5'6 ladies?



  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    I'm 5'6'' :) My SW was 198. CW is 192. GW is 148 first (for graduation in october) and 133 after that (preferably before christmas :p)
    I think I have a medium body frame, but I carry my weight evenly (hourglass shape which I'm sooo happy with!) So I can get away with being a bit heavier :)
  • I'm 5'6 1/2" and my starting weight was around 240 (I'm going off a doctor's visit a few weeks before I started since I don't own a scale). I'm really unhappy with the way I look now. It's my freshman year of college and sadly, I think I put on some weight since August (meal plans are the devil because there are VERY limited healthy choices). But I'm determined now to get to probably around 160-170 and then once I get there, see how I feel about going lower. I think I have a larger body frame so I'm just going to see how things pan out once i get there. I don't want to lose all my curves :)
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    I rarely see these threads for 5'6" ladies!
    I'm 5'6

    SW: 182 at highest (172 when starting mfp)
    CW: 144
    GW: 135

    Right now I'm holding almost all my weight in my stomach, gahhh! wish it would just come off from there! I'm perfectly happy with the rest of my body.

    The pic posted in the thread, she looks great at 160 but I think thats because she's well proportioned, but for us who hold weight in places, we have to have a lower GW for our problem areas to not be a problem.
  • danystormborn
    danystormborn Posts: 36 Member
    GW: 143
    CW: 261
    SW: 262
    Med frame
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I am aiming for 140. It may seem like alot to some but I have a med-large frame.
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member

    GW: 170
    CW: 196
    SW: 238

    im not sure a frame size...
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member

    How do you know what type of frame you have?
  • AlisaRN
    AlisaRN Posts: 65 Member
    I'm 5'6 and am pretty sure I have a small frame.

    SW: 137 lbs
    CW: 129 lbs (I think...I don't weigh very often)
    GW: 125 lbs

    My heighest weight was 150 and I started to have some potential health issues. I used to weigh 125 lbs and that's when I felt the best. However, I am weight training now and I've never done that before, so I would be ok with weighing a little more and having more muscle mass.
  • JessWolf1002
    JessWolf1002 Posts: 82 Member
    I am 5'6"
    SW: 170 (just had a baby!)
    CW: 160
    GW: 140-130

    I have a larger frame than most women. Ive also been blessed with a big booty, large boobs and "child bearing hips" lol. At 130 lbs, right before I joined the Army I was a size 4! I'm now a size 10 at 160. I'd like to be anywhere between 130-140 at my goal which would put be between a size 6 or 4 depending on he much I lose :)
  • I'm 5' 6" ....
    SW: 155
    CW: 134
    GW: 125-130

    I'm at a plateau now.... just want to lose that last 5-10!

    Medium frame.... I have a big butt, but a smaller wast and chest. Wear size 8 in jeans and usually small to medium for tops
  • HeaderAutumn
    HeaderAutumn Posts: 119 Member
    Me 5'6
    right now I am at 140, I want to get to at least 130 but really want 125. Then go from there. I have a very small frame. Little kids can touch fingers around my wrist. My biggest was 170 (that I will admit to)
  • My current weight is about 150 and my goal weight is 118 so we're very similar! Friend request me if you want to motivate each other!
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    HW: 124
    Normal/average weight: 113
    GW: 105
    Small frame.
  • im about 5"5 put on alot of weight after parents divorce (3 years ago) and i cant keep the weight off 179lbs want to be 150lbs wish me luck
  • I'm 5' 6" and my GW is about 160-170 (I have a large frame and want some muscles). To kind of put the somewhat high GW in perspective, I have a 10 year old daughter who is 5' 2" with an athletic build, and she is already 125 lbs :laugh:
  • keenslk
    keenslk Posts: 126
    Im 5,6 my start weight weight was 159 pounds goal weight is 128 pounds... Im currently at 139... these last 10 pounds are tricky and dont want to leave me easily :explode: ..Im not naturally a small framed person and have curves, big boobs and an assss :blushing: etc.... so any lighter than 128 is not realistic for me... I lift as well and do strength training ... so im trying to shift off weight as a goal and go for body fat percentage and how I look etc
  • Inebriated
    Inebriated Posts: 271
    I'm 5'6", I have a small frame. My HW was around 150-160lbs, LW was 89lbs, CW is somewhere around 119-122lbs, GW is between 100-115lbs.
  • areumdawn
    areumdawn Posts: 23 Member
    I currently weigh 120 lbs. my weight doesn't seem to budge anymore >:[

    my ugw is 100 lbs, but I'd be happy at 110

    I'm happy right now too...
  • mrs_kurz
    mrs_kurz Posts: 185 Member
    5' 5.5-6"

    SW: 178
    CW: 144
    GW: 119-126

    Having to stop a bit for my wedding so as not to mess up my dress measurements but hoping that aintaining for a few months then carrying on will be ok!
  • toothfairybuttkicker
    toothfairybuttkicker Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'6. GW: 135 CW:178 SW:211

    I gained a ton of weight during pregnancy. I wish now I would have taken better care of myself. I have a large frame, I was once down to 150 and could see my ribs, so we will see if I actually make it to 135.

    i'm 5'6 and a half (very important half) people cant believe i weigh what i weigh. 'you carry it well'

    I consider myself to be large framed. I was once told by an anaesthtist that i had a masculine jaw and build (the cheek of it)

    I dont ever remember a time when i wasnt broad across the shoulders. Because of this i am aiming for 150lbs initially and a rethink if No WHEN i get there.