeks Ive been so hungry 1200-1300 calories were awful I woke up feeling sick most days :(
    Im now 210lbs and 5ft 2inch

    Im worried if I go upto 1673 I wont lose and Im getting married in 35 weeks.........
    If you ate above 1673 you would. Like I said before, I'm eating at TDEE and loosing weight. Age is accounted for in the calculation. That's why you have to enter it. If it makes you feel any better a few people I've told to up their calories by hundreds are still loosing weight. You may initially go up for a few days.. But only because 1200 is border-line starving yourself in your case. That's over 1000 calories short of your TDEE. That's the equivalent of one of the short 1200 TDEE girls eating a few hundred calories per day. There's something wrong with that picture.
  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 453 Member
    MFP is not a diet plan. By warning people of anything, it would be taking on all types of responsibility and liability. I'm sure that's a role the site is not interested in taking.

    Here is the description from Facebook:

    MyFitnessPal is a health and fitness community with easy to use tools to track your nutritional intake and exercise levels. Our active community offers much needed motivation and support and best of all it's 100% free.

    Company Overview

    MyFitnessPal is a vibrant health and fitness community with robust tools to track your nutritional intake and exercise levels. Our huge food database makes tracking calories easy, our community offers much needed support and best of all it's absolutely free!

    Notice that what's highlighted are the tracking tools and the community. That's how I use the site.

    I think it's improper usage of the site for people to expect a formal diet plan where everything is tailored to the individual.

    Better yet, go to the bottom of the page and click on Term of Use.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    MFP is not a diet plan. By warning people of anything, it would be taking on all types of responsibility and liability. I'm sure that's a role the site is not interested in taking.

    Here is the description from Facebook:

    MyFitnessPal is a health and fitness community with easy to use tools to track your nutritional intake and exercise levels. Our active community offers much needed motivation and support and best of all it's 100% free.

    Company Overview

    MyFitnessPal is a vibrant health and fitness community with robust tools to track your nutritional intake and exercise levels. Our huge food database makes tracking calories easy, our community offers much needed support and best of all it's absolutely free!

    Notice that what's highlighted are the tracking tools and the community. That's how I use the site.

    I think it's improper usage of the site for people to expect a formal diet plan where everything is tailored to the individual.

    Better yet, go to the bottom of the page and click on Term of Use.
    MFP already warns people of 1200 calories. I'm not looking for a diet plan, just a warning that what I'm doing isn't recommended, just as they do for 1200. Since they have the information about the individual, it would be nice if they didn't pick a random number
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Ive been eating 1200-1350 a day for 11 weeks and lose 0.5lbs to 3lbs a week this week was 0 :sad: and I have been so good

    If I ate 1500 calories a day I wouldnt lose weight it maybe because Im 42 have yoyoed weight on and off ?
    My BMR is 1628 my TTDE is 2229 so -20% would be 1673 calories
    I am quiet active have a bed & breakfast we have been refurbishing it the last 6 months I have 3 children walk everyday and Ive restarted zumba 3 times a week
    Ive upped my calories this week to 1460 to see what happens.
    The last 11 weeks Ive been so hungry 1200-1300 calories were awful I woke up feeling sick most days :(
    Im now 210lbs and 5ft 2inch

    Im worried if I go upto 1673 I wont lose and Im getting married in 35 weeks.........

    if your maintenance is 2229, then it would be impossible not to lose weight at 1673. you would need to eat over 2229 to gain,

    A deficit of up to 25% is considered moderate - your deficit is almost double that.

    Don't worry about your age and height - I'm 44 and 4ft 11.5.

    I also started on 1200, but it made me feel ill too, so increased to 1600 as my real TDEE (including exercise) is over 2000 and am losing 1-2lb per week.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Ive been eating 1200-1350 a day for 11 weeks and lose 0.5lbs to 3lbs a week this week was 0 :sad: and I have been so good

    If I ate 1500 calories a day I wouldnt lose weight it maybe because Im 42 have yoyoed weight on and off ?
    My BMR is 1628 my TTDE is 2229 so -20% would be 1673 calories
    I am quiet active have a bed & breakfast we have been refurbishing it the last 6 months I have 3 children walk everyday and Ive restarted zumba 3 times a week
    Ive upped my calories this week to 1460 to see what happens.
    The last 11 weeks Ive been so hungry 1200-1300 calories were awful I woke up feeling sick most days :(
    Im now 210lbs and 5ft 2inch

    Im worried if I go upto 1673 I wont lose and Im getting married in 35 weeks.........

    I am 44 years old - have had a significant metabolism slow down a few year ago due to illness. While I am a bit taller than you (5 6") I eat approx.2000 a day, weight train 3 x week but do very little other exercise, and am losing weight (I lost 1.5 this week - yay - and more importantly inches). If you up your calories you may see a little uptick in your weight at first, but after a few weeks you should see the weight going down.

    One of my MFP friends is less than 5', does not do any intensive cardio and is losing weight ar 1600. So I would actually suggest that 1460 may be too low.

    Do I feel my ears burning ? :flowerforyou:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Ive been eating 1200-1350 a day for 11 weeks and lose 0.5lbs to 3lbs a week this week was 0 :sad: and I have been so good

    If I ate 1500 calories a day I wouldnt lose weight it maybe because Im 42 have yoyoed weight on and off ?
    My BMR is 1628 my TTDE is 2229 so -20% would be 1673 calories
    I am quiet active have a bed & breakfast we have been refurbishing it the last 6 months I have 3 children walk everyday and Ive restarted zumba 3 times a week
    Ive upped my calories this week to 1460 to see what happens.
    The last 11 weeks Ive been so hungry 1200-1300 calories were awful I woke up feeling sick most days :(
    Im now 210lbs and 5ft 2inch

    Im worried if I go upto 1673 I wont lose and Im getting married in 35 weeks.........

    I am 44 years old - have had a significant metabolism slow down a few year ago due to illness. While I am a bit taller than you (5 6") I eat approx.2000 a day, weight train 3 x week but do very little other exercise, and am losing weight (I lost 1.5 this week - yay - and more importantly inches). If you up your calories you may see a little uptick in your weight at first, but after a few weeks you should see the weight going down.

    One of my MFP friends is less than 5', does not do any intensive cardio and is losing weight ar 1600. So I would actually suggest that 1460 may be too low.

    Do I feel my ears burning ? :flowerforyou:

    Errr -busted!!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Don't worry about your age and height - I'm 44 and 4ft 11.5.

    I also started on 1200, but it made me feel ill too, so increased to 1600 as my real TDEE (including exercise) is over 2000 and am losing 1-2lb per week.
    Do you realize, you're like a mythical creature I've been searching for? Everyone usually comes back with oh but I'm 5'4 so I'm short and 1200 is more then plenty. It seems so hard to get someone to consider upping...Watch out people, now I have an example ;)

    I'm so proud of this moment...I knew you existed out there somewhere (short-e who eats on this site). It's even more awesome that that comment had so many 4's in it :P
  • greeneyes0809
    greeneyes0809 Posts: 422 Member
    So according to MFP my BMR is 1,627 calories and I eat that or more daily, but I net 1200-1300 calories. Is that ok?