I told my weight to a coworker...



  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I'm sorry she made you feel so terrible about yourself, she's a toxic person and you don't need people like that in your life.

    I learned a long time ago "Don't tell anybody at work something you wouldn't want the world to know" lots of people have nothing better to do than to gossip about others.

    I'm 5'1" and weighed the same as another gal I worked with who was 5'10"...I didn't like that much. Just remember, everybody carries their weight differently.
  • gemmaldavies
    please dont worry hun. my boyfriend thinks i weigh a good 15 pound less than i do. ur 5ft 8, i bet u look amazing ;o)
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Um... I'm sorry to burst your bubble but you don't weight that much. I used to weigh about that much, and I am almost 2 inches shorter than you!
  • Incredmrse
    I personally like being told I don't look like I weigh as much as I do. It means I carry my weight well, and there is a bunch of muscle mass to account for that too.
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    So, no need to feel bad about your weight. I am 5'2" and range in weight from 194.4- 199.0. A lot of people think that I weigh a lot less than I do. I wouldn't put the emphasis so much on weight, but on how you look and feel. It's about being healthy not skinny.
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Amazing, this is exactly how I feel... (Well, as for the first paragraph). I don't want to compare to someone just because we're the same height and age. Our genetics differ as do our lifestyles. It's annoying to a degree, but other times it can bring me down as well.. just depends. I hate talking fitness at work because it always feels competitive and I'm sure the other person doesn't mean for it to be, but that's how it comes off to me...

    Oh well, just suck it up and move on. That's all we can do. Who cares about a number, let her talk. It only makes her look bad if she's running her mouth off to others about your business. It's petty.

    I'm sure you'll reach your goals in no time. And if it happens to take you longer (like myself), then so be it. Focus on your inner health (your mind) and your body will follow. People will always talk, it's just a way of life.

    Feel better ok! :flowerforyou:
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
    maybe she was trying to be nice?? perhaps she was trying to say you look really slim, rather than wow u weigh more than u look.

    or maybe she was trying to make herself feel better?

    if hes a friend i doubt she meant to upset you. im known for forever saying things and upsetting people when i had no intention to!

    im same height as you aiming for 154 because its is healthy for my height!! try not to get competitive or upset when she does!

    if she really is irritating you with alot of comparisons ask her to stop?? even if you stretch the truth n tell her you are self concious and even though you know shes trying to make you feel better it just embarrasses you??
  • TressaMoore74
    TressaMoore74 Posts: 1 Member
    I think you are a very good weight. That sounds so healthy to me. One thing that makes me even more confident is measuring myself, and taking pictures every month or so. And, getting your Body fat checked. You may be surprised that you have more muscle than your coworker, less fat, skinnier inches, ect. What counts is how you feel. I would just ignore her from now on. When she brings it up, walk away. or tell her flat out, to talk about something else. You are beautiful just the way you are. A scale shouldn't sum up you one bit. :) Good job at being health conscious! Take Care!
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    In the majority of my adult life, people have not believed me when I told them how much I weigh.....not even my husband. I had fairly low body fat (up until giving birth that is, lol) and a very large frame (I have bigger wrists than my hubby!) ....just because you are heavy doesn't mean you are fat! The more muscle you have, the smaller you will appear for your weight because it takes up less space than the same amount of fat weight wise. You should't compare yourself to other people just because you are the same height.
  • mommymeg2
    mommymeg2 Posts: 145 Member
    What's wrong with 5'8 and 154?! That's in a healthy range.

    What she said...?
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I agree with all the responders. Your body structure makes you weigh differently than others of the same height. Look at your shapes. Are you both broad shouldered, narrow hipped, or the opposite? One of each? What is your frame like. Do you have narrow fingers and thin wrists or are you a heavier bone structure? How much muscle/fat are you carrying? I have two daughters, both about my heighth.(5'5"-5'6") One weighs 127, one is 145, and I am 150. The lighter daughter and I have fine frames and should weight less, so I am still overweight. The heavier daughter has almost no fat on her, but is athletic and has her father's heavier bone structure. The right weight for you is the one that you and your doctor think is healthy. That's why there is a range in the healthy BMI for people. Don't let your coworker make you feel bad. You may need to be heavier than your coworker to be healthy.

    Yes. This. Exactly. :flowerforyou:
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    What's wrong with 5'8 and 154?! That's in a healthy range.

    What she said...?

    Ditto! I am 5'8", currently my goal is at 160 - to be in healthy BMI. My own mother didn't believe i was over 200 lbs. Being tall definitely has it's advantages.
  • lu136mickey
    lu136mickey Posts: 202
    Do not feel bad about yourself because of a nosey coworker, you are in a healthy range of weight for your height. If you want to lose weight to feel better about yourself do it!! Just do not be ashamed of your weight when you have no reason to be!! :)
  • greene89
    greene89 Posts: 49 Member
    Why the hell does it matter what the numbers are ? If you look good but your number isnt what you want, Thats just silly.

    If 2 people look the same but one weighs more, Does it mean they are fatter, By your friends thinking maybe. Thats stupid.
  • singitella
    singitella Posts: 40
    I know a woman 2" taller than me that weighs the same who is always talking about how fat she is. I'm sure she isn't trying to tell me I'm even FATTER than her, she's just being insecure. Plus, I'd hate to be as thin as her and feel bad about my weight.