Chemicals in our foods hmmmm



  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I've been on this for almost a year now. Tracking these stories and everything that we are intaking.
    It's disgusting.

    I'm now raising my own chickens this year and have a garden.

    I reccomend Food Inc. It's a movie that will enlighten you.
    I could write a book on all of the chemicals you are intaking daily. Even in your water bottles, milk, and especially orange juice!

    My friend has been on this kick about the things we eat and some do make sense to me. I honestly believe that the chemicals that companies put in our foods are doing more harm than good, plus might trigger sense in our brains to eat more. Like cigarettes. They found cigarettes trigger things to make you want to smoke, so how cant these companies being doing this too our food? I eat less than bf, even his cousin seen this and he said I should be really thin, but I am not. And everyone thinks your fat you eat more and its not the case for me and I am finding more like me. When we are hungry I brain triggers that we are hungry n we have to eat, but what triggers us to want a piece of candy? Our brains, so who said companies dont put crap in our food to make us eat more so we buy more. Its logical.
  • CharliesAngel1
    CharliesAngel1 Posts: 70 Member
    I recommend The Beautiful Truth, also on NetFlix. Not only gives you prospective on food-which is a majority of the show, but several other every day products as well.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    If eating too much is just the case of getting fat, why isnt my bf fat? He eats more than me on any given day.

    Because he is not eating too much.

    Really you have to be that ignorant? I am being serious and you make a big joke out of it.

    He eats more than me. SO how is he NOT eating too much? He eats. How can you validate this?

    He isn't fat. Validated.

    no its not, if eats more than me, never works out, adn yet hes slimmer.

    Either he is immune to the chemicals, or he is a genetic freak who lacks fat cells, maybe he has worms.. or he doesn't eat too much. I bet its worms. He doesn't drag his butt on the carpet, does he??
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    If eating too much is just the case of getting fat, why isnt my bf fat? He eats more than me on any given day.

    Because he is not eating too much.

    He eats more than me. SO how is he NOT eating too much? He eats. How can you validate this?

    He isn't fat. Validated.

    no its not, if eats more than me, never works out, adn yet hes slimmer.

    muscle burns more than fat. If he has more muscle than you his metabolism is naturally going to be higher than yours.

    Also if you do a ton of cardio to "work out" you could be burning your lean muscle instead of fat slowing your metabolism down even more.

  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 303
    Either he is immune to the chemicals, or he is a genetic freak who lacks fat cells, maybe he has worms.. or he doesn't eat too much. I bet its worms. He doesn't drag his butt on the carpet, does he??
    I am so glad I swallowed the mouthful of water BEFORE reading this post! :laugh:

    So, one big question for me is how we know what is good for us and what is bad for us, chemically speaking. What makes something a bad chemical versus a good one? How do you judge it, and how do you/we know it is the right answer? :huh:

    Seriously, if you can see, touch, taste or feel it, it's a chemical! Some are better than others, but even the pure-as-driven-snow organic food you might choose is made up of chemicals. :noway: Kind of makes you think...or at least it does me.
  • NeekyRae
    NeekyRae Posts: 34
    Watch a movie called " Forks over Knives" you can find it on Netflix.

    Good Movie. Also watch 'Tapped' on Netflix about water.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I like my chemicals to be topped by bacon. and cheese. and then some more bacon.