Stronglifts or Starting Strength



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    What I didnt like about stronglifts was when I filled out the spreadsheet, it showed me the weight progression, and I was having to do one set and change weight on the barbell, do one set and change weight on the barbell, etc. It was too time consuming to stop after pretty well every set. I understand the whys of having to do it, but I couldn't.

    I don't think you are doing it right. You should be at the same weight for each set during a workout.
    This. You totally weren't doing it right. For example, day 1 of SL 5x5 should be Squats, 5 reps, 5 sets at 45lbs. then 5 reps, 5 sets of bench presses at 45lbs, then 5 reps and 5 sets of barbell rows at 60lbs. Not much weight changing going on here.

    She was probably referring to the warmup sets. Yes, there is plenty of weight swapping going on. It's not the funnest thing in the world, but that's life. And t's an itty bitty extra workout, slugging all those plates around.

    For example, my squats tonight will look something like this including warmup

    45 x 5 x2
    95 x 5
    145 x 3
    195 x 2
    245 x 5 x 3 (these 3 are the work sets; the rest were warmps)

    How did you arrive at that many shifts of weights for warmups? I thought we were supposed to do 1/3 of our work weight for 2 sets of 5, then 1 set of 3 with half the weight then go into the work weight... I want to make sure I warmup right so that when I get into the heavier lifts I'm not hurting myself...

    From the book.

    Also here (scroll down to where it says "Here is Rips' warm-up template (weight x reps x sets)").

    There are some spreadsheets and warmup calculator thingies here too

    Do not skimp on the warmups. They're going to take up around half of your workout.
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Bump and buzzing too! good stuff!
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Whichever program you choose, get Rippetoe's Starting Strength book/DVD. If you can just get one, get the DVD. Rippetoe's instruction on the basic compound lifts cannot be beat, IMO. With that said, I am doing the 5x5 routine now since I was not mastering the power clean component of SS. I can't stomach the tone of the Strong Lifts site, to be honest, especially knowing the 5x5 programming isn't exactly his brainchild. I can credit StrongLifts dude with creating a really cool app!
  • nutandbutter
    I don't do either so I'm not going to comment on what is better. But I did want to say I use the Jefit app for my android. You can make your own program on there and it's free.

    Your progress in that short time is incredible. I want to shed BF% that easily without the cardio I hate, hehe.

    I didn't see this earlier. Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    I do compounds 3x4-6 3x/wk. I realized I wasn't pushing myself nearly as hard in the gym as I could so I've really been going at it hard the last 6 weeks (minus 1 week deload).
  • nutandbutter
    Didn't read the entire thread yet, but I recommend the DVD to accompany the Starting Strength book. It shows Rippetoe coaching several different people through the big lifts... it really helped me, as I'm learning form from home. No coach, no gym. This DVD was just as important as the book itself. I got the 2nd edition book, not the 3rd edition Kindle because I wanted all the diagrams intact. That said, I plan to get the 3rd edition Kindle at some point because the Press is modified somehow.
    Yes, I like the videos of that, fairly detailed information on form, for sure. Especially compared to what you'd find out on Youtube.

    Indeed. And I got my *kitten* busted and chewed on the SS forum for mentioning I'd googled and watched random YouTube vids of Rippetoe to learn form. Warning: If you post on SS forums, read the bible first. Your *kitten* will be handed to you otherwise.

    Haha! It kills me on here when people complain that others are mean. Head over to Lyle's forums for real meanness. :laugh:
  • Pebbles536
    Pebbles536 Posts: 199
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    What I didnt like about stronglifts was when I filled out the spreadsheet, it showed me the weight progression, and I was having to do one set and change weight on the barbell, do one set and change weight on the barbell, etc. It was too time consuming to stop after pretty well every set. I understand the whys of having to do it, but I couldn't.

    I don't think you are doing it right. You should be at the same weight for each set during a workout.
    This. You totally weren't doing it right. For example, day 1 of SL 5x5 should be Squats, 5 reps, 5 sets at 45lbs. then 5 reps, 5 sets of bench presses at 45lbs, then 5 reps and 5 sets of barbell rows at 60lbs. Not much weight changing going on here.

    She was probably referring to the warmup sets. Yes, there is plenty of weight swapping going on. It's not the funnest thing in the world, but that's life. And t's an itty bitty extra workout, slugging all those plates around.

    For example, my squats tonight will look something like this including warmup

    45 x 5 x2
    95 x 5
    145 x 3
    195 x 2
    245 x 5 x 3 (these 3 are the work sets; the rest were warmps)

    How did you arrive at that many shifts of weights for warmups? I thought we were supposed to do 1/3 of our work weight for 2 sets of 5, then 1 set of 3 with half the weight then go into the work weight... I want to make sure I warmup right so that when I get into the heavier lifts I'm not hurting myself...

    Warmups should start empty, and add 25-50 pounds each set until you get to your working sets.

    Either way, warmup sets have nothing to do with Stronglifts, warmup sets are required for any heavy lifting routine, no different than warming up and stretching before cardio.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Once again, thanks everyone for all the info and thoughts! I think I might have a plan now.

    I'm going to finish my last workout of Stage 1 NROL4W tomorrow. Then I shall take a week off before starting Stronglifts, with some rare cardio in there. I'll use the time to tool with the diet and research the new lifts I'll be doing.

    I'm going to go ahead with stronglifts, because of it's simplicity and the app. I don't really care for the founder's attitude, especially when it comes to appealing to women lifters (blech), however i think the benefits outweigh the costs, at least for now.

    I'm also going to order the Starting Strength book and DVD, if for no other reason for the tutorial and skill aspect, depending on how I feel about strong lifts after a while I might switch.

    I've been reading that leangains site for most of the afternoon, and I think I will give the fasting a try. I've plateau'd for the last 3 weeks and have seen no change in inches despite eating in a deficit, lifting and occasional cardio. I have some pretty stubborn abdominal fat. With the 14/10 fast he recomends for women, and the fact I don't have to alter my macros or my cal intake, seems pretty easy to at least give it a go and see what happens.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I've just started the lean gains thing. 8/16. Basically it's just skipping breakfast. Not hard at all.
  • blandrick
    I used to frequent the SL forums, and his attitude as far as women and lifting seems to be different in 1 on 1 discussion with women vs. when he is advertising for his site. He knows that the large majority of people that will happen upon his site are male, so he tends to cater the blog/website portion towards males more than he used to. He did include several success stories from females in the e-book, so it's not as if he doesn't think SL will work for them. I think it's simply an advertising ploy.

    That said, I love SL 5x5. I did it before I went to college and it was incredible. Once my PT test is past next week I'm going to start from the very beginning, with the minimum on all the lifts. SS is very good too though, especially if you have someone to teach you cleans.
  • Barracuda365
    Being 5ft 11" and around 222lbs i eat around 2120cals per day to lose 1lb per week.

    If i started SS what would i increase my daily calorie intake to

  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
  • chiltonenator
    chiltonenator Posts: 33 Member
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    I also did the first phase of New Rules and decided I didn't like the rest of the stages, too many exercises and too many lunge type stuff which tend to eff my knees. I started doing sl 5x5 about a month ago and love it! I do add push ups and core stuff every work out though.
    But the book is amazing even if you decide not to follow through on the whole training plan, it gives you a great start and lots of really good info about nutrition and fitness.
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Marking this for later.
  • Amber86queenbee
    Bump for later
  • mumx5
    mumx5 Posts: 325 Member