I can't stop eating Chocolate!!! Or sweets!! :(



  • smugford
    smugford Posts: 2
    This recipe is one of my favorites for a sweet, almost guiltless treat.

    Almond Ricotta Creme

    1/2 cup part skim ricotta cheese
    1/4 tsp. almond extract
    1 package sugar substitute
    1 tsp. slivered, toasted almonds

    Mix all ingredients expect the slivered almonds. Chill in fridge for one hour. Top with toasted almonds. Enjoy!

    Per Serving: 192 calories, 8 g carbohydrates, 11 g fat, 6 g saturated fat, 155 mg sodium, 38 mg cholesterol, 0 g fiber
  • jennis82
    jennis82 Posts: 76
    Thank you all for your help and insite!! I don't ever buy junk food/sweets, unless it's for Easter or something like that, other then that, I make em! I love to bake and cook! In one day, I made a coffee cake, chocolate cake, and no bake cookies! I gave alot to my family but kept a bit for my self! So it's not like I eat candy bars and such, although I like em! ;)
    Thank you all for your replys! I don't think my diary/journal is TOO bad today. But I haven't added my dinner yet. I'm a little confused on how to do so, cause I made bacon wrapped chicken,with sour cream and turkey gravy (I didn't have cream of broc soup:( ) cooked in the crock pot, so I don't really know how I'd track that....:>/
  • I am absolutely the same! I LOVE chocolate - however, I honestly only know one way to stop eating it. COLD TURKEY!
    See if I have one taste, I'll have more and more and more - I have gone cold turkey (absolutely no chocolate, even on cappucino etc) for a week or so, the first two days are the worst, but once you've done 24 hours, you'll have more will power.

    I've tried 'replacing' it with fruit bars/special k bars etc, but honestly, I am a firm believer that if you have a sweet tooth, it's easy to turn one 'little try' into a night of binge.
  • k_deering
    k_deering Posts: 8 Member
    I am absolutely the same! I LOVE chocolate - however, I honestly only know one way to stop eating it. COLD TURKEY!
    See if I have one taste, I'll have more and more and more - I have gone cold turkey (absolutely no chocolate, even on cappucino etc) for a week or so, the first two days are the worst, but once you've done 24 hours, you'll have more will power.

    I've tried 'replacing' it with fruit bars/special k bars etc, but honestly, I am a firm believer that if you have a sweet tooth, it's easy to turn one 'little try' into a night of binge.

    I couldn't agree more, it's a big snowball.
  • pandak6703
    pandak6703 Posts: 1 Member
    I COMPLETELY understand this. I always tell people that for ever person who doesn't like chocolate in the world, I have their craving. All the above suggestions are great and have worked for me at different times, but what REALLY helps me out when I'm dying to be good is flavored herbal teas (think Celestial Seasonings with all their flavors). I brew up a cup and add splenda to it and enjoy. Not only does this help the sweet craving but it also aids in getting in my water goal for the day.

    My current favorite flavor is peppermint (several brands have a basic peppermint). But I LOVE how celestial seasonings has so many flavors. Especially around Christmas time - lots of 'seasonal' flavors. Give it a shot for a day or so and see how it goes.

    Another benefit is that it takes time to really enjoy a cup of hot tea because it's, well, hot :)

    Good luck to you!! :)
  • highdimension
    highdimension Posts: 5 Member
    When I get a sugar craving, I go for 1 or 2 medjool dates. You can buy them at Trader Joes and they taste and have a texture like caramel, but are all natural sugar, and super high in fiber. Definitely fends off the sweet cravings. Good luck!
  • highdimension
    highdimension Posts: 5 Member
    BTW, there are a lot of yummy raw chocolate cake recipes on youtube that use medjool dates as a base, plus they are dairy free, clean, vegan and super good for you. High in magnesium, fiber, protein, good fats, but low in calories, sugar (all natural fruit sugars), and no bad stuff. It tastes just like a super rich and yummy chocolate cake (but of course, no guilt).
  • chippy83
    chippy83 Posts: 92 Member
    But I haven't added my dinner yet. I'm a little confused on how to do so, cause I made bacon wrapped chicken,with sour cream and turkey gravy (I didn't have cream of broc soup:( ) cooked in the crock pot, so I don't really know how I'd track that....:>/

    Just create a recipe in the Recipes section... you can add all the ingredients you used, and enter how many servings it was. :)
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Take a Magnesium!
  • dcroni
    dcroni Posts: 4
    LOVE chocolate, and sweets, and FOOD. i've never watched what I ate until a week ago.

    Don't feel bad about being addicted, there's a scientific reason to it. Chocolate triggers the release of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. It feels addictive because it is LOL. So it wont be easy to quit but try to find substitutes.

    My favorite is pineapple. ripe pineapple, mixed with blackberries and strawberries. So sweet and so yummy. :)
  • bairborne
    bairborne Posts: 23 Member
    Hang in there! it's difficult, you have to be strong lol
  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    I eat the healthy stuff. If I have to have a piece it is a piece of dark chocolate but I tend to go to the special K bars that are chocolate flavor or fiber bars that have chocolate on them. That helps. I have lucked out though. My glucosamine chew is from Triflex and tastes like a tootsie roll. =) Good luck
  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    The other thing that has helped me is www.skinnytaste.com. They have the most amazing recipes to include snacks...everything is lower in calories and fat. You all should check it out. I personally find it real nice to eat healthy food that taste unhealthy. =)
  • jessmars
    jessmars Posts: 131
    Im a Chocoholic....I keep these Trader Joe's 100 calorie Dark Chocolate bars in the house. These are the only sweets I have in my house. When I have a sugar craving I try and drink a glass of water first, wait it out and then see if the craving is still there. I try apple with peanut butter for sweet cravings. BUT During TOM I crave the chocolate and nothing else will do, so these are my solution. They are pretty decent in size, do the job and I know Im only eating 100 calories of good, solid, dark chocolate (they also come in milk chocolate). Im making a lifestyle change, not a diet...so everything is OK in moderation.
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    I ate 645 calories of Easter candy today. I just don't do it every day... and I work out, make sure I weight train, eat organic food, eat protein...

    Nothing wrong with having treats. Nothing wrong with splurging on holidays! It's all about your over-all habits... your day to day totals. And the quality of your food!
  • jande6
    jande6 Posts: 1
    i could be wrong about this but i was told that drinking tea does not count towards your water consumption for the day. that tea filters differently into the body....have you ever heard that? because i love tea and it would really change a few things for me.
  • Are you deficient in either magnesium or vitamin B? I am a chocolate addict. I will eat an entire cake in one sitting if given the opportunity. That's not an exaggeration. I have however found that if I eat raw nuts and legumes in its place the severity significantly lowers. I might have a small piece of dark chocolate or none at all! It might do you good to discover wether this is an emotional or dietary craving. Chocolate can be used to self medicate a vitamin deficiency due to it's high level of magnesium and it's mood enhancement properties. Good luck!!!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Of course you can stop eating chocolate and sweets! Simply don't put them in your mouth. If you feel they are too much temptation, then why have them in your house?

    But even if they are in the house, you can not eat them if you really don't want to eat them. Sweets are not going to stalk you and jump in your mouth. You have to make the decision to eat them ... or not.

  • RachelSteeners
    RachelSteeners Posts: 249 Member
    I let myself have a few pieces of Trade Joe's dark chocolate lovers. It's really yummy and doesn't blow the calories! My weakness is savory foods... cheese and crackers mmmmm... Good luck :D
  • ninja8tofu
    ninja8tofu Posts: 76 Member
    If you can't control yourself, then don't buy it. Don't put it in your mouth.

    I eat it everyday, I just fit it into my calories.